Chapter 105 I can’t sleep even if I can’t do it for a day

Several people looked back and saw the fourth prince standing outside the door, seemingly for a while.

Due to the atmosphere, Tuanzi didn't dare to call him loudly. He only said in a breathy voice: "Four pots of pot!" while smiling at him with small white teeth.

The fourth prince strode in, nodded to Princess Duan, took the beads, and touched her little face casually.

Sheng Minglin secretly admired him in his heart. He always thought he was very smart, but as soon as the fourth prince opened his mouth,... how should I put it, his level was immediately revealed.

Master Duer stared at him closely.

The fourth prince let him look at him for a while, then raised his eyes and looked over.

Master Du'e seemed to be slightly surprised, and then said: "You are right, the poor monk is in trouble."

The fourth prince nodded and said solemnly: "May I ask Master, why does auspiciousness come to this world?"

Master Du'e said: "The destiny of the country, the master of the Ming Dynasty, or both."

Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince raised their eyebrows slightly at the same time.

Emperor Taizu of the Dasheng Dynasty, who was born in civilian clothes, overthrew the foreign regime, restored Han rule, and brought order to chaos. He was called the most upright emperor in the country. He was diligent in government throughout his life, fought against corruption, paid light taxes and low taxes to the people, and achieved great success in civil and military affairs... Today After the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, he also worked hard to govern, knew people well and assigned them well, and the country's fortunes were prosperous.

So when it comes to national destiny, it should be correct.

As for Mingzhu, does it mean the current emperor or the next emperor?
Today, he is naturally called the Lord of Shangming, but Zhuzhu is only three and a half years old now!

The two smart men thought of something at the same time, but neither said anything.

Princess Duan, on the other hand, asked again: "Master, there was a person before who Master Yanyi said was beneficial to Zhuzhu's fate. I wonder how this person is different from Lin'er? Is he the same person? The third person you mentioned?"

Master Du'e shook his head: "This person is completely different from these three people."

"Oh?" Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince said almost at the same time: "What's the difference?"

Master Du'e pointed at Sheng Minglin and said: "The fates of the three of you and her are intertwined and closely related. They all responded to the times and were born to be the masters of the country's destiny... And that person is more like a guide, bringing auspiciousness to the world." The energy turns into magical skills."

The fourth prince pondered: "What the master means is that auspiciousness is illusory. It may have changed a lot, but no one knows where the changes are... And he taught Zhuzhu specific skills, such as medical skills, and other things, Zhuzhu's auspiciousness But this 'skill' is extremely outstanding, and Zhuzhu also uses this skill to help the Ming Lord of the country's fortune, is that right?"

As he spoke, Master Due couldn't help but nod: "That's exactly it."

The fourth prince frowned.

Sheng Minglin said: "Master, do you want to meet this person?"

Master Du'e said: "We don't need to see you for the time being."

"What do you mean by this?" Sheng Minglin asked, "What's wrong with seeing you now? When do you need to see me?"

Master Du'e said: "Just now, it seems that there are variables in this matter. It's better to wait until the results are known and see you again."

Sheng Minglin said: "Master, what you mean is that this matter depends entirely on Zhuzhu? So it doesn't matter whether you see that person or not at this time, the result can be seen from Zhuzhu?"

Master Duer nodded.

Sheng Minglin exchanged glances with the fourth prince and had nothing to ask for the time being.

So Sheng Minglin saluted and said, "Master, please stay in Prince Duan's Mansion temporarily and teach Zhuzhu."

Master Du'e said: "She is not from my path, and I have nothing to teach her."

Sheng Minglin was slightly surprised.

However, Master Du'e's bad teaching to Zhuzhu originated from Zhuzhu's dream. Whether it was teaching or enlightenment, Zhuzhu couldn't tell. Maybe Master Du'e just wanted to use Buddhism to lead her to be good?
The fourth prince said: "The relationship between auspiciousness and auspiciousness is very important. Now that everything is undecided, I would like to ask the master to stay for a while. Maybe when the time comes, the master will know what to teach Zhuzhu."

