Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 74 Obtain the 8th hexagram of Thunder!You should be the mayor!

Chapter 74 Get Thunder Gossip!You should be the mayor!
"Update system panel!"

Name: Qin Ze

Devil Fruit Development: Intermediate, Human-Beast Form (Unlocked), Blue Dragon Form (Unlocked)
Three colors of domineering: armed color domineering (elementary), knowledge color domineering (elementary), overlord color domineering (elementary)
Skills: none

Weapon: Bazhai
Portable space: ten cubic meters
Physical fitness: stiff hair

Merit points: 17000
At this time, Qin Ze, who was resting in the room, sat cross-legged on the bed and sorted out the gains from Jiuquan Town.

There are seventeen thousand merit points in total.

A total of [-] merit points were obtained by killing the evil ghost. After that, the dragon-slaying Taoist Priest and a missionary were eliminated in the church and [-] merit points were obtained. Then the Ye family father and son and the priest zombie were subdued, a total of [-] merit points were obtained. Finally, In Jiuquan Town, seventeen zombies were killed.

Among the seventeen zombies, seven are Western zombies, each providing 500 merit points. The remaining ten are ordinary zombies bitten by Western zombies, each providing 100 merit points.

A total of 4500 merit points.

Including the thousand merit points left from the previous activation of Bawang Color Haki, the total adds up to 17000 merit points.

"Sure enough, I came to the right place!"

Looking at the data column in the system panel, Qin Ze sighed sincerely.

I have never been so rich in the zombie world.

Seventeen thousand merit points are enough to activate Kaido's skills.

Thinking of this, Qin Ze no longer hesitated and thought: "System, Thunder Bagua!"

"Ding! It takes five thousand merit points to redeem the Thunder Bagua. Do you want to confirm the redemption?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the skill Thunder Bagua!"

The sound of the system goes away as quickly as it comes.

At the moment when the voice fell.

Information about the skill Thunder Bagua rushed to his mind like a tide.

Qin Ze closed his eyes and felt this magical power.

At the same time, a man who was more than seven meters tall and full of violent aura appeared in Qin Ze's mind. He held the Ba Zhaijie in his hand and fought crazily on the island full of enemies. As if he was in an uninhabited land, as he followed Every time the mace is swung, black air waves are blown out.

There were endless bursts of explosions, earth-shattering.

At this moment, around Qin Ze.

Waves of black air overflowed from the body, slowly extending in all directions, filling the entire room.

Kaido has learned all of his famous skills, Thunder and Bagua.

next second.

Qin Ze opened his eyes and felt that his whole body was filled with endless power.

The Eight Precepts in the system space, I don’t know when it appeared in my hand, everything seemed to fall into place.

"It feels so good!"

Thunder Bagua is Kaido's most basic and most commonly used skill. It may not be so outrageous in the pirate world, but it is completely different if it is placed in the zombie world.Although Qin Ze's current strength is not enough to dominate, it does not prevent it from becoming a killer move. After all, the lower limit of the skill itself is very high.

If you use Thunder Bagua to deal with the priest zombie now, you can beat it to ashes with just one stick.

"Ding! The host has fully learned the Thunder Bagua, and the panel is updated!"

Name: Qin Ze

Devil Fruit Development: Intermediate, Human-Beast Form (Unlocked), Blue Dragon Form (Unlocked)
Three colors of domineering: armed color domineering (elementary), knowledge color domineering (elementary), overlord color domineering (elementary)
Skill: Thunder Bagua
Weapon: Bazhai
Portable space: ten cubic meters
Physical fitness: stiff hair

Merit points: 12000
"There are still [-] merit points left! You can increase your domineering level!"

In Kaido's own words, domineering is a being that overrides everything. Powerful domineering is enough to make anyone stand at the top. If you use your merit points on domineering, you will definitely not lose.

Moreover, all three colors of Haki are improved, which can also promote the further development of physical fitness and Devil Fruit.

"Armed Haki and Wisdom Haki cost 2 each, and Overlord Haki costs [-]!"

"Although I have quite a lot of merit points now, it's still not enough!"

"But counting the time, the agreement with Taoist Priest Four Eyes is coming soon. The merit points provided by the royal zombies must be much higher than those of the priest zombies!"

Qin Ze set a goal in his mind and paid no attention to anything else.

The night passed quickly, and the next morning, the banquet originally agreed was held as scheduled, and all the capable people in Jiuquan Town were involved in organizing the banquet.

Some of them slept until dawn and had no idea what happened last night. However, after learning the whole story from the mouths of other townspeople, they were all amazed and expressed their sincere gratitude.

Obviously, without the help of Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu, they might have been bitten in their sleep and not know it.

At the banquet, Mayor Ye's collusion with outsiders in drug trafficking was revealed.

Everyone denounced the Ye family for doing all the bad things and deserved their death. At the same time, they also admired Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu for their perceptiveness. Some of them even wanted to elect Qin Ze as the new mayor of Jiuquan Town.

Qin Ze naturally disagreed and refused immediately. I am also busy transforming into a dragon and traveling around the world. How can I have such free time?

This title naturally fell on Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu also disagreed, saying that the people in the monastery only know how to subjugate demons and protect the safety of one place, so who cares about a town!
Finally, with the recommendation of Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu, Annie became the candidate to serve as the new mayor of Jiuquan Town.

If we say that in the past, it would have been absolutely impossible for a 20-year-old woman to become the backup person for the mayor of a town, and it was impossible for anyone to agree to it.

But they knew that Annie had contributed a lot in saving the town, and they also learned that Annie majored in management and economic sociology abroad, so there was little opposition.

The most important thing is that these words were said by Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze, the great benefactors of the town, and there was almost no opposition.

Of course, the change of the head of a town is not something that can be just said casually. It needs to be reported to the superiors. However, these are troubled times. The dynasty is at the moment of disintegration. The credibility is extremely poor. There are only a few well-known people in the town. People spend some money and just write a random report.

Regarding these, Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu expressed that they were a little surprised. They said that Anne should be the mayor. In fact, they just said it casually to shift the blame. However, they did not expect that the people in the town took it seriously and started discussing it seriously. The final result was also finalized.

Anne herself also expressed her confusion. I just came back from studying abroad and I got a mayor?

However, Annie also knew in her heart that although she was recognized by the people in the town, although she had some merit, it was mostly because of Qin Ze's great kindness to the town.

Thinking of this, Annie secretly made up her mind to manage Jiuquan Town well and impress Qin Ze.

Qin Ze didn't know what Annie was thinking. After the banquet, he came to Mayor Ye's house.

Although Mayor Ye is dead, he must have a lot of precious things in his house. If you don't take them, you won't get them!
(End of this chapter)

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