Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 86: Armed color domineering is upgraded to the intermediate level!

Chapter 86: Armed color domineering is upgraded to the intermediate level!

When Simu arrived at the venue, the little brother couldn't help but say.

More than half an hour had passed since the escape to the scene. It was extremely quiet outside, and the Taoist priests who had gone out to deal with the zombies had not returned yet.

"Okay, slave, let's go and see it now!"

Manager Wu was trembling a little when he spoke, his whole face turned black and purple, he felt chilly all over, and he couldn't help but shiver.

He raised his feet and wanted to take a step.

But the body didn't obey.

Extreme hunger and thirst came over me, my head felt dizzy, and my teeth felt itchy.

Wu Guanshi couldn't help but turn his head to look at the little brother, his eyes gradually filled with greed and desire.

The latter was startled.

"Wu, Wu is in charge, you"

The younger brother's expression suddenly changed and he quickly shrank inside.

This way.

He'd only seen it on zombie faces.

"Master, this slave has served you for so long, please let me take a bite!"

Wu Guanshichang opened his mouth, showing two long fangs, and rushed towards the little brother.


A scream came from the dojo.

"It's Brother Eleven!"

The face of Taoist Master Qianhe, who was about to knock on the door, suddenly changed.

He kicked open the door and saw the corpse-turned-steward Wu running around the house chasing his little brother.

"Evil animal! Look at the sword!"

Taoist priest Qianhe drew out his money sword, raised his momentum, and rushed out in an instant.

He might not be able to defeat the royal zombies, but he would have no problem dealing with the zombies that had just transformed into zombies.

The blades of the sword burst into waves, and Dao Qi filled the air.

Guanshi Wu was beheaded by Taoist Master Qianhe with a copper coin sword in a few moves.

"Jia Le, go prepare some glutinous rice!"

The four-eyed Taoist priest came to the little brother and rolled up his sleeves.

I hadn't noticed before that the little brother was actually injured.

But fortunately, he was not bitten, just scratched, and he was saved.

"Master! Here!"

Jia Le took out a large bag of glutinous rice from the kitchen, Taoist Master Simu and Taoist Master Qianhe mixed it, and then applied it on the little brother's arm for treatment.


Black smoke billows from his arms.

The glutinous rice turned black instantly.

Taoist Master Four Eyes took out the special bite ointment from the medicine jar and covered it on his arm. After doing all this, the remedial work was completed.


"Goodness, goodness!"

The master closed his eyes tightly and recited scriptures to help the black steward on the ground to achieve salvation.

"You can be considered a loyal slave!" Qin Ze shook his head.

If Wu Guanshi hadn't risked his life to save his master, he wouldn't have been bitten by the zombies.

Being a slave is worthy of recognition.


In the end, he died of his own ignorance and pride.

If he had followed the initial arrangements, he would not have ended up like this.

"System template!"

Name: Qin Ze

Devil Fruit Development: Intermediate, Human-Beast Form (Unlocked), Blue Dragon Form (Unlocked)
Three colors of domineering: armed color domineering (elementary), knowledge color domineering (elementary), overlord color domineering (elementary)
Skill: Thunder Bagua
Weapon: Bazhai
Portable space: ten cubic meters
Physical fitness: Mao Zheng Merit points: 26000
In the room, Qin Ze stared at the merit points column of the system.

After killing the royal zombies, I gained [-] merit points. Adding the previous [-] merit points, the total came to [-].

"To promote Armed Color Haki and Wisdom Color Haki from elementary to intermediate level, each needs to consume [-] merit points. To promote Overlord Color Haki from elementary to intermediate level, it needs to consume [-] merit points!"

After some thought, Qin Ze finally chose to improve his armed color domineering.

the reason is simple.

When the Bawang color haqi lack has not yet been upgraded to a high level and the Ba Tang is no longer needed, the improvement of the armed color haqi is directly related to one's own combat effectiveness.

Armed Haki can be directly transformed into substantial attack power, sending powerful impacts to bounce the enemy away, and can even kill the opponent without touching the enemy's body.

In addition, Armed Color Haki can also improve one's own defense, forming a protective wall to defend against invisible attacks.

During the war, the three generals activated their armed Haki and withstood Whitebeard's shock wave.

Moreover, if it is improved to a certain level, it can release the armed color outward and pass through the surface of the object, directly destroying the interior of the object, and killing people invisible.

"Ding! After spending 2 merit points, congratulations to the host, the armed domineering level has been upgraded to the intermediate level!"

The system's words rang out.

The moment the words fell.

Qin Ze felt a heat in his body, and his internal organs were full of power. A black domineering energy appeared on the surface of his body involuntarily, and his arms, legs, and torso all turned dark.

Except for the unarmored and hardened head, the whole person looks like an iron man made of steel.

Compared with the primary level, the strength of the intermediate level of armed color domineering is indeed significantly improved.

"Ding! The Armed Color Haki has been upgraded to the intermediate level, and the Devil Fruit development level has been upgraded to the advanced level!"

It's just one step away from advancing to the dragon state.

Well, I can't say it's just one step away, after all, it still requires [-] merit points!
But facts have proven that there is indeed nothing wrong with developing domineering.

"If the armed domineering energy covers the whole body and the body surface is completely hardened, it will be difficult for zombies and evil spirits to confront me head-on!" Qin Ze couldn't help but think.

Although the physical quality given by the system is Mao Zong, but combined with the domineering and devil fruits, it is far more than Mao Zong.

At the same time, as the strength increases, the destructive power also increases exponentially, reaching inhuman levels.

In the process of killing the royal zombies, it can be seen that a thunderous gossip caused the ground to collapse.

"You have to slowly control your power from now on, otherwise you will be easily injured!"

In the original book, when Kaido was at the peak of his strength, he could sink an island with a stick, let alone a mountain.

As his strength increased, Qin Ze could already feel the tyranny of physical strength.

It is really possible that when fighting against Xie Mei, he could hit his head and wipe out the town.

The next morning.

Taoist Master Qianhe and the four disciples from the southeast and northwest packed up and stood at the door of the dojo.

Brother Eleven, there is also a coffin outside the door.

However, the original gold coffin beside them was now replaced by an ordinary coffin.

The royal zombies have been killed. There will be no more waves along the way, and naturally there is no need for the copper-horned golden coffin.

On the contrary, it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble because it is too eye-catching.

"Senior Brother, Junior Brother Qin, Master, let's say goodbye then!"

With a smile on his face, Taoist Master Qianhe bowed his hands to several people and said goodbye.

Although last night was dangerous, luckily we passed it safely.

The next journey.

It will definitely go smoothly.

"it is good!"

"Teacher, take care!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes nodded and said nothing more.

Qin Ze stood aside with a warm smile on his face.

Taoist priest Qianhe looked at Qin Ze: "Golden scales are not just things in the pond. They turn into dragons when encountering storms. I hope to see you again in Maoshan in the future!"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows. He knew this was a blessing, but he could really turn into a dragon.

Taoist Master Qianhe waved his hand, turned around and left the dojo with the four disciples, gradually disappearing from everyone's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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