Chapter 71 Kill the priest zombie!

Some people were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Even Anne was shocked.

"Come again!"

Qin Ze clenched his hands into fists, his domineering attitude suddenly rising.

In the violent air waves.

Everything is alive, everything is locked.

The escaping priest zombie was stunned for a moment, feeling that a figure faster than himself was approaching.

Immediately afterwards, a piercing explosion sounded, a strong wind followed, and the remaining energy flew away.

A hole was immediately punched out of the priest's zombie body.

Under normal circumstances, the priest zombie would not suffer such a big loss, but after a fight just now, he was injured. Now that his aura is locked, he can't even block Qin Ze's domineering attack.

Qin Ze seized the opportunity and killed him again.

The priest zombie looked at Qin Ze who was coming to kill him, and felt the invincible momentum, and a huge crisis emerged in his heart.

Ghosts and evil spirits are frightened.

for a while.

The priest zombie didn't know which state to switch to in order to deal with the decisive Qin Ze.

Whichever state seems to be of no use.


When the priest zombie wanted to turn around and run away, Qin Ze's domineering force had already reached him, and he was bombarded with power like a mountain.

Right now, here and here.

Under the energy blowing, the entire Ye family was enveloped in domineering aura.

Even Uncle Jiu, who was in the Ye family at the moment, couldn't help but feel his heart tremble the moment the voice sounded.

As for Father Wu, Annie, and some bold citizens of Jiuquan Town, they were even more shocked.

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you understand how powerful Qin Ze is.

The domineering spirit dissipated, and a body that had been penetrated lay spread out on the ground.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the priest zombie, and you will be rewarded with 6000 merit points!"

The system beeps.

Qin Ze took a long breath.

Although this priest zombie is not as strong as the old man of the Ren family in one aspect, it can switch states and is even more difficult to deal with.

Qin Ze was quite satisfied with getting [-] merit points from killing a zombie.

It was at this time.

Suddenly Uncle Jiu's voice came, there were zombies in Ye's house.

Qin Ze immediately entered the Ye family's residence. If the priest's zombie could come out of the church, or even come to the Ye family, he would most likely have killed a group of people.

If the guess is correct, the mayor and his son of the Ye family may have been bitten by the zombies.

The fact was just as he thought. When Qin Ze entered the room, he saw that the previously unparalleled Mayor Ye and Young Master Ye had turned into unconscious zombies.


Uncle Jiu made a magic trick in his hand and was about to attack the two of them.

"Senior brother, let me come!"

Qin Ze has quick eyesight and quick hands, so naturally he will not miss this opportunity to kill zombies. He punches one and quickly kills two zombies.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for killing the Western zombies Mayor Ye and Young Master Ye, you will be rewarded with 1000 merit points!"

"Junior brother! You really can always surprise me!"

Uncle Jiu came over and looked at Qin Ze who entered the room and killed two zombies instantly with a smile on his face.

The fact that it can appear here means that the priest zombie outside has been eliminated at this moment.

Qin Ze clasped his fists: "Thank you, senior brother, for fighting with it before and consuming some of his energy! Only then can junior brother kill it!"

Uncle Jiu: "Junior brother is too humble. If it were anyone else, even if the priest and zombies fight for a while, it would be impossible to kill them completely! Take advantage of this!"

Uncle Jiu knew that Qin Ze was being modest and how difficult it was to deal with the priest zombies. He knew better than anyone else that ordinary Taoism was of little use. If Qin Ze hadn't been there, he wouldn't have known how to deal with it.

As for picking up leaks?

As for zombies, it doesn’t matter who kills them. There is no such thing as picking them up or leaving them out.At this time, Annie and Father Wu also walked in from the outside. When they saw Mayor Ye and Young Master Ye lying on the ground with their fangs spread out and their scarlet eyes wide open, their expressions changed.

took a few steps back.

"Don't be nervous!"

"Master Ye and Mayor Ye were bitten by the priest zombie and turned into zombies!"

"Now solved!"

Uncle Jiu said.

Looking at the two Ye family members who were dead on the ground, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

"What you do brings results. The two of them ended up like this. It's their own fault!"

If Ye Zhenzi was not greedy, he would not think about selling drugs. If he was not selling drugs, he would not try to reopen the church that was originally closed. If the church does not reopen, the priest zombies will not come out and bite them to death.

People are doing it, God is watching, and the consequences of the backlash will be more serious than imagined.

“God bless you.”

Father Wu closed his eyes tightly and prayed to God, but when he was halfway through speaking, he lowered his hands.


"If God were useful, so many people would not die."

Father Wu shook his head and sighed, took off his Catholic clothes, and said goodbye to his years of faith.

"It's not over yet!"

"When Taoist Dragon Slayer came to the town, he brought a group of corpse chasers with him!"

"They might have been bitten by the priest zombies too!"

Qin Ze's spirit was still tense, and there were still things waiting to be dealt with.

In the original work, he remembers that after the person pretending to be a zombie was bitten by the zombie priest, the movie left a suspense at the end without revealing their outcome.

But no doubt.

Such a group of zombies scattered throughout the town would definitely not stay in one place.

There will be no fewer people harmed.

Needs immediate attention.

When Uncle Jiu heard this, his expression suddenly changed: "Oops, we have to find them right away!"

Qin Ze once told him about poison hiding in living people. Taoist Dragon Slayer died, but they disappeared. There must be something weird in it. He had just focused on the priest's zombie and almost forgot about it.

"Sure enough!"

Uncle Jiu took out the compass to search. The pointer on the compass was spinning like a motorized spring.

This is not a good thing, it means that there are many evil things in the town, which interferes with the direction determination of the compass.


Uncle Jiu felt a chill in his heart. He thought that after the priest zombies were dealt with, things in Jiuquan Town would be over. Unexpectedly, there were still zombies outside, and there were quite a lot of them.

If a few zombies are okay, after all, they are not that difficult to deal with compared to the priest zombies.

But once it reaches a certain number, the difficulty of solving it will increase exponentially.

And that's not the hardest part.

The hardest part is to find them first.

The function of the compass is mostly ineffective at this moment due to evil spirits. Every second of delay, one person may be killed.

first time.

Uncle Jiu felt that things had become extremely difficult.

Annie also realized the seriousness of the matter and looked at Qin Ze subconsciously: "Then, what should we do?"

After this series of events, Qin Ze's image in her heart suddenly rose to a level that was difficult to look directly at. If anyone present said that he could solve these troubles, it would undoubtedly be Qin Ze.

"Don't worry, we will handle it!" Qin Ze gave Annie a confirming look, and then looked at Uncle Jiu: "Senior brother, fight quickly!"

Uncle Jiu nodded, and after telling his two named disciples a few words not to move around, he and Qin Ze left the Ye family.

The priest zombies died here. No zombies would dare to come close. It is very safe for the time being. At this time, it is better to stay where they are than to take them with them.

Father Wu looked at the two people leaving, clasped his hands, closed his eyes and prayed: "Daoxuan Tianzun, may blessings reach the sky. May the blessings of the Three Treasures bring you both blessings and wisdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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