The whole village walked back in silence.

Everyone's expressions were gloomy and terrifying, and they suppressed the fear in their hearts.

On the other hand, they dare not offend the gods.

"If we go back here, how will we deal with the villagers who merged with us from outside?"

"There are still villages waiting for the merger, and the benefits have been reaped!" The food has been eaten, and the spiritual stones have been spent!
On weekdays, they rely on the fact that they are from the same village, and they make a big show in front of outsiders, offending countless people.

Most of the men who came today are from the original bloodline of Lijiacun.

A small number of people were the first to be merged. They have been together for thousands of years, and they have been colluding with each other at an early date.

In Baili Village, they lived like emperors.

Who would have thought that a mud-legged man who struggled to survive in the demon world could actually marry a concubine.

They pick and choose in the village and harm many girls.

The three of them, Lu Chaochao, stood at the end. Lu Chaochao turned back and looked at the small courtyard.

"Sister Aman, don't go back to the village yet. Can you wait for me for a while?" She always felt that there was something strange about Immortal Yan Qing.

She wanted to go back and explore.

"Sister Aman, please come with us." They had already blamed Aman for being the disaster star, but today, they might implicate Aman. Xie Yuzhou, a fool, could tell that something big was going on in the village today.

Aman looked anxious and looked at the direction the villagers were leaving: "Grandma is still in the village, I have to go back first." She was afraid that the angry villagers would do something bad to her grandmother.

"Besides, we have agreed to leave the village. Grandma is already packing her luggage, and I want to go back remove my mother's coffin."

Her mother had suffered all her life, and she could not leave her alone here.

Xie Yuzhou thought about it and understood her thoughts.

"We haven't come back, so you must not conflict with the other party. Be sure to protect yourself!"

Aman smiled and said, "Okay, okay, you are like little adults. We will meet at the entrance of the village later. You must pay attention to safety!" She looked back at Chaochao. For some reason, Chaochao always gave her a kind of A feeling of peace of mind.

Immediately, he hurriedly followed everyone down the mountain.

Lu Chaochao sighed softly and looked at Aman with longing eyes.

"How about giving her some magic weapons to protect her?" Xie Yuzhou couldn't help but ask when he saw her worry.

Chao Chao shook his head slowly.

"If her life is in danger, I can help her. But today is the turning point of her life, and I cannot interfere with her cause and effect." Lu Chaochao could calculate that she would be in trouble today, but it was also the cause and effect that she needed to resolve in this life.

Otherwise, you will be haunted by inner demons in the future.

Lu Chaochao slapped a concealment charm on Xie Yuzhou, and the two returned to the courtyard quietly.

Immortal Master Yan Qing is collecting grass seeds seriously.

"After thousands of years of planting, it finally bears fruit. I don't know whether this move is right or wrong..." When Lu Chaochao offered sacrifices, Hanchuan Immortal Lord secretly ordered him to plant the Glazed Pure Flower.

This stay lasts for a thousand years.

The glazed pure flower cannot be touched by spiritual power, otherwise it will collapse. He needs to water and weed himself. Over the years, he has been a flower farmer in the mountains for thousands of years.

"This mountain full of glazed pure flowers is extremely beautiful." His thousand years of hard work are not in vain.

Xie Yuzhou glanced at Lu Chaochao, dear mother, it was a thousand years of delay.

After collecting the grass seeds, Yan Qingxianzun returned to the house.

The room is slightly quiet, and there is a painting hanging on the table...

Immortal Master Yan Qing stood in front of the painting, his expression paused, and he was struggling slightly.

He raised his hand and touched the scroll gently, and his slender fingers touched the girl in the painting. The girl stood in a large green glazed flower with a smile as bright as a flower.

Xie Yuzhou's eyes widened and he pointed at Immortal Yan Qing.

This woman...

Isn't it the portrait hanging in Aman's room? In order to leave a memory for Ah Man, the old lady found a piece of charcoal from the stove and drew it! Lu Chaochao raised his index finger to his lips.

When Immortal Master Yan Qing spoke today, his expression was sincere and did not look like he was lying.

Immortal Master Yan Qing rubbed the girl's cheek bit by bit: "On weekdays, I always scold the fairies to stick to their true intentions and not to indulge in lust."

"But I never thought that this would happen to me."

He took off the painting and held it cherished in his arms.

"But you are just an illusion in my inner demon. How should I find you? Shu'er..." Sixteen years ago, Baili Village came to worship the mountain god.

Not long after the villagers left, he felt a hint of desire emerge.

He sat cross-legged among the glazed flowers, trying to kick out the corrosive desire.

Unexpectedly, desire counterattacked and was hit hard.
Later, he lost his mind and fell into a fantasy world of inner demons for a short time.

Sometimes, he couldn't even tell whether it was a fantasy or reality. Those days were quite chaotic.

When he woke up, what appeared in his mind was the appearance of his inner demon.

"I'm really crazy. The little girl who came today actually feels a bit similar to you."

"You and I met in the illusion, but I no longer have inner demons." Immortal Lord Yan Qing sighed softly, sitting in a chair with a dazed expression.

He even occasionally had treacherous thoughts, wanting to encourage his inner demons, and wanting to see her again.

But he is disciplined by nature and cannot do such a thing.

He just stood up...

Suddenly, his steps staggered. Holding on to the edge of the table, he barely stood still.

"Hiss..." Suddenly, there was a heart-piercing pain in my heart.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky: "No, no... why is his heartbeat so violent?" He had already jumped out of reincarnation and should not have such a strong bond.

He calmed down and closed his eyes to feel it carefully.

Aman's unwillingness suddenly appeared in his mind.

At this moment, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

That bond is constantly weakening!
He flicked his long sleeves and disappeared directly in front of Lu Chaochao and the two of them, heading straight towards Baili Village.

"What happened? Why did he run away in such a panic?" Xie Yuzhou asked in a low voice.

Lu Chaochao's expression was also ugly: "Aman is his bloodline, and they will interact with each other in life and death!" This is also the reason why she does not dare to interfere with Aman's cause and effect.

Lu Chaochao didn't dare to hesitate. After thinking about it, he rolled up the paintings in the room and quickly went down the mountain.

When she came to the bottom of the mountain, there was a faint burning smell in the air.

"Over there!" She grabbed Xie Yuzhou and ducked to the grain drying field.

On the drying field, a pile of dry firewood was set up at some unknown time.

On top of the pile of dry wood, there was actually a coffin with fresh soil.

Thick smoke was billowing all around, and Ah Man was choked and couldn't help but cough.

"Mom, mother, my daughter is useless. I can't even protect your bones!!" The girl cried heartbreakingly. The old lady next to her had been trampled under her feet, and her mouth was still bloodshot.

"She is the one who offended the gods and made them no longer willing to protect Baili Village!"

"She is the sinner of the whole village!" The village chief pointed at her and yelled.

"The free-spirited bitch is the sinner of the whole village! The bastard she gave birth to is a coffin child, born to be a disaster!"

"Kill her and apologize to the gods!"

"Yes, kill her and apologize to the gods!" (End of Chapter)

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