Chapter 72: Sweep Jiuquan Town!
The night is getting darker, the moonlight is hiding behind the clouds, and the light in Jiuquan Town is getting darker and darker.

The entire town was enveloped in an air of twilight.

"Junior brother! It seems the situation is worse than imagined!"

Uncle Jiu was walking on the deserted street with a compass in his hand, and there was an inexorable melancholy between his brows.

Even if you don't observe it from the compass, just from the surface, you can clearly notice that the town is different from usual.

This situation usually occurs when the corpse energy is extremely strong.

"You're not very good at searching for zombies! Use the compass!" Uncle Jiu handed the compass in his hand to Qin Ze.

Although Qin Ze is very good at fighting zombies, he still needs Taoist magic weapons to locate the corpse since he specializes in the art.

Rather than putting the compass in his own hands, it would be better to give it to Qin Ze.

There is no other reason.

Qin Ze has high efficiency in killing zombies and takes less time. It can greatly shorten the time to deal with all zombies and give more people a chance to survive.

"No, I have my own way to find zombies!" Qin Ze declined Uncle Jiu's kindness. This was not a sign of humility, but it was really unnecessary.

The compass positioning of a single target is okay, but it is not efficient when encountering a large number of zombies. Now that it is interfered with, the effect is greatly reduced.

Compare with it.

Seeing, hearing and being domineering will be more reliable.

Uncle Jiu frowned and wanted to refute, but he still swallowed the words. Ever since he met his junior brother, it seemed that the other party had never spoken big words, and he could even do it to make people shine every time.

Besides, time is running out now, and I don’t have time to dig into the details for him: “Okay, since you said that, I won’t say anything more, let’s go separate ways and gather at Ye’s house after finishing the matter!”

After Uncle Jiu said these words, he took the compass and left here. Compared to the two of them acting together, it would be much faster if they acted separately.

Qin Ze looked at Uncle Jiu leaving and quickly entered search mode.

Seeing and hearing are full of domineering.

The domineering energy spreads in the surrounding air like a blowing wave of air.

The coverage range is close to [-] meters.

Of course, this is only because the level of Haki is at the primary level. As the level of Haki increases, there will be a huge improvement in terms of coverage, strength and accuracy.

If it is upgraded to a high level, it is not impossible to cover the entire town.

And with the opening of domineering.


Everything within the domineering range is visible.

Some are performing exciting performances, some are fast asleep, and some are shivering.
at this time.

In a private house.

A town citizen huddled in the corner, holding a stick in his hand and his body trembling slightly.

Behind him, there were two women squatting, one large and one small.

The older one is his wife and the younger one is his daughter.


The three people's faces were full of fear, and they didn't dare to take a breath.

There is no other reason.

In front of three people.

At this time, there was a zombie wearing Qing Dynasty costumes, stretching out its stiff hands, opening its fangs, sniffing the air, looking for prey.

The leading man felt chills from his head to the soles of his feet.

Originally, the family of three was preparing to turn off the lights and go to sleep in the room, but suddenly there was a noise outside the door.

Thinking of the death incident that occurred in the church during the day and the knock on the door in the middle of the night, it would definitely not be a good thing.

The man carefully looked through the crack in the door and saw the most terrifying scene in his life.


But before he could evacuate, the door was violently opened by zombies.

If you hadn't heard someone say before, holding your breath when encountering evil things like zombies can temporarily make the opponent lose the target, and now he has been bitten.

But the man knew in his heart that he could only hold his breath for a few minutes at most.

This is not.

The daughter, whose face was flushed from holding back, finally couldn't hold on due to fear and suffocation. "I'll fight you!"

For the safety of his daughter, the man immediately shifted the target of the zombie, gasping for breath, holding the stick in his hand and slamming it at the zombie.

The stick hit the zombie and broke into two pieces.

Although the body of the Western zombie is not as hard as the green zombie, it is still a zombie. It is not affected by the stick at all and rushes towards several people. Just when the man is desperate.

Qin Ze locked the position of the zombie and rushed in, raising his feet to whip his legs.

Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The zombie was knocked out like a thrown sandbag and hit the ground hard, unable to get up again. The bluestone slab below shattered into powder with great force.

In order to save time as quickly as possible, Qin Ze took action and killed him.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you killed a Western zombie and will be rewarded with 500 merit points!"

"Many, thank you gods!"

At this time, the man looked at everything in front of him in shock, and he also reacted and quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

Can kill zombies instantly with one move.

Isn't that what a fairy is?
Qin Ze didn't care about the title: "You're welcome!"

"The zombies have been eliminated, please stay at home and don't run around!"

After saying these words, Qin Ze flashed and went to kill the next target.

Zombies are wreaking havoc in the town and the sooner they are dealt with, the better.

that's it.

Qin Ze quickly shuttled through Jiuquan Town under the sense of domineering power, wandering in the darkness, accompanied by the sound of explosions.

The wails of zombies echoed through the night sky, and zombies were eliminated one after another.

As the zombies were dealt with by Qin Ze, the system's beeps also sounded continuously.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you killed a Western zombie and will be rewarded with 500 merit points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you killed a Western zombie and will be rewarded with 500 merit points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you killed a mutant town citizen and will be rewarded with 100 merit points!"

A quarter of an hour passed.

Qin Ze explored almost the entire Jiuquan Town at extreme speed, and only stopped after making sure that every corner was searched.


Qin Ze was standing at the corner of a street, sensing the situation around him. With his domineering attitude, he could no longer detect any evil.

This means that all the zombies raging in Jiuquan Town have been wiped out.

"Next, let's dispose of the body!"

Although the zombies are killed, the corpses will produce corpse poison, corroding the ground and air, so they must be cremated.

Think about it here.

Qin Ze left and asked the surviving townspeople to transport the dead zombies to Ye's house and burn them with the priest zombies.

And at the same time.

Uncle Jiu was dragging the compass here, still searching for traces of zombies.


"Why doesn't the compass turn?"

Uncle Jiu looked at the compass in his hand that had stopped working, feeling a little puzzled.

"Is it broken?"

Uncle Jiu had some questions.

It doesn’t make sense!It was spinning like crazy before, but after dealing with a zombie, it was broken after it came out?

Uncle Jiu shook his head, put away the compass, and touched his eyes with the magic formula.

Something happened that made him even more confused.

I saw the townspeople in the town walking out of their houses, holding torches and gathering together to rush towards Ye's house.

(End of this chapter)

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