Chapter 67 Poor missionary!
Uncle Jiu had this intention. With the help of Catholic missionaries, it was impossible to subdue the zombies. For the sake of the people of Jiuquan Town, he had to go there.

Qin Ze looked at Annie and said, "Miss Annie, you stay here then! The matter will be resolved tonight!"

Anne hesitated for a while and said, "I, I might as well follow you."

She looked at Qin Ze with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

Annie had learned about Qin Ze's deeds in Ren's town from Miss Ren's letter before, and knew that he was very powerful. In addition, Uncle Ninth himself was also very powerful.

So instead of staying alone, it's better to tag along, at least you don't have to worry about safety alone.

Seeing Annie's persistence, Qin Ze hesitated for a while and didn't say much. Judging from the current situation, it was indeed safer to follow him.

"Okay, let's go to church together then! But follow us closely. If you leave too far, we can't guarantee your safety!"

Annie finally showed a smile, blinked her big eyes and nodded quickly: "Thank you Qin Daochang for making me whole!"

Uncle Jiu originally wanted to persuade him. After all, the strength of the zombies in the church was still unknown, and he didn't know if he could protect them with just one person.

But seeing that Qin Ze was so confident and emboldened, he turned to look at the two apprentices and said, "Axing, Xiaoyue, please sort out the things you left here before becoming a master!"

Before in Jiuquan Town, he left some Taoist artifacts here. They were originally reserved for two named disciples. Judging from the current situation, they were left for himself.

Night falls.

Jiuquan Town was shrouded in darkness.

In the drifting fog, the whole town looked colder and gloomier than before.

Outside the back door of the Catholic Church.

Drug dealers pretending to be zombies are sitting around.

"It's time to pay back the money, or we won't play anymore!" A "zombie" said dissatisfiedly to another person next to him while holding a finger in his hand.

"Depend on!"

"What's the hurry?"

"I'll return it to you after this trip!" the man said angrily.

"That's right! Don't spoil everyone's interest!"

"Just remember it first!"

"No one will rely on you!"


A group of people were chattering.

"I never thought it would be so easy to bring drugs into Jiuquan Town now! I never expected it!" At this time, one of them suddenly spoke.

"We will make a lot of money from now on!"

"What do you know? The fact that the church in the town can be reopened means that Mayor Ye has controlled the entire town's citizens!"

"In the future, we will inevitably drink spicy food!"

Just as a few people were thinking about a better life in the future, there was a sudden noise at the back door of the church.

"Hey, someone seems to be here!" Everyone immediately stopped playing and lined up against the wall, pasted yellow paper charms on them, closed their eyes tightly, and stood up straight.

They came to Jiuquan Town as dead people. If they were found to be alive and pretending to be alive, not only would their path to wealth be cut off, but the ruthless Taoist Dragon Slayer would not let them go.

When I heard a little noise, I immediately had a stress reaction, for fear of being seen.


They were only half right.

Someone did come, but it was not a living person, but a zombie priest who had successfully resurrected from the church and escaped from the cross.

A living person pretending to be a zombie can deceive people's eyes, but it is impossible to escape the zombies' perception of their popularity.

The priest zombie followed the smell and came.

at this time.

With their eyes closed tightly, the team that pretended to be a dead body had no idea. They thought it was just a missionary from the Catholic church coming over, so they still pretended to be dead, without any precautions at all.

After all, they had no idea what was going on in the Catholic Church, let alone that tonight was the day they would die.

“Dinner delivered to your door!”

The wise priest zombie showed his white fangs and encountered a large number of living people before leaving the church. This kind of thing could not be found even with a lantern.

Without the slightest hesitation, with a clean puff, he killed all these people like a buffet and turned them into real zombies.

Father Zombie looked at the unpopular corpse and was very satisfied with his masterpiece. Not only them, but also the people in the town were all mobile blood banks. He wanted to turn the entire town into his own territory.

inside the church.

Father Wu didn't know what was happening outside yet. He was reading the Bible to the dead missionary.

This is for salvation and for him to rest in peace.

Once in the morning, noon and once in the evening. "I wonder what the two blood marks on the neck are about?"

Father Wu noticed the difference on the missionary's neck and was a little puzzled.

However, he didn't think much about it.

Subconsciously, he doesn't believe in zombies or monsters.


What he didn't notice was.

The dead missionary suddenly opened his eyes.

The scarlet blood eyes were filled with a cold and indifferent expression.

Its nose moved slightly, sensing the scent of prey.


It sat up straight.

"Fu, resurrected!"

"It comes alive!"

The two missionaries beside Father Wu were so frightened that their mouths were in knots when they saw this scene.

In addition to being frightened, there was also confusion.

what's the situation?
Isn't this dead?

How could he come back from the dead?
Father Wu, who was concentrating on chanting sutras, looked at the corpse that was sitting up in a daze.

“God appeared?”

He thought it was his chanting and praying that had an effect and allowed God to exert his divine power.

If God had taken action, with His majestic power, resurrection from the dead would be completely understandable.

But unfortunately, the reality was completely different from what he thought.

The zombie lunged at a preacher.



The sharp fangs pierced the skin and bit into the missionary's neck.

The blood flowed like a desperate rush.


Splattered on the floor, on the other missionary and Father Wu.


The missionary, whose face was splashed with blood, instantly had his legs trembling and his crotch suddenly became wet.

He was so frightened by the scene before him that he lost control.

"Zombie, it's a zombie!"

Father Wu also understood at this moment, this is some bullshit god appearing, this is a corpse.

Dead people become zombies.

"The Priest in the Basement"

Father Wu immediately thought of what Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qin Ze had said before, and a chill ran down his spine.

There was a feeling of uneasiness in my heart.

Zombies appear.

Then the most likely person to cause all this can only be the priest in the basement.

"Go first!"

The current situation does not allow for overthinking, so I quickly remind the missionaries around me to leave.

But the missionary next to him was so frightened that his legs were shaking and he couldn't use any strength at all.

Seeing him acting like this, Father Wu turned around and left.

What kind of mercy is there, God comes, but in the face of the choice of life and death, it is just a cloud.

Moreover, it is better to die one than to die two.

No need to get yourself involved.

(End of this chapter)

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