Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 90 What disease could I have?

Chapter 90 What disease could I have?

The next day.

Dojo entrance.

Uncle Jiu, Qin Ze, Nian Xiu and others gathered at the door, preparing to leave for Yuquan Town.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng also stood aside.

Originally, Uncle Jiu didn't want the two apprentices to go there, and wanted them to stay in Yizhuang to guard him. However, when he went to Jiuquan Town before, he didn't take them with him, and the two of them complained a lot.

This time, despite the hard work from the two apprentices, he finally agreed.

"Junior brother, how am I doing?"

At this time, Uncle Jiu was wearing a black suit and holding a black court staff in his hand. He had a tall and straight figure, and his youthful handsomeness could be vaguely seen.

I must have been a handsome young man who was very popular with girls when he was young.
"Yes, he looks dignified and majestic!"

Qin Ze nodded, not exaggerating.

It was the first time I saw Uncle Jiu wearing formal clothes other than Taoist uniforms, and it was indeed an eye-catching feeling.

No wonder, Michelian is now a wife and still misses Uncle Jiu in her heart.

"Haha! Junior brother, if you say that, I will feel relieved as a teacher!"

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but laugh.

It’s been a long time since I last saw Junior Sister Michilian. There’s no other reason to wear formal clothes, I just don’t want to lose my image.


When meeting someone you haven't seen for a long time, you will always feel a little nervous and want to show your best side to them.

"Junior brother, you are not bad either. This suit is tailor-made, and it looks like the demeanor of my junior brother when he was young!"

Uncle Jiu looked at Qin Ze, who was wearing a new style of Hanfu, and chuckled.

With an arrogant figure and a commanding temperament, he must be able to charm a group of young girls when he steps out.

Nianxiu stood at the door, her eyes never moving away from Qin Ze.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were a bit miserable. Although they had put on their best clothes, compared to Qin Ze's sharpness, Uncle Jiu's calmness was far behind.

The group of people closed the gate of Yizhuang and rushed to Yuquan Town.

"Taoist Master Qin, Uncle Nine, I heard that there is a zombie riot in Tengteng Town, north of Yuquan Town, and it seems to be quite fierce!"

On the way, Nianxiu sat on the back seat of Qin Zedeng's bicycle and said slowly.

"Tengteng Town?"

Uncle Jiu had never heard of this.

After all, Tengteng Town is still some way away from Yuquan Town, and has almost no contact with Renjia Town.

Moreover, their route will not pass through Tengteng Town.

But for sure.

The round trip from Yuquan Town to Renjia Town is in peace.

Otherwise Nian Xiuye ​​would not dare to come from Yuquan Town to Renjia Town alone.

When Qin Ze heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

He knew that the zombies in Tengteng Town were not very vicious, but extremely vicious.

There are probably no living people in the entire Tengteng Town now. There are dozens or hundreds of zombies, and there is even a zombie king entrenched in Tengteng Town.

Within a radius of dozens of miles, almost no one dared to approach.

The corpse aura was so strong that it was unimaginable.

Yuquan Town, Marshal's Mansion.

In troubled times, warlords, as a new generation of forces, broke away from the control of the imperial court and formed their own power.

Generally, areas managed by warlords are much more peaceful than other places. Many people love and hate warlords.

Michelian's husband, Jiang Dalong, is considered a better one among the warlords, at least he is not cruel and easy to kill.

Therefore, Yuquan Town is living a relatively peaceful life.

at this time.

In the Marshal's Mansion, fully armed soldiers wearing military uniforms and holding rifles stood on both sides of the Marshal's Mansion in uniform order.

The barrel of a gun is the warlord's greatest deterrent to others, and it is also the guarantee of the right to speak in troubled times.

Regardless of whether you are a martial artist or a Taoist, as long as you are a mortal body, if you are hit by a hail of bullets, your body will be beaten into a hornet's nest.

of course.

Martial arts is in decline. Even martial arts masters have little resistance when faced with evil zombies and other things. On the contrary, Taoists have a bright future.

Able to resist evil spirits.


Marshal Jiang Dalong returned to the Marshal's Mansion and began to look for his wife.He loved Michelin very much.

Whenever I get home, the first thing I do is find my wife.

The most important thing is that now that Michelian is pregnant, Jiang Dalong likes her even more, and his heart aches when he doesn't see her for a moment.

There is no way. In the hearts of people in today's era, filial piety is the first priority and the inheritance of the family line is a huge matter. No one wants to have the incense of their family be cut off if it reaches them.

Otherwise, you will not be able to face your ancestors after death.

"Commander, the young lady is out!"

Someone called back immediately.


Marshal Jiang was stunned.

"The young lady went to the town to burn incense!" the man continued to reply.


Jiang Dalong nodded. He knew something about Mi Lian's past. He was a Taoist priest from Maoshan, and he attached great importance to the burning of incense and worship.

Although he was very disdainful of this, thinking that it was useless to give them a few peanuts and they would still burp.

But Aiwujiwu is also supportive on weekdays.

Suddenly, Jiang Dalong trembled all over, bared his teeth, and felt his fingers itching.

"Hurry, hurry up, I'm starting again!"

"Bring the bricks!"

"It's handsome!"

The adjutant immediately stepped forward. The two soldiers understood and came over holding a brick.


Jiang Dalong stretched out his hand and without any hesitation, aimed at the hole and thrust it in.

Swish swish!
The extremely hard bricks fell and turned to dust under Jiang Dalong's friction, making bursts of harsh sounds.

The soldiers holding bricks looked frightened.

"What disease does the commander have? It's too scary!"

The nails on Jiang Dalong's hands were glowing blue, with a faint tendency to turn to black. The nails were a full twenty centimeters long, which was very scary.

And it is extremely hard, and when poked into a brick, it looks like punctured tofu.

If this were stabbed into a person, it would not turn into a sieve on the spot.


"Cool, so cool!"

After Jiang Dalong vented his anger towards Brick, he seemed to have entered the sage time, feeling ecstatic and sublimated.

"Okay, take it down!" With a wave of Dali's big hand, the soldier stepped back with the brick.

At this time, a soldier trotted in from outside: "Commander, someone is coming!"

Jiang Dalong raised his eyebrows and was about to ask who was coming when he saw Nianxiu leading Qin Ze, Uncle Jiu and others walking towards them.


Nianxiu greeted Jiang Dalong.

Jiang Dalong looked up and was stunned.


He didn't know Qin Ze.

But he knew Uncle Jiu next to Qin Ze.

After being stunned, I felt extremely unhappy.

The atmosphere instantly cooled down after Nian Xiu said hello.

Uncle Jiu looked at Jiang Dalong and felt unhappy.

Nianxiu saw that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and quickly stepped forward, shook Jiang Dalong's arm and said.

"Brother-in-law, it was my sister who asked me to ask Uncle Jiu to treat you!"

"This is Uncle Jiu's junior brother, Taoist Priest Qin Ze!"

"These two are Uncle Jiu's apprentices Wencai and Qiu Sheng!"

Nianxiu introduced her identity to break the gradually cold atmosphere.

Hearing this, Jiang Dalong snorted coldly, and the stiff atmosphere dissipated.

"What could be wrong with me? It's just that my nails are longer, harder, and colder!"

(End of this chapter)

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