Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 68: Taoist Dragon Slayer is too inferior!

Chapter 68: Taoist Dragon Slayer is too inferior!
"Father, you can't leave me just like this. God will punish you. Save me."

When the missionary saw Father Wu turn around and leave without a trace of nostalgia, he quickly called for help.

He thought he could save it.

If Father Wu is willing to carry him a certain distance.

When Father Wu heard the missionary's cry for help, he paused, perhaps because of his conscience, and hesitated a little.

But the next moment.

The zombie jumped directly towards the missionary whose legs were weak.


Blood spurts again.

When Father Wu saw this scene, his hesitant eyes immediately became very firm.

What a rescue!
What is dead cannot die again.

Father Wu stepped forward and ran towards the outside of the church. In the current situation, we should leave the church first.

Just lock the zombies inside, wait until daybreak, and use the sun to kill them.

It was a good idea, but he underestimated the zombie's ability.

Hu Hu Hu.

The sound of wind came from behind.

After killing the two missionaries, the zombie immediately turned around, opened its blood-stained mouth, and rushed towards Father Wu.

"God in heaven, please bless the humble believers!" Father Wu quickly took off the cross from his chest, held it on his chest and prayed.

"The evildoers retreat, the Holy Light of God!"

Father Wu wants to use the power of the cross to push back the zombies.

But the Western method of removing vampires has no effect at all when applied to zombies.

The zombie's pace was still fast, and he slapped the cross in Father Wu's hand away.


"how is this possible?"

Father Wu was stunned.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

The cross has been consecrated to deal with evil things, so how could it be useless?

When the ghost sees it, he must give in three points.

But now
The zombie in front of him was not afraid of the cross at all. Instead of retreating, he was slapped away.

What shit.

Chun Chun is trying to trick people!

Looking at the zombies that continued to rush toward him, Father Wu panicked completely.

next moment

He quickly took out a bottle from his arms and opened it.

"Holy water won't be useless, right?"

This is the holy water that he has treasured for many years. He will never use it except under special circumstances.

Father Wu sprinkled the water in the bottle on the zombies, feeling unsure.

"Damn!" Father Wu couldn't help but burst out as he looked at the unaffected zombie in front of him.

Holy water is of no use either.

He didn't know that the priest zombie would switch into a zombie form when biting people, so holy water and crosses against vampires would not have any effect on dispelling them.

It was at this time.

Boom boom boom!
Outside the church, footsteps suddenly came.

A man wearing commoner clothes and a beard appeared in front of him, it was Taoist Dragon Slayer.

He was originally talking to Mayor Ye that night, explaining the subsequent drug sales process, but when he came back, he found that the corpse removal team that had been staying outside suddenly disappeared, and he heard the sound of fighting coming from inside the church, so he knew something had happened. .

Sure enough, I saw this scene as soon as I came in.

"Be careful, this is a zombie!" Father Wu's expression suddenly changed and he moved away from the zombies.


Taoist Dragon Slayer sneered.

"What I learn in this Tao is the method of subduing demons and killing demons. They are just zombies and are not worth mentioning!"

When Father Wu heard this, he suddenly felt confident.

Taoist Dragon Slayer's eyes were as bright as fire and his face was indifferent.

You can tell he is an expert at a glance.

These two words popped up in Father Wu's mind involuntarily.

At the same time, he moved his steps sideways and moved closer to the position of Taoist Dragon Slayer. "Roar!"

The zombie roared angrily, looking at the two living people in front of him, and instinctively exploded with ferocity.

"Little zombies, so ridiculous!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards the zombie.

At this time, outside the church.

Uncle Jiu and his party rushed here and saw what was happening inside.

"Junior brother, do you think they can deal with that zombie?" Uncle Jiu looked at Qin Ze and asked.

He and Taoist Dragon Slayer had known each other for a long time, but they didn't like each other.

However, Uncle Jiu had no clue about the current strength of Taoist Dragon Slayer.

But it seems that Taoist Dragon Slayer is so calm and seems to have good cultivation.

"It's just that the name is louder!" Qin Ze gave a very appropriate comment.

When he was reading the original work, when he heard the words "Taoist Master Tu Long", he thought that the opponent must be terrifyingly powerful and would be a Taoist priest even stronger than Uncle Jiu.

But the result is.

Taoist Master Slaying the Dragon is very powerful. Apart from his powerful boxing and kicking skills, his attainments in Taoism are beyond recognition.

It can be said that he is the worst student in Uncle Jiu's generation.

That's exactly what happened.

The Taoist Dragon Slayer faced the zombie, but couldn't take it down for a while. His fist hit it with a bang, but he couldn't completely subdue it.

Father Wu looked on anxiously.

This is completely different from the imaginary master.

Taoist Dragon Slayer is too inferior!
"Junior brother, you stay here and wait and see what happens!"

"I'll go find the zombie priest who ran out first!"

Uncle Jiu took out a compass instrument.

The pointer on the compass rotated rapidly, pointing in one direction, and the direction was not inside the church, which meant that the zombie priest was no longer inside.

Gotta find it out as soon as possible.

"Okay!, senior brother, be careful. I will go find you immediately after I finish handling the matter here!"

Qin Ze nodded. He was relatively reassured by Uncle Jiu's strength.

Then, he turned to look at Anne: "Miss Anne, just follow me first!"

Annie pursed her lips and looked at Qin Ze who nodded heavily: "Okay, just listen to Daoist Qin!"

Uncle Jiu led his two disciples and rushed towards the position indicated by the compass.

at this time.

inside the church.

The fighting hasn't stopped yet.

The older the Taoist Dragon Slayer was, the more frightened he became. After sucking the blood of two people, the zombie's strength increased greatly, and he was unable to defeat the opponent for a while.

This couldn't help but make his face feel hot.

At this time, a loud noise suddenly sounded.

A figure rushed from the door of the church at a high speed, knocking the originally ferocious zombie away a few meters away.

Father Wu and Taoist Tu Long looked shocked.

Looking at the tall and handsome young man in front of him, he was wearing Taoist robes.

in the explosion.

It seemed like a god of war had arrived.

Followed by.

Qin Ze's footsteps slammed on the ground, turning into a stream of light and heading towards the zombie's landing point.


Father Wu's heart trembled, and he was stunned when he saw this horrific scene.

He has seen this person before him.

Isn't he the junior brother of Uncle Jiu?
So powerful?

There was another loud noise.

Qin Ze's fist carried terrifying power and shattered the zombie's head with one punch.

Under the huge energy shock, the zombies flew out and hit the wall hard. After struggling a few times, they died on the spot.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a Western zombie, and you will be rewarded with 500 merit points!"

(End of this chapter)

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