Master Du'e thought for a moment, clasped his hands together and said, "I respectfully respect the emperor's order." Fortunately, Sheng Minglin was a worry-taker and had already ordered someone to clean up the yard for Master Du'e in advance, and then sent him there in person.

After working so hard for a long time, dinner was delayed and more than half an hour late. Zhuzhu was already tired and could not help kowtow because her eyelids were stuck together from time to time.

Sheng Minglin was afraid that she would knock her into the bowl, so he simply held her in his arms, held her chin with one hand, and kept teasing her while feeding her food carefully.

Several other people were also talking in low voices.

Princess Duan said: "The masters in the past gave people the impression that they knew everything, but they didn't say anything and looked anxious. This one speaks honestly. If you know, you know, and if you don't know, you don't know. But like this, it feels like he knows everything." In fact, there is nothing... ahem, there are not many things that I can do, and I am in a hurry."

Sheng Minglin comforted her: "Mother, Master Du'e has actually said a lot. It's very rare to know a little bit about the future. How can I teach you step by step?"

"Alas!" Princess Duan sighed: "That's right."

The seventh prince couldn't help but whispered: "But what does he mean by what he said? What kind of guard? Is Zhuzhu okay?"

The fourth prince frowned and said: "Master Du'e has said it very straightforwardly, don't you understand?"

The Seventh Prince said sarcastically: "I, I came a little late... there were many people who didn't listen..."

Sheng Minglin came to his rescue: "Zhuzhu is fine, Zhuzhu is fine. What the master means is that you and I, judging from our destiny, will surround Zhuzhu, protect Zhuzhu, and assist Zhuzhu."

The Seventh Prince said: "I understand this, but I just don't understand it. It makes sense for me to protect Zhuzhu. If you are so weak, how can you protect Zhuzhu?"


Sheng Minglin was speechless: "You will keep me awake all day, right?"

"Ah?" The seventh prince was confused: "I didn't hurt you! How can I hurt you when you are so smart and powerful? I feel that if you are so proficient in such difficult poems and books, and you learn such simple martial arts, you are not following the same rules. Are you just playing the same thing? So I wonder why you don’t study hard?”

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Forget it, what are you talking about with a fool.

The fourth prince asked him quietly: "To protect is to fight? You are not young anymore. Have you ever thought about how many things in this world can be solved by fighting? You want to be a general, but you think you can become a general if you are good at martial arts. When the army moves, supplies and supplies are complicated, everything is complicated; entering the battlefield, arranging troops, taking advantage of opportunities... everything requires the use of brains! No matter how strong your strength is, no matter how good your skills are, on the battlefield, you are just a leaf in the ocean. Xiaozhou! You should think more about it!"

The seventh prince was stunned for a long time by what he said, and then asked: "Then fourth brother, how can I learn this?"

The fourth prince lowered his eyes.

He was not actually close to the Seventh Prince, and he didn't expect him to listen when he taught him.

But he listened and asked for advice humbly, and the fourth prince also felt comfortable.

Children who know how to be grateful are lovable even if they are a little naive.

The fourth prince then said: "If you really don't like studying, then you don't need to study too deeply. When I find a chance to report to my father, I will tell Mr. Xu. After studying the four books, I will start to learn the art of war. When the time comes, please Father, if you are looking for someone to teach you, don’t count on General Xie, I’m afraid he doesn’t have much time to teach you.”

The seventh prince nodded quickly: "Thank you, fourth brother."

While talking, Zhuzhu had also fallen asleep.

Princess Duan calmed down after the fourth prince began to discipline her younger brother. After a quick meal, she carried her daughter back to the courtyard.

The seventh prince glanced at the fourth prince and left very obediently, so only the fourth prince and Sheng Minglin were left in the hall.

The fourth prince asked: "Qilang's face can be healed in three days?"

Sheng Minglin nodded: "It is said that the medicine can be washed off in the afternoon of the third day."

The fourth prince nodded, called his personal eunuch over, took out a picture, and said, "Hang this picture in Zhuzhu'er's room, or where she usually stays."

(End of this chapter)

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