Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 73: Junior uncle is too strong!I will only believe in Taoists from now on!

Chapter 73: Junior uncle is too strong!I will only believe in Taoists from now on!

"Uncle Jiu, Chief Qin and the others, are they going to be okay?" At this time, in Mayor Ye's house, Annie looked at Axing and Xiaoyue and asked worriedly.

It’s not surprising that he asked this. The entire Jiuquan Town is really very large. Although it’s not as big as the Renjia Town next door, it’s at least hundreds of households larger. Just finding the zombies hidden in it will take a lot of effort. Not to mention finding the zombies and having to deal with them all.

This is a huge project and always comes with high risks.

Xiaoyue and Axing understood Annie's worries, and to be honest, they were equally uneasy.

Although he has seen Qin Ze's ability to kill the priest's zombie, the current situation is completely different. In addition, it is dark at night and the corpse is so strong, worry is inevitable.

"rest assured!"

"I have prayed to the Taoist Master!"

Father Wu thought there was no problem. He clasped his hands and said very piously: "Daoxuan Tianzun will bring blessings to the two masters!"

As long as the heart is sincere enough, anything can be achieved.

Daoxuan Tianzun?

Annie, Axing and Xiaoyue didn't know what to say when they saw Father Wu acting like this!
Before, I spoke of God and foreign devils, but now I have converted to Taoism?
Father Wu was completely indifferent to the looks of the three people.

He has completely awakened in his heart.

The foreign devil sect is all deceiving people.

Bullshit God, even more useless.

crucial moment.

Only a capable Taoist priest can turn the tide.

Believe in Taoism, it must be right.

Everyone was silent about Father Wu's shamelessness.

It was at this time.

Xiaoyue suddenly pointed at the outside of Ye's house with wide eyes, and said with some horror: "What do you think that is?"

Everyone followed Xiaoyue's gaze and saw a dazzling fire coming towards the Ye family in the distance.

How can there be fire?
"It's not a zombie, is it?" Annie was a little frightened by this scene.

It was late at night, and a strange fire suddenly appeared. It was really hard not to think of the worst.

"It should be impossible!" Xiaoyue couldn't help but swallowed when Annie said this.

At present, the master and the young master are not here. If it is really a zombie, there is no guarantee that the two of them can deal with it.

"What kind of zombie? That's my junior uncle!" Axing saw the person clearly and said angrily.

That ball of fire was not a zombie at all, but Qin Ze and the people in the town.

When everyone heard this, their faces suddenly became happy.

Taoist priest Qin Ze is back?
Does this mean that all the zombies in the town have been eliminated?
The fact is exactly what they thought.

Qin Ze took the survivors of Jiuquan Town into the Ye family.

The faces of the townspeople were all filled with relief and excitement for the rest of their lives after the disaster.

"Uncle Master, are these all zombies?"

Axing and Xiaoyue did not pay too much attention to the faces of the townspeople. Instead, they looked at the corpses brought by the townspeople in front of them and asked with wide eyes.

Qin Ze smiled and nodded: "The zombies in Jiuquan Town have almost been cleared. Let's burn them all down later!"

As soon as these words came out, A Xing Xiaoyue was shocked.

In the middle of the crowd, there was a small cart with corpses stacked on top of each other, close to twenty by visual inspection.

If they were all zombies, wouldn't it mean that the young master searched the entire town in such a short period of time and solved all the troubles?
Is that human being?
Annie and Father Wu were also shocked, once again appreciating Qin Ze's power.


"Where's the master?" Xiaoyue said with some confusion.

When we went out together, it was obviously the master and the junior uncle, so why did the junior uncle come back alone?

"Master, master won't be bitten to death by zombies, right?" Ah Xing suddenly thought of something and said with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Damn you, have you been looking forward to this day for a long time?" At this time, Uncle Jiu's angry voice came from outside.

He gave Ah Xing a hard shudder, and then walked straight to Qin Ze, but the angry expression on his face suddenly changed to surprise: "Good boy, good job!"

He patted Qin Ze hard and said with admiration.

Originally, he was wondering why the compass stopped spinning, and why the townspeople were holding torches in the middle of the night. Good guy, all the zombies had been cleared away.

Even though he has seen Qin Ze's terrifying strength many times before.

Uncle Jiu was shocked again.

This is not just about simple combat power.

Being able to find zombies in a short time also shows amazing perception.

To achieve this step without relying on the compass, even Senior Brother Shi Jian would not be able to do it at this age.

"Uncle Ninth, Taoist Qin, thank you for solving the catastrophe in Jiuquan Town! I am very grateful!" Annie came over and said at this time, looking at Qin Ze with a bright light.

As soon as these words came out, the townspeople also expressed their thanks one after another to Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu.

If it weren't for the two of them, the entire Jiuquan Town would have turned into a corpse town. Even if they were asked to kneel down on the spot, there would be no objection at all, let alone thanks.

"As a cultivator, we should do all this!" Uncle Jiu heard the sincere thanks from the townspeople around him, and his face burst into laughter.

Although Qin Ze was the main force in the process of solving the zombies and he got a lot of credit, Uncle Jiu didn't think it was anything at all. Instead, he enjoyed it.

This is a very strange psychology.

Of course, it can be recognized by the townspeople for Taoism. In the same news, at least here, Taoism has truly taken root.

"Taoist Qin, Uncle Ninth, we will have a banquet tomorrow morning, please don't shirk it!"

Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu are very kind to Jiuquan Town.

It is necessary to hold a banquet to express gratitude.

Qin Ze did not refuse: "Thank you very much!"

Then, he looked at the zombies he had dealt with before and said, "Bring the priest zombies and Mayor Ye over and burn them together!"

Soon, the townspeople piled all the zombies in Zhong Town together, and at Uncle Jiu's order, they threw out all the torches they held.

Suddenly, dazzling flames shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire town in red.

Qin Ze, Uncle Jiu and others, after the fire gradually extinguished, said goodbye to everyone and left here.

The townspeople looked at the two people leaving with excited expressions.

"Thanks to the two Taoist priests tonight!"

"It's an eye-opener!"

"Witnessing this with my own eyes, I can brag about it for the rest of my life!"

"In the future, I will also let the boy at home become a Taoist priest!"

Many people looked hot and talked.

In particular, Qin Ze's style of killing zombies was deeply engraved in everyone's hearts.

The enthusiasm for Catholicism that had originally aroused had completely disappeared after tonight.

Our local Taoist priests are so powerful, what is Catholicism?Stay wherever it's cool.

"Father Wu, will the church still be open in the future?"

At this time, someone looked at Father Wu and asked curiously.

Father Wu waved his hand: "I won't stop it, I won't stop it. From now on, I will be a firm supporter of Taoism!"

As soon as the words came out.

The people around looked at me, and I looked at you, and then slowly dispersed amid a burst of laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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