Chapter 106: Know people with a sharp eye
Sheng Minglin unfolded it and saw that it was a newly painted map.

The painting is very large and the annotations are also very detailed. It is probably because of Zhuzhu's preference that he used different colors to paint the mountains and rivers, and also drew lace on the outside. At first glance, the painting style is quite cute, and it is similar to the fourth prince. The calm and taciturn look is very inappropriate.

Sheng Minglin said repeatedly: "Fourth brother is still thoughtful, I will ask someone to hang up tomorrow."

The fourth prince nodded.

The main reason he came here today was to see Master Du'e and the person who delivered the painting. After the two exchanged information, the fourth prince got up and left.

Sheng Minglin didn't sleep last night. He was busy for another day during the day and was tired. He didn't read any more when he went back and went to bed early.

Silent all night.

The seventh prince's face needed dressing change in the morning, and it took about two-quarters of an hour to change the dressing. Sheng Minglin got up in the morning, went over to see him change the dressing, and when he came back, he asked someone to hang the map on the wall next to Zhuzhu, and then He went over and looked at Master Duer again.

In the afternoon, I made an appointment with Huo Chenzhao to go to the martial arts training ground.

When Sheng Minglin strode until he couldn't hold it any longer, Huo Chenzhao raised his hand and patted him gently all over his body.

Sheng Minglin felt that with every beat, invisible energy seemed to penetrate into his palms, the acupuncture points swelled slightly, and his whole body seemed to be stronger.

After asking him to take pictures two or three times, Sheng Minglin actually walked around for the entire afternoon. Even Feng Pozhu was surprised.

On the afternoon of the third day, Huo Chenzhao taught him a set of punches and kicks.

Although Sheng Minglin was weak, he had a photographic memory. He demonstrated it once and he started to follow him. At first, he felt that his arms and legs were stiff and his movements could not be done properly. But after walking twice, his whole body became mobile. It just feels smoother and smoother.

Sheng Minglin practiced it more than ten times in one go before stopping. Even after he stopped, he didn't feel very tired.

Seeing that it was almost time, the two packed up and headed back.

Huo Chenzhao said to him: "If you don't mind it being monotonous, just practice this set of boxing and kicking. If it's just to keep fit, it doesn't have to be too long. Walk twice a day, take a break, and walk twice more. That's enough." Practicing is not very effective. After two months, I can teach you a few more sets."

Sheng Minglin nodded and asked him, "Seventh Brother is here today, don't we have to wait a few more days?"

"No need," Huo Chenzhao said, "Actually, two days is enough. Three days is enough."

The two passed by talking.

Silly Tuanzi has been accompanying the seventh prince in the afternoons for the past two days, and he is here now, and Princess Duan is also here.

Huo Chenzhao took it upon himself to wash off the medicine for the seventh prince.

Tuanzi and his mother-in-law stood behind, all waiting eagerly.

When the Seventh Prince turned around after washing, with water still hanging on his face, the three of them couldn't help but let out a loud ooh.

So lovely!
In fact, if you look closely, there are still some uneven spots on that piece, but because of the extremely superior facial features of the Seventh Prince, people can completely ignore this little flaw... At a glance, you can see that the eyes are deep and the facial features are so handsome. Sunshine boy.

Several imperial doctors were also very excited, and they all came over to look at it, while talking about it.

Tuanzi ran around excitedly, chirping in his little voice, "Qi Guo Guo looks good! Qi Guo Guo looks good!"

Huo Chenzhao said with a smile: "Don't rub too hard these days. Just wash it with clean water and wipe it gently. It will recover slowly. Wait for seven or eight days, and the wound will heal and the remaining medicine will be absorbed. The traces will become less obvious.”

The seventh prince nodded repeatedly and wanted to reach out and touch it, but Princess Duan quickly grabbed his hand: "Don't touch it."

She looked at him carefully: "Oh, I'm really blind. I never noticed that your child is so good-looking before. It's our Zhuzhu'er who has a sharp eye to recognize people!"

