Chapter 104 How could I not be smart?

Sheng Minglin was just teasing the child, but Huo Chenzhao smiled, stood up, walked past Tuanzi, dropped his sleeves, and flew out lightly.

Naituanzi's big eyes slowly opened, and his little head followed him slowly as if it was being held by a string.

Sheng Minglin almost couldn't hold back his laughter at such a little thing. He carried her out and stood at the door to watch. Huo Chenzhao looked back, then tiptoed and flew up the tree.

Compared with the Seventh Prince's flea magic skill that goes straight up and down, Huo Chenzhao's flying is like a fairy, especially a master's demeanor.

Tuanzi clapped his hands excitedly, his big eyes were bright, and he was still a little bit sleepy: "Good-looking! A beautiful pot fairy!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "She is not a 'fairy', Zhuzhu can be said to be a 'god'."

Tuanzi immediately changed his mind: "Beautiful Guoguo is a fairy!"

Huo Chenzhao stood on the treetop and cupped his hands, saying that he didn't dare to take it seriously. Then he flew down again, and there was really no sound at all when he landed.

The Seventh Prince shouted "Hello" and wanted to take a look, but he was afraid of the sun, so he could only build an awning with his hands and stand by the door and shouted: "It's amazing! It's beautiful!"

He also said to Sheng Minglin: "Minglin, look at me!"

Sheng Minglin chuckled: "You should also take a look."

It's a pity that Hanhan didn't understand what he was talking about at all, so he said, "Didn't I see it? This person's kung fu is really amazing!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

The boy trotted over and reported: "Your Majesty, Master Du'e has arrived."

Sheng Minglin stopped smiling, said goodbye to the two of them immediately, hugged Zhuzhu and left. As he walked, he whispered to Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu'er, go and see if it's the black and white master in your dream, and then quietly Tell your brother."

Tuanzi nodded obediently, and then he carried Zhuzhu into the hall.

The monk standing in the hall turned around.

This monk is not at all like the kind-hearted Master Yanyi, but has a bit of a vajra-like scowl.

He has big ears and big eyes. He is tall and burly. His hair and beard are indeed half black and half white. Although they are not clearly distinguishable, one side is more black and the other side is more white. At first glance, it is indeed "black and white". .

Sheng Minglin bowed his head and glanced at the dumplings.

Tuanzi was also staring at Master Duer, tilting his head as usual, with a slightly confused expression.

Originally, she didn't quite remember what Master Black and White looked like in her dreams... She forgot every dream very quickly.

But because the black and white master looked so strange, when he saw it, he remembered it a little bit, so Tuanzi turned around, hugged his brother's ears with his two little hands, and whispered: "He is the black and white master of black one minus minus .”

Master Du'e obviously heard it, his thick eyebrows furrowed and his eyes shone with divine light.

Sheng Minglin simply asked Tuanzi directly: "You see more black hair than Zhuzhu, right? That master is a little older, right?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Yes." He glanced at Master Du'e.

Master Due was staring at her, and their eyes met.

Tuanzi just said something trivial to him, and feeling a little guilty, she gave him a silly smile.

Master Du'e also grinned, then stepped forward, grabbed Tuanzi's little arm, and pulled out the chubby hand to take a closer look.

Princess Duan couldn't sit still anymore, so she came over and stood beside him waiting.

Master Due carefully looked at Tuanzi's two little hands, and stared at Tuanzi's little face for a long time. Finally, he finished reading. Princess Duan was waiting nervously for him to speak, but he turned his head again and stared at Sheng Minglin. After a while, I reached out and grabbed his hand and started to look.

Princess Duan was stunned, glanced at Sheng Minglin, endured no interruption, and just hugged Zhuzhu over.

Master Du'e looked at Sheng Minglin's hands, stared at him and said, "Is there more?"

Sheng Minglin said: "What does the master mean?"

Master Du'e said: "There should be another person, call the poor monk over to have a look." What he said was unambiguous and there was no room for doubt.

