Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 66 Don’t worry, leave this matter to me!

Chapter 66 Don’t worry, leave this matter to me!

"How could this happen? How could someone die in such a good church?"

He got the news as soon as the townspeople spread the news.

The credibility of the church is very important to him.

After all, drug trafficking needs to be hidden from others. If it attracts too much attention, it can be easily exposed.

Moreover, after yesterday's gift distribution, the townspeople had just developed a certain sense of belonging to the Catholic Church. The trigger of this incident would make all the previous work in vain.

Later plans to sell drugs in the name of preaching in churches will also be greatly affected.

"Those Catholic people are really stupid. They don't know how to die far away. They have to die suddenly in the church!"

Young Master Ye also looked unhappy, but his face was more disgusting.

Father Wu has many chess pieces arranged by him, and the one who dies is one of them.

On the surface, Father Wu is the one calling the shots in Catholicism, but in fact there are intricate relationships.

After all, the church is going to become a drug transit center.

It is necessary to control your own people in advance.

"Father, what should we do next?" Young Master Ye looked at the anxious Mayor Ye and asked.

Mayor Ye was also worried at this moment: "We have to suppress the rumors as soon as possible, and we need to deal with the affairs in the church!"

Mr. Ye said that he understood that Mayor Ye's intention was to push the missionary's death to natural death and publicize it in a public way to restore the image of the church.

This may not be enough to restore all the lost reputation, but it can play a role.

Mayor Ye sighed heavily, his brows still furrowed.

Someone still needs to resolve church matters, and it would be best to hold a ceremony inside to offset people's conflicting thoughts.

Boom boom boom!
At this time.

There was a knock on the door.

Mayor Ye's expression changed, he opened the door and saw a man wearing commoner clothes and a beard standing outside.

It was none other than Taoist Tulong who came to Jiuquan Town last night.

"You came!"

Seeing that it was Taoist Dragon Slayer, Mayor Ye's face became less anxious.

"Who is this?"

Taoist Dragon Slayer walked in and saw Mr. Ye sitting on the sofa. He frowned and murderous intent suddenly emerged.

He didn't know Mr. Ye.

Drug trafficking must be sufficiently concealed.

Except for Mayor Ye.

He didn't want anyone in Jiuquan Town to know.

if necessary. ,
He can kill directly.

Seeing the appearance of Taoist Tulong, Mayor Ye quickly explained: "This is my son! You don't have to worry, Taoist Tulong!"

Hearing this, Taoist Dragon Slayer's brows relaxed: "Since he is your son, then we are one of our own!"

Young Master Ye did not notice the murderous intent in the eyes of the Taoist Dragon Slayer just now. He stood up and straightened out his expensive suit, stretched out his hand and said, "My father often heard your name. It's really not as good as seeing him!"

"For future business, I will handle it with you. The share of profit we discussed before remains unchanged, but the quantity will be doubled!"

Compared to Mayor Ye who is already old, Young Ye is more energetic and has a bigger appetite.

Either don’t do it, or do something big.

Taoist Master Tu Long just reached out and touched Mr. Ye, and said in a cold voice, "When doing business, pay attention to a steady flow of water, be careful not to be greedy and swallow the elephant!"

"Besides, the amount of poison I can transport using corpses at one time is limited. If I really double the amount, I have to plan a new sales channel!"

This is his first time doing business in Jiuquan Town, and he is unfamiliar with many things. Therefore, rather than doing the big ticket first, Taoist Tu Long prefers to master the process first, and then increase the dose after success.Mr. Ye didn't have any worries: "Don't worry, as long as you have enough goods over there, you don't have to worry about sales, we've already prepared them here!"

Major General Ye explained the matter of the Catholic Church to Taoist Tu Long.

Taoist Dragon Slayer's eyes lit up: "If that's the case, that's not bad!"

Mayor Ye suddenly said: "But there is one thing that is quite difficult now!"

"It will affect our future drug trafficking business!"

"what's up?"

Mayor Ye knew that he had found the right person and said: "Last night, a life was lost in the church."

After listening to Mayor Ye's statement, Taoist Tu Long said confidently: "It doesn't matter, I will explain this matter! No matter whether there is something strange in the church or not, I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

As soon as these words came out, Mayor Ye nodded repeatedly.

"However, when I came to the party last night, I found that there were Taoist priests on Jiuyin Mountain." Taoist Tu Long told what he saw last night.

After hearing this, Mayor Ye snorted coldly: "It must be Uncle Jiu from Renquan Town. He came to Jiuquan Town yesterday!"

He was very sure that apart from Uncle Jiu, there was no other person who could do this.


Taoist Dragon Slayer shook his head: "It can't be him, there's someone else!"

He was more convinced than Mr. Ye. After all, he had lived in Maoshan, so he still had some judgment.

"Besides Uncle Jiu, is there anyone else coming from Jiuquan Town?" Taoist Dragon Slayer asked.

Young Master Ye spoke: "Besides him, there is also a Taoist priest from Maoshan named Qin Ze, but he is just a young boy, not even older than me!"

Qin Ze?

Maoshan Taoist?

Taoist Dragon Slayer felt very strange.

Never heard of this name!He must have been a disciple recruited by Maoshan later.

"That's weird!" Taoist Dragon Slayer touched his chin and thought.

Young Master Ye looked at Taoist Tulong's expression and said indifferently: "Taoist Tulong, you don't think it's Qin Ze, do you? That kid doesn't have that kind of ability. I heard that he doesn't even understand basic Taoism!"

As soon as these words came out, Taoist Dragon Slayer's expression softened.

Don’t you even understand Taoism?

It seems that my worries are indeed unnecessary.

Think about it too.

What kind of strength can a boy who is not as old as Mr. Ye have?

Putting this topic aside, Taoist Tulong looked at Mayor Ye and said, "I will stay in the Catholic church tonight and settle the matter by the way! If there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

As he spoke, Taoist Dragon Slayer left here.

Young Master Ye looked at Taoist Dragon Slayer's leaving figure and asked, "Dad, is this guy really capable?"

Mayor Ye said with certainty: "Of course, leave the matter to him, there will be no problem!"

"After all, there are not many people in the world who dare to call Taoist Dragon Slayer!"

This seems right. Young Master Ye nodded: "Taoist Dragon Slayer, this is indeed a domineering name!"

"That's how it is!"

At this time, Annie had already arrived at Uncle Jiu's place. She looked at Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu and told them all the details of what happened in the church.

"Judging from the tooth marks on the neck, it's definitely a zombie!" Uncle Jiu sighed, and the worst thing happened.

Qin Ze comforted the frightened Annie, then turned to look at Uncle Jiu and said, "Senior brother! It seems we have to go there!"

(End of this chapter)

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