The few people Zhuzhu said are good-looking are all really good-looking!

Sheng Minglin is handsome and gentle, the fourth prince is handsome and dignified, Huo Chenzhao is magnificent and dazzling, and the seventh prince was originally unremarkable, but now he looks as good as others, with deep eyebrows, handsome and sharp, even when he doesn't speak or smile. Full of nobility and no sense of naivety at all.

But even now, when he was smiling with big white teeth, his whole face looked bright and brilliant, and there was still no hint of naivety. He was very capable of bluffing people when he stood up.Tuanzi became even more excited. He picked up the tail of his words and continued chatting: "Zhuzhu is great! Zhuzhu has a sharp eye and knows people!"

The seventh prince made everyone in the room feel embarrassed: "That's it."

Princess Duan said: "I will come to the palace another day and let the Emperor have a look. She will definitely be happy!"

The Seventh Prince nodded and looked in the mirror again: "Wait a few more days, and when Xiu takes a bath, let my mother... show it to my father, the emperor, and the queen!"

At this moment, the dumplings running around suddenly stopped, and then she asked: "But Qi Guo Guo Guo is a kiss from Grandpa Tian. Now that it's cured, can you still kiss me?"

Everyone was confused and didn't know how to answer. Only Princess Duan said unusually calmly: "Yes, I just can't see it."

Tuanzi raised his little face and said seriously: "But if you can't see it, wouldn't it be gone?"

"Who said there is no more? Of course there is!" Princess Duan grabbed her daughter's chubby hand, rolled up her sleeves, revealing her chubby little arms, kissed her twice without saying a word, pointed and asked, "Can Can you tell?"

Tuanzi didn't react at all and replied blankly: "Look, I can't tell."

"Did you kiss?"


Princess Duan said: "So do you understand now?"

Tuanzi stared at his little arm and nodded suddenly: "I understand!"

This is too stupid and too cute.

Sheng Minglin couldn't stop laughing.

This is truly a mother-in-law couple who is not adulterated at all, dear!
The seventh prince's recovery was a big deal for Sheng Minglin.

Now we just have to wait for the fourth prince.

But the fourth prince never asked anyone to send a message, he didn't come over himself, and Sheng Yulu didn't say anything about it.

Sheng Minglin was so impatient after waiting.

Although I knew that it might not be easy to find a suitable opportunity, and the fourth prince's errands had to be arranged in advance, I was very anxious and wanted to solve it one day earlier.

Fortunately, the next morning, someone from the Fourth Prince's Mansion came over and asked him to take Zhuzhu, the Seventh Prince and the doctor to Longquan Temple early tomorrow morning, around 5 o'clock.

doctor?Huo Chenzhao is going too?

What the fourth prince meant was that he would test it out first and then let Huo Chenzhao test it out?
If he didn't test it out, maybe he and the Seventh Prince should also be tested?
However, it was probably useless for him and the Seventh Prince to go there. It was not like they had never seen each other before. In Fake Zhuzhu's eyes, they were probably nothing, and only his silly sister regarded them as treasures.

Sheng Minglin agreed, and then hurried over to find Princess Duan.

Because of what happened last time, Princess Duan had been afraid of well ropes for ten years and no longer believed in the guards of Prince Duan's Mansion. She directly wrote a letter to the General's Mansion to borrow dozens of guards and came over that night.

The fourth prince did not make a specific plan with him, but Sheng Minglin knew it in his heart and directly handed over the scheduling matter to Jin Yiwei.

Sure enough, they agreed directly without any excuse.

As for the rhetoric, Qihanhan was easy to fool and Tuanzi was easy to fool, but Huo Chenzhao was the two of them. They hit it off immediately. Huo Chenzhao was also smart and not easy to fool.

So Sheng Minglin hesitated for a moment, but still did not mince his words, but told him directly: "Please do me a favor tomorrow. I can't explain it to you for the time being, but I promise, I am definitely not harming you."

(End of this chapter)

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