Zombie: Fusion of Kaido template, I transcend violence

Chapter 92 Kill zombies!I want to meet Sister Lian!

Chapter 92 Kill zombies!I want to meet Sister Lian!
The Immortal Splashing Bureau is extremely rare. The ancestors are buried here, and the descendants are either rich or noble. However, there is a taboo in the Immortal Splashing Bureau, that is, people cannot be buried after death, and the coffin cannot even be stained with rustic materials, otherwise the corpse will easily change.

The moment he saw this game, Uncle Jiu understood.

There must be a coffin on the ground.

"That's right, I received guidance from an expert!"

"This place is indeed a fairy splashing bureau!"

The commander who followed Qin Ze and Uncle Jiu nodded and said.

The tone was full of pride.

The initial decoration of the ancestral hall cost thousands of dollars.

"The game is indeed good!"

"It's a pity that your father ran away!"

Qin Ze looked at a location in the ancestral hall and said casually.

The coffin placed there fell to the ground.

The coffin lid fell aside.

The bodies inside were missing.

Hearing this, Jiang Dalong turned aside. Did your father just run away?

My father has been dead for several days, how could he run away?

"Huh?. Where is my dad?"

"Where is my dad?"

When he pushed aside the two people and saw the empty coffin, Jiang Dalong was stunned.

It was clear that my father was placed in a coffin and then carried into the ancestral hall!
I put the lid on myself myself.

How could it be gone?

Could it be a true corpse transformation?

Just when he was thinking.


A roar came from the side.

Jiang Dalong's zombie father rushed out from an inconspicuous corner and rushed towards Jiang Dalong.

Looking at the zombies rushing towards him.

Jiang Dalong's mind instantly went blank, and his hands and feet were cold.

Dad really became a zombie
Although he is a commander, he is also an ordinary person.

When this happens suddenly, the brain shuts down directly.

The few soldiers who followed saw that something was wrong and ran away.

Ordinary people see zombies.

How many of them dared to resist in the first place?
Moreover, many people serve as soldiers just to make ends meet.

"Get out!"

At this time, Qin Ze stepped forward, his legs bent like a bow, and his whip legs were drawn out.


Under Qin Ze's casual blow, the zombie dad took several steps back and hit the wall to stop himself.

"Taoist Master Qin, save me!"

When Jiang Dalong saw Qin Ze repel the zombies with one kick, it was like seeing a life-saving straw.

Qin Ze's momentum rose.


The domineering blow.

The entire ancestral hall is filled with strange power.

Jiang Dalong looked at Qin Ze whose momentum changed drastically, and his heart was agitated.

next moment.

Qin Ze's robes stood up without any wind, his expression was indifferent, his figure turned into a black lightning, and he punched the zombie father.

The edge of the fist is like a steel knife.

Straight through the zombie daddy's heart.

Zombie Dad's movements came to an abrupt halt.

He fell heavily to the ground.

a breath.

The zombie dad was killed by Qin Ze.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host killer zombie father, and you will be rewarded with 500 merit points!"

The system beeps.


Talk is better than nothing.

Jiang Dalong's father is indeed very powerful, and he is at the bottom of the list.

Otherwise, Jiang Dalong would not have completely transformed into a corpse for so long after being bitten.

"Qin, Taoist Master Qin, my father?"

Only then did Jiang Dalong realize that his father seemed to have been killed by Qin Ze with one punch. He couldn't help but be shocked.

Completely served.

"Now you can pull out your father's teeth, grind the tooth powder, and remove the corpse poison!"

Qin Ze said lightly.

When Jiang Dalong heard this, he couldn't help but respect Qin Ze.Now he finally understood why Mi Lian went to Renjia Town to ask Uncle Jiu and the others for help.

Uncle Jiu, this junior brother, is indeed powerful.

At the same time, I am glad in my heart.

Fortunately, I didn't do anything stupid before, otherwise I would probably be lying in the coffin like my father now.

At this time.

The few soldiers who had just ran a certain distance heard the commotion in the ancestral hall calm down and braved their way back to the ancestral hall.

"You guys are running pretty fast, don't even want this month's money!"

Seeing several of his men, Jiang Dalong was furious.

If Qin Ze hadn't taken action, he would probably be in trouble now.

But also understandable.

When faced with zombies, it is indeed human instinct to run away.

He himself was almost petrified.

"Commander, we just went back to fetch reinforcements!" the clever soldier quickly explained.

"Stop talking about those useless things!"

Jiang Dalong waved his hand impatiently: "Hurry up and grind off the tooth powder!"

He wouldn't believe these words.

Soon, the soldiers took action and delivered the ground tooth powder to Jiang Dalong.

Jiang Dalong held it up with both hands and showed it to Uncle Jiu and Qin Ze.

"Is it taken directly internally?"

Uncle Jiu frowned: "Yeah!"

"But there seems to be not enough tooth powder, so I'm afraid it won't be able to remove the corpse poison in a short time!"

"We have to find some more zombie tooth powder!"

Jiang Dalong's expression changed and he said anxiously: "My father's fangs are all worn down, where can I find other zombies?"

There are few such things as zombies.

And he didn't want to encounter it a second time.

So fucking scary.

"Didn't Miss Nianxiu say before that there seems to be zombies in Tengteng Town!" Wencai started talking.

Tenten Town?
Jiang Dalong hesitated.

He had heard about what happened in Tengteng Town, but it would be really scary if they were all zombies.

But if you don’t go.

He will also turn into a zombie.

Finally, Jiang Dalong gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "Okay, I will bring the large army over tomorrow!"

"Isn't it Tengteng Town? Let's kill zombies and get tooth powder!"

He doesn't believe it.

Are zombies really not afraid of bullets?
With dozens or hundreds of spears, even zombies must be beaten into sieves.

Qin Ze shook his head: "For ordinary zombies, guns are not very effective. Leave this matter to me!"

We have to go to Tengteng Town no matter what.

The zombies there will be a huge wave of merit points.

It's better to take advantage of this and sell Dashuai a favor.

"Little, little uncle?" Wencai and Qiu Sheng were stunned.

Junior uncle actually volunteered to help the commander solve the problem?

It doesn't make sense!

There is not one zombie in Tengteng Town, there are dozens of them.

very dangerous.

"Taoist Master Qin, why are you so embarrassed?"

Jiang Dalong waved his hands repeatedly, his tone was much kinder.

"How about I send someone to go with you?"

Qin Ze's strength just now was clearly visible.

He will not offend capable people.

What's more, now that he has been poisoned by corpse poison, his attitude is naturally a bit lower when he asks for help.

So when talking to Qin Ze, he didn't dare to act like a commander.

"No!" Qin Ze refused.

There are a lot of zombies in Tengteng Town, and if there are so many living people at once, it is not to kill the corpses, but to give away extra money.

It will only become a burden to him.

"Junior brother, let me come with you!" Uncle Jiu said at this time.

As a senior brother, how could he let his junior brother do such a dangerous thing alone?

The most important thing is that there are many zombies in Tengteng Town, and he is afraid that Qin Ze cannot handle them alone.

"Senior brother, come here!" Qin Ze waved to Uncle Jiu. Uncle Jiu was a little strange, but he still walked over.

Jiang Dalong, Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and Hu Hui, what are the two senior brothers muttering about?

Not long after, Uncle Jiu came over uneasily, stared at Jiang Dalong for a while and said.

"Commander, let's just settle it. If nothing happens, go back to the Marshal's Mansion first. I want to see Sister Lian!"

(End of this chapter)

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