Chapter 93 Two ways!Demon baby!

As soon as he said these words, Jiang Dalong's expression immediately became wary.

See Lian Mei?
He knew what happened between Uncle Jiu and Sister Lian.

Two old friends want to meet.

I always feel anxious.

Jiang Dalong suppressed the discomfort in his heart: "What about Tengteng Town?"

"My junior brother can just go!"

Uncle Jiu said, glanced at Wencai and Qiu Sheng, and continued: "Qiu Sheng, you will go there with me later!"

Qiu Sheng nodded. He wasn't very strong, but he could embolden his junior uncle in the past.

Qin Ze did not refuse.

Wencai, on the other hand, stayed in the Marshal's mansion to help Uncle Jiu.

Jiang Dalong exhaled and felt much more relaxed. With Daoist Chief Qin passing by, there should be no big problem. After all, he was just taking zombie powder, not killing the zombies in the entire town.

"Then I will be at the Marshal's Mansion, waiting for the good news from Taoist Qin Ze!"

Jiang Dalong looked at Qin Ze and said respectfully.

Immediately, the group of people separated. Qin Ze and Qiu Sheng rode the horses prepared by the commander and rushed towards Tengteng Town.

Jiang Dalong, Uncle Jiu, and several other literary men followed the path they came from and hurried back to the Marshal's Mansion.

"Master, what were you talking about with your junior uncle just now?"

Walking on the road, Wencai couldn't help but asked curiously.

Uncle Jiu was frowning and thinking, but his thoughts were interrupted by Wen Cai's question. He couldn't help but reach out and hit him on the head.

"Why so many questions?"

Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes angrily, and then continued to fall into deep thought.

What Qin Ze was talking to him just now was about Jiang Dalong.

Although Jiang Dalong's father's zombie was eliminated and some tooth powder was ground, the death energy on Jiang Dalong's body did not dissipate.

In other words, Jiang Dalong is not out of danger, and he is likely to die suddenly if this continues.

Uncle Jiu didn't pay much attention to it before, but when he looked at Jiang Dalong with his Dharma eyes, he realized that this was indeed the case.

Jiang Dalongyintang turned black, and the death energy was about to emerge from the top of his head.

That's why it's so strange.

Logically speaking, junior brother Qin Ze took action to deal with the zombies and went to get tooth powder himself.

The Marshal's Mansion should be out of danger.

Almost instantly.

He thought of Lian Mei.

Therefore, he told Jiang Dalong that he wanted to meet Lian Mei.

Jiang Dalong didn't know what Uncle Jiu was thinking, and thought he wanted to rekindle his old love after meeting Lian Mei.

to be frank.

He really didn't want Uncle Jiu to see Sister Lian.

Men are always very cautious in this regard.

But after thinking about it, Taoist Qin Ze's attack just now was sharp and terrifying.

Although Uncle Jiu has not shown his strength yet.

But you don't need to think about it to understand that it will definitely not be that weak.


The people who came here from Renjia Town were indeed here to help me.

No matter which aspect you look at, you can't refuse.

"In the future, when my handsome child is born, I will think of a way to let him go to Maoshan to study for a while!"

Jiang Dalong muttered in his heart and his eyes lit up.

Thinking of the way Qin Ze acted like a god came to the world just now in the ancestral hall, Jiang Dalong felt itchy.

I have no chance.

Then let your son come.

As the saying goes, if you can't beat it, then join.

The son is good at Taoism and gunmanship.

That would be invincible.

Jiang Dalong thought clearly that in the future, even if he spent money, his descendants would have to be thrown into Maoshan.

Just wait for Lian Mei to successfully give birth to a big fat boy.


Everyone returned to the Marshal's Mansion.


As soon as he entered the hall, Jiang Dalong shouted at the top of his lungs: "Honey, are you back?"

"Master, the young lady just went to bed!"

A maid came over and whispered to Jiang Dalong. "Asleep?"

Jiang Dalong said oh and didn't think much about it. Pregnant people tend to be sleepy, which is normal.


Jiang Dalong was suddenly stunned and looked at the maid a few times: "Why haven't I seen you?"

"Master, I came to the mansion just a few days ago. I was specially invited to take care of the young mistress!"

The maid said quickly, lowering her head and not daring to look directly at Jiang Dalong.

"So it is!"

Jiang Dalong waved his hand, indicating that he understood, and asked the maid to leave.

Uncle Jiu noticed something was wrong with the maid: "It smells so filthy!"

However, he just muttered a few times in his heart without saying it out loud, keeping it in mind.

Jiang Dalong looked at Uncle Jiu: "You also heard that my wife has gone to bed, and you can't see her even if you want to. I'm not handsome and stingy!"

Jiang Dalong felt a little proud because he just didn't want Uncle Jiu to see Sister Lian.

But the words were just finished.

Mickey even stood by the stairs with his big belly, supported by Nianying.

"Dalong, are you back?"

Michillian greeted Jiang Dalong, but her eyes unconsciously fell on Uncle Jiu beside him.

The eyes of the two met in the air.

All the past events came flooding back to their minds, as if they happened yesterday.

at this time.

Silent is better than sound.

The air became somewhat condensed.

The corners of Jiang Dalong's eyes twitched violently, and he felt sour in his heart!
Isn’t it just a meeting?
The prime minister can punt a boat in his belly.

Ben Shuai endured it.

Michelle is wearing silk woven clothing. Although she has a big belly, she is well-maintained and her charm is still there.

For a moment, Uncle Jiu also froze on the spot, feeling lost in his heart.

Everything can't go back.

Wencai also noticed the master's mood, and rarely made any jokes, watching in silence.

It was Jiang Dalong who was the first to break the silence; "Honey, you should pay more attention to your health now and not come out casually. Nianying, help your sister go in and rest!"

Nianying nodded and helped Michelian back to the house.

After Michelian left, Uncle Jiu came back to his senses.

He shook his head and sighed.

He had missed Lian Mei when he was seeking the truth wholeheartedly, but now he is satisfied when he sees that she is doing well.

Things have changed and people have changed. Let the past be the past.

Uncle Jiu felt a little more relieved in his eyes.

Without being aware of it, my mind has become a little more perfect.

"All right!"

Jiang Dalong saw that the two of them just glanced at each other and said nothing. He narrowed his eyes with a smile and felt relieved: "That's nothing. Uncle Ninth, let's go and rest!"

"Servants and prepare the room!"

Uncle Jiu nodded and left at the greeting of his servant.

"Master, that maid just now was so strange!" Wen Cai couldn't help but say.

Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice: "It's a little strange. There are two people's auras on her!"

"It's not easy!"

Wencai stared at the boss: "Two people?"

"Is it possible that a ghost is possessed?"

Uncle Jiu shook his head, unable to make a conclusion for the time being: "Anyway, just keep it in mind!"

However, the voice just fell.

Uncle Jiu's pupils shrank.

When passing by Michelin's room, he saw through the window a small black figure placed on the counter.

"Magic baby?"

Uncle Jiu blurted out.

Wencai: "???"

He was at a loss.

If the baby's reincarnation fails, it will turn into an ordinary spirit baby. However, if the reincarnation fails many times, the spirit baby will hate people and turn into a terrifying demon baby.

Wen Cai spared his head: "Master, what should we do now?"

Uncle Jiu was silent for a moment, then breathed out and said, "I have to find your aunt, the demon baby should have come from her!"

(End of this chapter)

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