Sheng Minglin hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and then asked someone to call the seventh prince over.

I don’t have to worry about much at the moment. I want to ensure Zhuzhu’s safety first. As for rebirth or something like that, if it’s really exposed…then expose it!
The Seventh Prince was invited over with a confused look on his face, with medicine still on his face.

Master Due strode over, grabbed his hand, and began to take a closer look. He looked at both hands and nodded.

Princess Duan had been waiting impatiently for a long time and said, "Master, what did you see? Is there anything wrong?"

Master Du'e said: "If you return to evil and return to righteousness, you will be able to achieve peace and prosperity! There is nothing wrong with it! It's perfectly appropriate!"

Princess Duan asked: "My daughter is safe, right?"

Master Du'e nodded, and Princess Duan added: "Then why does master look at my son and nephew?"

Master Du'e said: "When auspiciousness comes to the world, there will naturally be many stars guarding it. Now that the stars have returned to their positions...well, there is still one person missing. If we find this person, we will have peace of mind."

Princess Duan was startled.

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "Master, what you mean is that Seventh Brother and I are... the ones who defend the auspiciousness? There is another person who is in a similar situation to us, who is also the one who defends the auspiciousness?"

Master Duer nodded.

Princess Duan said quickly: "Then, where can I find this person?"

"The poor monk doesn't know," Master Du'e said very matter-of-factly: "The poor monk doesn't know where this person is, nor what kind of person he is. When he appears, if there is some mistake, he has not met the princess, that is, he has not returned to his place. , that poor monk can’t see his destiny...only if he is already beside the auspiciousness like you, the poor monk can see it.”

Princess Duan almost didn't blurt out, "What's the use of you?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Then, before that person returns to his position, will Zhuzhu still be in danger?"

"No," Master Du'e shook his head and said, "There is absolutely no fear of life, no serious illness or disaster, at most there are some minor twists and turns."

But they don't want any small setbacks.

Sheng Minglin took a breath and said, "Where is the person who harmed Zhuzhu now? Is there still a chance to harm Zhuzhu?"

Master Duer shook his head: "I don't know."

Sheng Minglin asked: "Then, is Zhuzhu in danger of being... killed by Li Daitao?"

Master Du'e shook his head: "How is this possible! How can Xiangrui be easily replaced by others!"

Sheng Minglin hesitated for a moment, then said: "Is it really impossible? But now everything indicates that there will be such a possibility."

"Impossible, no!" Master Du'e shook his head: "When the auspiciousness was not yet achieved, there might have been various disasters, but now that the auspiciousness has appeared, everything will naturally go smoothly and every disaster will be turned into good luck."

Tuanzi was nestled in her mother's arms and couldn't understand at all. She could only open her big eyes and clasp her little hands obediently without saying a word.

The seventh prince stood aside, also completely unaware of the situation... and remained silent.

The two people accidentally met their eyes. At this moment, both the Seventh Prince and Tuanzi had a suspicion in their hearts.

Am I not smart? !
Otherwise, why can’t I understand it well?

impossible!How could I not!Cong!bright!
After a brief silence, Princess Duan asked: "Master was on the street and kept saying 'that's not right'. What does this mean? What's wrong?"

When she asked, Master Du'e also frowned and said: "I don't know what's wrong, but I always feel that something huge is wrong. I can't find out the details after repeated reference."

Princess Duan became nervous when he said this: "Will there be any disaster?"

"It's not like a disaster, but it's not like auspiciousness either. It's so weird that the poor monk still has to study it in detail."

Suddenly someone said: "Master, why don't you just let nature take its course? There may be some things that haven't come yet, so why don't you let it go first and help Xiangrui with peace of mind and teach her teachable things... If what's wrong is a disaster, Xiangrui will prosper and natural disasters will happen." Misfortune disappears; if what is wrong is blessing and auspiciousness, they can also complement each other."

(End of this chapter)

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