Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 87 Leaving the dojo!I met someone who ripped off customers!

Chapter 87 Leaving the dojo!I met someone who ripped off customers!
After Taoist Master Qianhe left, Qin Ze stayed for two days with the help of Taoist Master Simu, the master and others.

During this period, Qin Ze, Jiale, Qingqing and others completely became one with each other. The distance between his uncle and his nephew gradually disappeared. Jiale recognized this uncle who was similar to himself from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, supervising Jiale's cultivation is also indispensable, but fortunately, Qingqing is with him. For this, the other party can only feel pain and enjoy it happily.

In addition, during the two days he was staying, Qin Ze would spend most of his time wandering around the dojo and randomly hunting some wild game.

Of course, there is the intention to improve the diet, but more importantly, I want to use this method to practice the body's control of the ultimate strength, so as to achieve the point of lifting weights with ease.

Two days was obviously not enough time, but I slowly got used to it and found my own rhythm.

All good things come to an end.

this day.

Outside the dojo gate.

Qin Ze said goodbye to Taoist Priest Simu and the master.

"Senior brother, farewell!"

Qin Ze bowed his hands to Taoist Priest Simu, then looked at the master and thanked him for the hospitality during this period of time.

"Junior brother, take care all the way!"

"Amitabha, donor Qin, take care!"

The four-eyed Taoist priest and the master nodded.

Qin Ze waved to everyone, left the dojo and headed to Renjia Town.

"Master, let's go to Renjia Town sometime!"

Looking at Qin Ze leaving, Jia Le looked at Taoist Simu and asked in a depressed tone.

Qingqing's eyes were also shining with expectation.

Before Qin Ze came, they might not have been that yearning for the outside world, but after hearing so many things about Qin Ze and all kinds of strange experiences, their minds were already ready to fly outside.

Taoist Master Four Eyes also knows that if they stay in the dojo every day, they can easily become withdrawn and autistic, and they really need to see the outside world.

While increasing his knowledge, it can also inspire him to practice better and turn his yearning into motivation.

"Whenever I have enough money, and when you step into the third level of the Earth Master, I will take you there as a master!" Daoist Priest Simu agreed and at the same time, he also painted a big cake for Jiale.

"Isn't there a golden coffin?"

Jia Le muttered in a low voice: "If we dismantle that golden coffin, we will definitely sell it for a lot of money!"


“Ill-gotten gains cannot be enjoyed happily!”

The master smiled and shook his head.

Taoist Master Four Eyes agreed with the master's words, and of course there was a more important point.

The golden coffin is placed in the dojo only temporarily and cannot be attributed to oneself.

Besides, after Taoist Master Qianhe arrives in the capital and reports everything, the superiors might send someone to take away the golden coffin, so he doesn't dare to move around.

He did not choose to go to Renjia Town with Qin Ze now because he considered that he might have to receive people from the court in the future.

"All right!"

Jia Le curled his lips glumly and replied, "I don't know how long we have to wait."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes looked at his apprentice angrily. He had no patience at all. He was so impatient that he could easily suffer losses. Not to mention his strength, he was also separated from Junior Brother Qin Ze in terms of character.

"Don't worry, soon!"

Taoist Master Simu murmured to himself that this year is the year when Maoshan disciples of his generation gather together every ten years, and all the Taoist priests who have left the mountain will gather together at that time.

Senior Brother Shi Jian, Junior Brother Qianhe, Senior Brother Lin, Aunt Partridge, and other senior brothers and sisters are all there, and some junior brothers and sisters who have been away from the mountain for less than ten years can also participate. After all, there are only a few. When I can see all my fellow disciples.

Therefore, there are no hard and fast rules on identity.

At that time, we will naturally be able to see Senior Brother and Junior Brother Qin Ze and others again.
The time to return is faster than the time to come.

After a day and a half.

Qin Ze returned to Renjia Town.

"Buy something for your senior brother and two nephews!"

“It seems like there’s less of a sense of ceremony when you go out and go back empty-handed!”

Qin Ze stood on the busiest street in Renjia Town, preparing to buy some things and take them back.After Mrs. Ren and what happened in Jiuquan Town, Qin Ze has now basically achieved financial freedom, and his money is more than enough to be a wealthy gentleman in a small town.

Of course, having money does not mean spending it frivolously. When it comes to purchasing things, Qin Ze still attaches great importance to cost-effectiveness. Such things as driving up prices must be strictly prohibited.

While I was choosing something in front of a shop, a voice came into my ears.

"Boss, then, then I won't buy it!"

Outside a jewelry shop not far away, a pretty girl wearing a purple dress and a little foreign hat put back a hairpin in her hand and said with a somewhat panicked expression.

"Not buying?"

"You, a little girl, are very well-dressed, but you didn't expect that you couldn't afford a hairpin after looking at it for so long?"

The shop owner snorted coldly, with a hint of toughness in his tone.

"Hey, little girl, it's only ten dollars, so just buy it!"

"That's right, you can't buy it and suffer losses, you can't buy it but you can't be fooled!"

“If you really can’t afford it, you can find other ways!”

Around the girl, there were several young men who said with joking expressions on their faces.

The girl's face turned red from suppressing her anger, and she clenched her hands tightly, not knowing what to do.

I came to Renjia Town to find someone. When I came to the shop, I took a fancy to a hairpin and wanted to buy it back. However, I didn't expect that the other party asked for ten yuan a piece.

Normally, a hairpin like this would be worth an ocean at most.

It is impossible to come up with such a large amount of money.

"There really is a trap everywhere!"

Qin Ze looked at everything that was happening and shook his head.

It was obvious that those young men were working with the boss and cooperated with each other in order to let the girls buy low-priced items for much higher than the market price.

That is often said to rip off customers.

This situation is actually very common. No matter when and where there is business, similar things will happen.

It's just that the methods used by these people are really a bit inferior. Seeing that they are foreigners, they raise the price of the mission and won't let them leave if they don't buy it.


"A hairpin sells for ten yuan!"

Qin Ze came over, looked at the shop owner and said with a smile.

"Is your hairpin made of gold or jade?"

The shop owner was doing business with the girl when he heard a strange man suddenly interrupt and frowned.

Where did that brat come from.

Dare to interrupt your own business.

The shop owner looked up and was about to scold him harshly, but when he saw the person clearly, he immediately changed his facial expression, with a smile on his face and his body couldn't help but lower his head a little.

"Qin, Taoist Master Qin!"

"Why are you here?"

The shop owner swallowed unconsciously and felt like he was sweating crazily.

Who in Renjia Town doesn’t know Taoist Priest Qin Ze who has great magical powers!

That was a ruthless man who raided the den of horse bandits and tore apart zombies with his bare hands.

"It's not bad except for the hairpin!"

Qin Ze smiled and said, "Ten dollars, right? OK, I'll pay for it!"

As he spoke, Qin Ze took something out of his empty pocket.

"Don't tell me!"

"What did Master Qin say?"

"You are the benefactor of Renjia Town! You don't have money for anything, you are tacky!"

"It's just a hairpin, given to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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