"I have already said that there is no need to be so polite."

The god's voice was somewhat cold, and there was a sense of alienation in his body that made him feel distant from others.

It's like a god from above overlooking the world.

The village chief nodded and bowed flatteringly: "You want what you want. This is the wishes of the villagers."

"If you hadn't protected our Baili Village, this village would have been eroded by evil spirits."

Over the years, surrounding villages have often been attacked by monsters, and some have even been massacred.

Many villages voluntarily merged with Baili Village, hoping to find a little shelter.

It was Village Chief Li's ancestors who asked the mountain god for protection.

Because of this affection, the Li family has been the village chief of Baili Village for generations, and no one dares to surpass him.

The village was originally called Lijiacun, and most of the people in the village had the surname Li.

But as more and more villages were merged, they were renamed Baili Village. With Baili Village under their protection, the surnames in the village became a little more confusing.

But the Li surname still has a superior position in Baili Village.

Although the village chief is dressed simply, in fact the Li family has already made a fortune.

Everyone presented the flowers they brought in to the mountain god.

There were people behind who were carrying sacrificial pigs and offered them to them one after another.


It's just a little out of place here surrounded by flowers.

The mountain god only nodded slightly, but didn't look at it again.

"Thank you to the mountain god for protecting our village for thousands of years. Now that the demon king has returned to the demon world, people are panicking. Fortunately, the mountain god protects us and makes everyone feel at ease..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the cold voice saying.

"I am about to leave this world."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked up suddenly, looking frightened and uneasy.

"Mountain God, are you...are you going to abandon us?" The village chief could not conceal his fear and shock.

He, he recently agreed to merge several villages.

And he even received the benefits!

With a puff, he knelt down in front of the coldly banished immortal: "Mountain God, Baili Village cannot live without you. If you leave, how can we survive in the demon world?"

"Our lives are miserable and mean, and we have to survive in the cracks of the demon world. Thanks to your protection, we can recuperate and live until now!"

Thump thump thump…

The villagers behind him all knelt on the ground in fear and kept kowtowing: "Mountain God, please protect Baili Village again and give Baili Village a way to survive."

"Ask the mountain god for protection..."

"Ask the mountain god for protection..."

"How can we live without you? God..." Everyone panicked for a moment. The mountain god stayed here for thousands of years, and they lived under the protection of the god from generation to generation.

What would they do if the gods left?
"God, don't you like sacrifices? Did we do something wrong?" The village chief knelt on the ground and cried. His head hit the ground heavily, and it was already slightly red and swollen.

Everyone was kneeling on the ground and refused to get up. They all had tears streaming down their faces, looking quite pitiful.

What should they do if the gods no longer protect them?
Baili Village has grown stronger in recent years, and more and more villages have been merged. But merging is not a free act of kindness.

The merged villages will have to pay 10% of the harvest to Baili Village every year!
Over the years, they have made a fortune just from paying tribute.

"What did we do wrong? Tell us and we will change it immediately!" The villagers knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing. The man frowned slightly and sighed softly when he saw the villagers crying.

"I know! It's Aman. That girl must have offended you. It must be Aman!" The village chief's eyes were red, and he was slightly mad.

Baili Village is huge. As a farmer, he has already realized the beauty of power, so he is not willing to let it go!
He stood up suddenly, stepped forward, grabbed Aman's clothes tightly, and pulled Aman over.

Before Ah Man could recover, he was pushed hard by him and fell directly to the ground. The little girl's skin was so tender that her palms were scratched by the pebbles on the ground.

"Damn girl, I should have known earlier that you would bring disaster to Baili Village!"

"Just like your shameless mother, she knows how to throw dirty water on God!!"

The girl endured the pain and said stubbornly: "Don't slander my mother!" Ah Man's eyes were red with anger, and the grievance in his eyes almost overflowed.

Immortal Master Yan Qing has been practicing for thousands of years. At this moment, seeing her holding back tears, he actually felt a little sad.

Then he frowned fiercely, his face full of displeasure.

"Presumptuous! When did I say that it was related to her?"

"I am free to come and go, no need for you to speculate!"

The gods were angry, and the village chiefs' calves trembled, and they all fell to their knees tremblingly. His teeth trembled and made a crunching sound.

The village chief broke into a cold sweat and went overboard.

"Her frivolous mother didn't know where she got pregnant with a scoundrel like her..."

"The bitch doesn't even want to tell Shen Tang the adulterer's name."

"In the end, she was waiting crazily at the end of the village. She didn't expect a man to fly in the clouds and mist to marry her. Around here, you are the only mountain god who can fly in the clouds and mist. What are you doing instead of throwing dirty water on you?"

"This damn girl is the offspring of a slut and an adulterer."

"I have been saying since I was a child that I would go to the mountains to seek justice from you."

"Do you think it's funny?"

"If she offends you, Baili Village is willing to sacrifice her to the mountain god for punishment. May the mountain god calm down and forgive Baili Village."

"Baili Village really can't live without you." The village chief and other villagers knelt on the ground and knelt on the ground, unwilling to get up.

Ah Man clenched his fists and looked straight at the man in front of him.

Immortal Lord Yan Qing was startled: "I have been cultivating here and have never been married to any woman!"

Ah Man staggered to his feet and asked with red eyes, "Are you really not my father?"

"My mother kept her belly full and waited for him to marry her and give her an explanation. Until her death, she looked in the direction of the mountain..."

A pair of sad eyes seemed to appear in front of Yan Qingxianzun's eyes. Before his death, he looked at the mountains and forests in loneliness and despair.

My heart felt a twinge of pain for a moment.

"Are there other gods in the mountains?" Ah Man gently wiped the tears from his eyes.

Immortal Lord Yan Qing shook his head: "There are only some demon clans in the mountains."

This is the realm of the demon clan. As long as the other party does not offend him, Immortal Yan Qing will not interfere too much.

"This bitch actually wants to get her hands on the gods!"

"Maybe I was deceived by some spirit in the mountains!"

Yan Qingxianzun's eyes were stern, and the village chief suddenly shut up and looked at him with a flattering look on his face.

Aman pursed his lips and said to Immortal Yan Qing, "It's Aman's fault..." After saying that, he lowered his head and stood in the corner.

"That's all, let's go."

"No need to ask anymore, I will protect you for thousands of years, that's enough!"

"My departure has nothing to do with anyone." He glanced at the village chief, who was kneeling on the ground with tears streaming down his face.

All the villagers looked unhappy.

The village chief gouged out Aman's eyes fiercely.

The gods have protected Baili Village for thousands of years, why did they suddenly leave? It must be that bitch and unruly woman who caused the gods to anger Baili Village!
Besides, if the gods no longer protect the village, someone has to bear the wrath! (End of chapter)

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