Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 83 The strong are always strong!Hard or not is relative!

Chapter 83 The strong are always strong!Hard or not is relative!
"Southeast, attack from the side!"

"Northwest, draw the circle mark!"

Taoist Master Qianhe held a copper coin sword in one hand and a magic formula in the other, his face more solemn than ever before.

The royal zombie in front of him was extremely powerful. Not only did the ordinary mahogany sword lose its effect, but the talisman also had little effect.

The ropes attached to the body with mana were also broken.

It can be said.

Among the monsters that Taoist Master Qianhe has encountered in the past, royal zombies can definitely be ranked first.

In this battle, if the opponent cannot be subdued in a short period of time, as the Taoist weapons continue to decrease and the physical strength gradually decreases, it is destined to become more and more disadvantaged.

The only hope that existed was that we were getting closer and closer to the residence of Taoist Priest Four Eyes.

But following the battle with the royal zombies, Taoist priest Qianhe was also a little unsure. Can he and Taoist Simu join forces to subdue a Mao Zang who has experienced a thunder tribulation?

If you can't subdue it and lure the zombies over, wouldn't it harm your senior brother instead?

Unlike Taoist Chizuru, the royal zombies have become more and more adaptable to their promoted bodies as time goes by, and the energy gained from sucking blood before has slowly begun to take effect.

His strength suddenly increased a lot.

If the royal zombies at the beginning could only qualify as Mao Zombies, then now, the strength of the Royal Zombies has been firmly established as Mao Zombies.

Bang bang bang!
The attack of the zombies became more and more intense. Soon, the four disciples in the southeast and northwest were unable to resist. Compared to their master, Taoist Master Qianhe, their strength was only comparable to the third level of human masters.

When it comes to ordinary green zombies, there may be no problem with the combined force, but when it comes to hairy zombies, it's obviously a bit weak.

"Senior brother, I'm here to help you!"

Just when the four disciples were defeated by the royal zombies and were about to be bitten by the zombies, Qin Ze poured huge force into his legs, leaving an afterimage and a stream of exhaust gas on the spot, and appeared in front of the royal zombies in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, so fast!"

Looking at Qin Ze, Master, Jiale and Qingqing who disappeared from their side in an instant, their eyes widened and they looked at the tall figure teleporting dozens of meters as if they had seen a ghost.


"Master, little uncle, this" Jiale pointed at Qin Ze who made the move, saying that this is definitely a Taoist method?

Taoist Priest Four Eyes twitched his mouth, and he was also shocked by Qin Ze. Although he knew that his junior brother's strength was extraordinary and completely different from ordinary Taoist priests, this scene happened in front of him without any warning, and he was still a little touched.

It seems that even if I ask the Patriarch to get on top of me, it won’t reach this level.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes couldn't help but make a comparison in his mind.

Of course, these thoughts only last for a moment.

"Ink bucket, glutinous rice, talisman paper, peach wood sword. Assist Qin Ze and Qianhe!"

The current situation is very critical. Qin Ze has already taken action. Taoist Priest Simu will not be watching from the side. He immediately orders Jiale to get his equipment and kill the zombies.

"Junior Brother, and me!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes took out a mahogany sword that was larger than a human being, and walked towards Taoist Priest Qianhe with murderous intent.

at the same time.

A loud bang came.

Qin Ze punched away the royal zombie that was still trying to suck human blood, interrupting the opponent's attack.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother!"

"You came just fine!"

Seeing Qin Ze and Taoist Si Mu appear, Taoist Qianhe's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but feel relaxed.

But only a few points.

The strength of the royal zombies is very powerful. Even if three of them are together, they cannot be taken lightly.


It's not about surrendering the zombies, it's about getting three kills!

"The zombies have withstood the thunderstorm and mutated! They turned into bronze-armored corpses!"

"You need to be extremely careful!"

Taoist priest Qianhe reminded.


