Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 82 Fight to the Death!The Qing Dynasty team was destroyed!

Chapter 82 Fight to the Death!The Qing Dynasty team was destroyed!
In the original work, Taoist Master Qianhe was bitten by a zombie. The premise was that one of the four disciples in the southeast, northwest and northwest was instantly killed. Now, because he was prepared for it, all four disciples were here, and the corpse-binding array arrayed from four directions was powerful. intact.

For a moment, the zombies were really trapped in the rope formation and unable to move.

Taoist priest Qianhe knew that now was a good opportunity to kill the zombies. He bit his finger without hesitation, took out the mahogany sword from his back, and wiped the blood on the sword.

Taoist priest Qianhe picked up the mahogany sword and stabbed it towards the zombie's heart. Suddenly, the blood-smeared sword body glowed red and stabbed the zombie's heart.

But what shocked Taoist Master Qianhe was that the zombie's heart was stabbed straight into the heart by the peach wood sword, but no damage was sustained.

"not good!"

"It's become a habit for this zombie to withstand thunder catastrophe!"

Daoist Qianhe was shocked.

Zombies are more troublesome than you think.

This luck is not ordinary bad luck. Not only was an ordinary zombie not destroyed by the divine thunder from the sky, but it also helped it advance.

Under the baptism of Zi Lei, the zombies mutated.

Looking at the four soldiers lying on the ground around the pipe, Taoist priest Qianhe frowned tightly and suddenly understood that the four people had diverted the lightning current, which reduced the power of the divine thunder a lot.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for zombies to withstand the thunder from the sky.

But now, none of this matters.

Killing the zombies is the top priority.


The zombie was firmly locked in the corpse-binding formation, but after all, it was impossible to trap it forever. After letting out a shocking roar, the zombie grabbed the rope with both arms and swung it hard, instantly throwing the four people away.

The four disciples from the southeast and northwest flew out to calm down and landed heavily on the ground. Although they looked embarrassed, fortunately they did not suffer any serious injuries.

But this way.

The function of the body-tying rope is gone.

Zombies escape.

"Tai Shang Lao Jun is in a hurry like a law!"

"go with!"

Taoist priest Qianhe's eyes were red, he took out the talisman paper in his pocket and stabbed it with his peach wood sword.


The talisman paper burned violently, the air was filled with Taoist Qi, and at the same time, the peach wood sword was covered with a layer of dazzling fire.

A sword packed with mana stabbed the zombie.

But what made Taoist Master Qianhe feel desperate was that the invincible blow was completely blocked by the zombie at this moment, and the peach wood sword directly broke and collapsed.


Taoist priest Qianhe cursed angrily.

The strength of the royal zombies is now at least at the level of Mao Zong, and ordinary peach wood swords cannot break through their defenses.

Between thoughts.

Taoist priest Qianhe quickly retreated a few meters away, and the attack of the royal zombies was missed.

Maybe he knew that the Taoist priest in front of him still had four disciples who were not easy to mess with.

After the Royal Zombies failed in one blow, they did not choose to continue the attack, but instead targeted the Manchu and Qing teams with extremely low strength.

no way.

There is also an elder brother in the tent who is very close to him.

The temptation for him is not that great.

A few personal guards with battle axes and swords in their hands immediately took action to stop the zombies. However, a few people with strong martial arts skills might be able to kill everyone among ordinary people, but in front of Mao Zang, they had no power to fight back.

The weapon struck the zombie, causing sparks to fly out.

in a blink.

Three people died tragically under the claws and fangs of the zombies.

Even Wu Guanshi and the little brother were scratched by zombies.

"Come on!"

At this time, Taoist Master Qianhe came over with four disciples, opened the bag of glutinous rice that he had asked for from Taoist Master Four Eyes, and threw it out.

The royal zombies immediately made a crisp sound like fried soybeans, bursts of black smoke popped out, and retreated continuously.

"Go find Taoist Priest Four Eyes!"

Taoist priest Qianhe used the remaining ink fountain to make a large net to cover the zombies, and asked Guanshi Wu and the little brother to leave here quickly.

Although, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't like Guanshi Wu's previous behavior.

But one size fits all.

Zombies rise.

He has already neglected his duty.

Naturally, corresponding remedies must be made.

But fortunately.

Although the zombie is at the level of Mao Zombie, it has just emerged and its strength is not yet stable. In addition, with the cooperation of four of his disciples, he will not be defeated immediately.It can be delayed for a while.

Without saying anything, Guanshi Wu hugged his little brother and quickly escaped from the tent.

The royal zombies want to chase.

"The evil beast is so rampant!"

Taoist priest Qianhe jumped up, took out a few talismans from his body, and stuck them tightly to the zombies.

The moment the talisman is attached to the zombie.

A flame suddenly burst into flames.

The screams came from the mouths of the zombies, which seemed strange and terrifying in the gradually shrouding night.


Four disciples from the southeast, northwest and north came to Taoist Master Qianhe.

"Don't attack rashly, we are no match for it! Don't let it be defeated one by one!"

"Fight and retreat, and lead it to Senior Brother Four Eyes!"

Taoist priest Qianhe is not a fool. Even if Uncle Jiu comes over, he may not be able to defeat the zombie in front of him.

It is impossible for him alone and four disciples to be his opponent.

If you want to completely subdue it.

There must be help from Taoist Master Four Eyes.

Only when the two of them work together do they have a chance.

just now.

The good news is that he and his disciples were not injured and can deal with the zombies.

But the bad news is.

He couldn't guarantee how long he could last.

The four disciples from the southeast and northwest immediately understood, spread out in formation, and slowly approached the position of Taoist Priest Four Eyes.

The residence of Taoist Priest Four Eyes.

The heavy rain stopped, but everyone had no intention of taking a rest.

Qin Ze, Taoist Priest Simu, the master and others gathered in a room.

Except Qin Ze.

The four-eyed Taoist priest and the master's eyelids were beating wildly, and they were feeling uneasy.

"Zombies! There are zombies, help!"

At this time, a burst of shouting came from outside and came from far to near.

"problem occurs!"

Qin Ze, who heard the sound first, frowned.


The royal zombies are still out.


Taoist Priest Four Eyes, who had been restless, ran out quickly, and the master followed him.

I saw the manless Wu Guanshi holding the unconscious little brother and stumbling to the ground, as if he had seen something terrible.

"He, he was bitten by a zombie, please help!"

The Taoist Priest's pupils were trembling, and the junior brother's words came true again. The body was really dead at night.

"Where's my junior brother?"

Taoist priest Si Mu was not very concerned about what happened to Guanwu, but his junior brother was different.

They were classmates who grew up together on Maoshan.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are relatives.

The fact that Wu Guanshi can come here alone with his little brother in his arms means that the team has suffered a huge disaster.

Wu Guanshi's heart was beating wildly, and he no longer had the previous majesty. His fingers were trembling, and he pointed in one direction: "God's thunder from the sky, zombies come out of the coffin!"

"Chief Chizuru is currently fighting zombies!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes drew out his money-picking sword and rushed outside. The master thought for a moment and followed him.

As for Qin Ze.

The moment Wu Guanshi appeared, he was ready to kill the zombies, and naturally he would not hesitate at all.

Soon, a group of people arrived at the scene of the incident.

I saw Taoist Master Qianhe and his four disciples working hard to fight against the royal zombies, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that.

The royal zombies have the upper hand.

(End of this chapter)

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