Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 89 This is about to become a zombie!Letter from the Ren family!

Chapter 89 This is about to become a zombie!Letter from the Ren family!

"Brother-in-law, I don't know why lately, he jumps every three steps when he walks, and his body twitches from time to time!"

"And my brother-in-law's fingernails have become very long, and he often gets itchy. He likes to scratch bricks, and when he turns around, he will poke several holes!"

Nianxiu said, with an uneasy look on his face.

"I wonder what kind of strange disease it is?"

Walking with three steps and one hop?
Nails grow longer
Qin Ze already had the answer in his mind, and it looked the same as in the movie.

Uncle Jiu's face suddenly became serious: "What happened to your family recently?"

"It's nothing serious. Well, no, my uncle died a few days ago!"

The uncle she was talking about was none other than her brother-in-law's father.

Unfortunately, he died suddenly a few days ago, and his body was placed in the ancestral hall for burial.

Uncle Jiu's face condensed slightly: "Is this so!"

"Not completely sure yet!"

Uncle Jiu whispered to himself.

Although he had a guess in his mind, and the guess was extremely accurate, you have to see this kind of thing with your own eyes before you can say it, and you can't make a conclusion.

And he couldn't tell Nianxiu now. She was still young, which would only increase her worries.


Only a Taoist priest can solve this kind of thing. It will be useless for any doctor. Uncle Jiu immediately nodded and said, "Today is the day when my junior brother has just returned to the dojo. How about starting tomorrow?"

He considered that Qin Ze was tired and needed to recuperate for at least one day.

When Nianying heard this, she couldn't help but look at Qin Ze, her eyes flashed slightly, she smiled and said, "Okay Uncle Jiu, let's set off together tomorrow!"

She was not in a hurry. Renjia Town was a long way from Yuquan Town. Even if she set out today, she might not be able to arrive before nightfall.

Uncle Jiu: "Okay, I don't need to introduce you to my junior brother. These two are my apprentices Wencai and Qiu Sheng. If you have any questions later, just ask them!"

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at Nian Xiu like a silly boy.

I usually work for the master and my junior uncle, which is a labor of labor, but now I am replaced by a beautiful girl, whom I can only dream of.

Get ready to entertain the beautiful girl and leave a good first impression on her.

However, Nianxiu just smiled at the two of them to show politeness and said nothing more. Then he turned to look at Qin Ze and said softly: "Taoist Master Qin, can you introduce Yizhuang to the little girl?"

Compared to Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, in terms of perception, Nian Xiu naturally prefers Qin Ze, who has saved her from trouble. After all, the other person not only has a good temperament, but also has a guaranteed character.

The quality of the first impression can often be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Qin Ze nodded and did not refuse: "Of course!"

"If Miss Nian doesn't understand anything about Renjia Town, you can ask me at any time!"

After all, after staying in Renjia Town for so long, he still knows a lot about the situation in the town. It is not easy for the other party to come here once, and he has some relationship with Uncle Jiu, so it is natural to fulfill his friendship as a landlord.


Nianxiu's eyes lit up: "Then we'll trouble Taoist Qin!"

Renjia Town is the largest town within a few hundred miles, and is even more prosperous than Yuquan Town.

When she came here, she was naturally curious as a little girl. She liked to look around and learn about some new things that were not available in Yuquan Town.

It's just that when I first came here, I had the experience of being made things difficult by the shop owner, so I would never dare to continue alone.

It would be different if Qin Ze was here. After all, it could be seen that Qin Ze's prestige in the town was very high, not even inferior to Uncle Jiu.

Qin Ze said a few words to Uncle Jiu, then introduced Nianxiu to the dojo and helped her find a place to stay for the night.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at the back of their junior uncle, with envy-like expressions on their faces: "Whenever, it would be great if we could have the same fate as our junior uncle's sister!"

Uncle Jiu glanced at the two of them and said angrily: "Hmph! If only you could strive for success like your little uncle!"

"I can also save a lot of worry!"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng heard something in their master's words, and smiled carelessly, and quickly took out the precious herbs purchased by Qin Ze from the gifts: "Master, here, we two little uncles will honor you!" Night fell.

In Qin Ze's room.

"Hoo! It's finally over!"

"It turns out!"

"There are more tiring things in the world than fighting zombies!"

During the day, Qin Ze originally planned to casually answer a few questions from Nian Xiu about Renjia Town, and then entertain him for a few meals, which was almost the end of his friendship as a landlord.

Unexpectedly, the other party wanted to drag him around the whole town. Although he didn't want to, he had already praised Haikou before and couldn't refuse.


Qin Ze, who finally returned to the dojo after wading through mountains and rivers, didn't rest for a moment. He just spent the whole day shopping with Nian Xiu during the day.

During the process, Qin Ze was distracted and walked around. Although he was not physically tired, after all, his physical fitness was there, but he couldn't help but feel tired.

Nianxiu didn't feel tired at all, she was full of energy and full of energy.

This made Qin Ze feel quite emotional. No matter what era women are in, they can't escape the attribute of shopping, and they will never feel tired.

Qin Ze didn't finish it until he sent him to the room.

"They say women are made of water. I don't know if that's true, but at least my legs shouldn't be!"

Qin Ze's heart opened up.

But thinking about going to Yuquan Town tomorrow, he couldn't help but cheer up.

The plot in The New Mr. Zombie.

There seem to be many underworld scenes over there.

For example, Red and White Chongsha, the Zombie King in Tengteng Town, and the reincarnation of the Demon Infant.

I was really sleepy and someone handed me a pillow.

Qin Ze seemed to see a large wave of merit points waving towards him.

If there was a massacre in the past.

Then you can't take off on the spot?

In addition, Qin Ze received a letter in the inner sea of ​​the dojo.

I learned from Butler Ren that Ren Tingting went to the provincial capital when he left Renjia Town for the Four Eyes Dojo.

"I don't know what to write?"

Before reading the letter, Qin Ze took it out and opened it.

The handwriting that comes into view is elegant, graceful and eloquent. There are two pages in total.

Qin Ze scanned it roughly, and the content could be summarized in three sentences.

Where to go, ask about the situation and look forward to a reply, and don’t forget to come to the provincial capital to visit me.

"The Ren family in the provincial capital?"

Qin Ze frowned slightly and noticed the blind spot.

From the letter, we learned that the Ren family was originally a big family. There were not only Ren families in Renjia Town, but also in the provincial capital. This time Ren Tingting went to the provincial capital to study within the Ren family who lived in the provincial capital.

To be honest, the Ren family in Renjia Town is just a branch of the Ren family in the provincial capital.

"It seems that there is indeed more than one Ren family here!"

Qin Ze thought about it for a while.

There are millions of zombie movies out there, and the Ren family accounts for at least half of them.
I remember that among the musical zombies, there was also a Ren family. I was confused at the time and didn’t know if it was the one from the provincial capital.

Shaking his head, Qin Ze didn't think much, picked up pen and paper from the drawer, and wrote a reply.

(End of this chapter)

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