The four-eyed Taoist priest's face suddenly changed: "Copper skin and iron bones? Bronze-armored corpse. Hairy zombie?"

He knew that the strength of the royal zombies was not bad.

Otherwise, the Qing Dynasty team would not be nearly wiped out.

But I didn't expect it to be at the hairy level.He looked at the mahogany sword in his hand, which was larger than a human being, and suddenly felt bad.

The peach wood sword has the effect of warding off evil spirits and has great restraint against evil objects such as ghosts and zombies.

But its hardness is very low and extremely fragile.

If you chop it on the bronze-armored corpse, it will probably break on the spot.

Qin Ze knew the strength of the zombie in front of him, and did not react much to Taoist Master Qianhe's words. He said calmly: "It doesn't matter, copper skin and iron bones are also relative!"

The body of the bronze armored corpse is very hard, so hard that the peach wood sword and the copper coin sword can hardly cause fatal damage to it, but that does not mean that the opponent's defense is invincible.

Compared to Qin Ze, who has Kaido's template, he can't be tougher no matter how hard he is.

The Bronze Armored Corpse is known for its physical strength, so that's just right. My physical fitness is also pretty good.

"Junior brother, when we join forces to suppress the zombies, try to keep your distance!" Taoist priest Qianhe thought Qin Ze said it was okay and was just cheering him up. He didn't pay too much attention to it, but told him to deal with the details of the battle later.

Zombies are fast and powerful, but Qin Ze is young. Compared with him and Taoist Simu, he is deficient in both strength and experience.

Keeping a distance from zombies can protect the safety of junior fellow apprentices to a certain extent.

As for fighting zombies.

He and Taoist Master Four Eyes can do it.

The words fall.

Taoist priest Qianhe looked at the four disciples.

"Set up formations in the southeast, northwest, and northwest to restrict the zombies. Don't let him escape!"

Then, he looked at Taoist Priest Four Eyes, and they looked at each other, holding the peach wood sword and the money sword in their hands, ready to kill the zombies.

However, just when the two of them were about to rush forward and fight the zombies.


They felt an extremely domineering aura rising up and coming towards them, extremely fierce and full of murderous intent.

Just feeling it is like falling into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and your heart is trembling.

at the same time.

The surrounding environment changes, the Qi energy rolls inward, the fallen leaves on the ground break away from gravity and float into the air, and the space is filled with an indescribable aura.

It seems that there is a wild beast ready to hunt and is getting ready to go.

"not good!"

"Zombies are more powerful than bronze-armored zombies!"

"It's going crazy!"

Taoist priest Qianhe was shocked, and his brows suddenly furrowed into the character "Chuan".

Such strong murderous intent.

no doubt.

The zombies need to fight with all their might.

And the momentum alone can affect them.

The strength of this royal zombie.

Where does it look like Mao Zong?
I'm afraid I'll have to at least freeze up!
Taoist priest Qianhe's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.


in their generation.

Apart from Senior Brother Shi Jian who cultivates the thunder method, there is probably no one who can rival him!
"Junior Brother Qianhe, no, it's not the zombies that are going crazy, it's Qin Ze." At this time, Taoist Priest Four Eyes suddenly said with shock.

"Yes, it's not the zombies that are going crazy, it's Qin Ze, please tell Junior Brother Qin Ze to be careful. Huh?" As he said it, Taoist Master Qianhe suddenly felt something was wrong.

It's not a zombie going crazy, but junior brother Qin Ze?

what's the situation?
Taoist priest Qianhe suddenly looked up at the royal zombie and found that the other party had no intention of giving it a try. Not only did he not, he was even huddled in the corner and shivering.

It seemed like I felt some great terror.

And look at junior brother Qin Ze.

Taoist priest Qianhe was confused.

At this moment, Qin Ze turned his back to them, holding a dark mace that he didn't know where it came from. There were black electric arcs surrounding his body, and he was surging with momentum, like a killing god.

(End of this chapter)

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