Chapter 103 The beautiful brother can fly
Princess Duan spread her hands: "I wrote a letter when I was about to enter Zhongzhou, saying that I was going to Zhongzhou. After I entered, I definitely didn't have time to write a letter. I was also afraid that the letter would be poisonous and would infect people, so I would write less, but let me I don’t have to worry about anything.”

Sheng Minglin nodded, slightly lost in thought.

Huo Chenzhao spent more than half an hour before giving up.

Sheng Minglin went in and took a look, and saw that the seventh prince's birthmark was covered with a layer of black medicine, but it didn't feel like it had been applied on, but rather like it had penetrated into the skin.

The seventh prince looked at himself in the mirror, frowned, and said, "How ugly!"

The dumpling was sweating from playing outside. Hearing that the treatment was over, he came in with a little jump. The seventh prince quickly covered his face with a mirror. When Zhuzhu looked down, he covered his head. When Zhuzhu stood on tiptoe to look, he covered his head... …

Tuanzi thought her brother was playing with her, so she giggled and grabbed his hand: "Qi Guo Guo, are you cured?"

"Not yet," the seventh prince said with only his eyes exposed: "It will be three days later, and you won't be able to see anyone for these three days."

"Can't see people?" Tuanzi said sadly, "But Zhuzhu will be worried about you!"

The seventh prince couldn't resist at that moment, "Bao'er! Good boy, why are you so good! Brother really wants to kiss you!"

After saying no kiss, Tuanzi blinked in confusion, his little fleshy face crooked, and he came closer.

The seventh prince held up the mirror, extremely hesitant.

Sheng Minglin comforted him: "Don't worry, Zhu Zhu'er is very good at digging for gold in the soil. She thinks you look good no matter what you do."

The Seventh Prince frowned and couldn't hold back his joy: "Tell me, why are you praising me so stupidly?"

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

What I said is really not a compliment to you! !

But the seventh prince still carefully moved the mirror away, but he didn't dare to kiss her.

Tuanzi's big eyes widened, he came over to take a closer look, and even blew on him: "Qi Guo Guo Guo, does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt," the Seventh Prince said, "It hurts a little during the treatment, using such a long needle." He compared it.

Tuanzi gasped in surprise: "What a long needle! Are you afraid of Qi Guo Guo?"

The seventh prince said proudly: "I'm not afraid at all."

"Wow!" Tuanzi's little face was full of admiration, "Qi Guo Guo Bang Bang!"

The older ones and the younger ones were chatting very happily to each other, non-stop blah blah blah, it looked like the average age was no more than three years old, Sheng Minglin twitched the corner of his mouth, covered his great wisdom and left silently.

Because he could not see the sun, wind or water during the treatment, it was best not to sweat, so the seventh prince was locked in the room and was not allowed to go out.

Nai Tuanzi felt that Qi Guo Guo was very sick and must be very bored because he couldn't go out, so he came over to stay with him as soon as he woke up from his nap.

The seventh prince had not practiced martial arts for a day and was feeling uncomfortable all over. When he saw Tuanzi coming, he gave her a stick and asked her to teach her how to practice a spear.

Tuanzi let him teach him how to raise his arms and legs. He thought it was quite fun at first, but the Seventh Prince was too demanding. Tuanzi was completely carried around and swung around. His little fat legs had never been raised so high before. !
Two quarters of an hour later, Tuanzi was panting: "No, Zhuzhu is tired!"

"Practice just a little longer," the Seventh Prince, who was teaching vigorously, begged her in a low voice, "Practice just a little longer, I still have more than 70 moves waiting to be taught to you!"

I just learned three styles of dumplings: "..."

Based on his love for his seventh brother, Tuanzi persisted for a little while longer and was so tired that he staggered: "Zhuzhu really can't do it! Zhuzhu's legs can't stand!"

The seventh prince was so anxious that he even started to write: "You have to work hard and persevere a little more every day, and then you can become a god general in the future! This is called not accumulating frog steps, and you cannot reach a thousand miles; if you do not accumulate small streams, you can't reach a thousand miles. There is no way to build a river or a sea."

"Wow!" Tuanzi cheered enthusiastically, and while secretly running to sit on a chair, he asked, "Is the Frog Walk OK?"

The seventh prince who was a scumbag coughed twice and explained vaguely: "Just, it's... Anyway, this frog step, in short, the meaning of this sentence is probably that if you don't start learning from a small place, you will learn forever. It won’t be big. So if you persist a little longer today, you will become more powerful as time goes by, almost as powerful as your uncle.”

Tuanzi's big eyes were full of admiration: "Qi Guo Guo is so knowledgeable! Even frogs understand it!"

The seventh prince was a little proud and subconsciously sat down in the chair next to Tuanzi. "It's not bad!" The two of them kept talking here and there.

The young doctor standing guard next to him said: "..."

Although I'm not very talented, I still know common sentences. Can that be a frog step?Isn't that just taking small steps?

But he didn't dare to correct the prince, so he could only pretend that he didn't hear it, and thought to himself, no wonder his seniors had always taught him not to have ears or a mouth in the palace, and it should apply to times like this, right?

The seventh prince misjudged Tuanzi's failure. He thought that if he practiced for such a short time, wouldn't it be the same as not practicing at all?
As a result, Tuanzi was so tired that his hands and feet were weak and his whole body was weak. He lay on the chair and curled up in a ball, like a cat.

In the afternoon, several imperial doctors and Huo Chenzhao came in and bowed. The old imperial doctor didn't see her and almost sat on her. He was so frightened that he repeatedly apologized.

Tuanzi didn't have the energy to speak, so he only raised his little hands.

Huo Chenzhao asked: "Little princess, are you tired? Can I give you a squeeze?"

Tuanzi's little face didn't move, she just looked at him with her big eyes. After blinking, Huo Chenzhao held her on his lap and pinched her acupuncture points carefully.

Sheng Minglin, the useless brother of the useless group, came in. He was too tired and had no strength. He sat down with his legs weak. He didn't hear the group call him brother. He was still a little uncomfortable and asked, "What's wrong with Zhuzhu'er?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "I'm tired."

Sheng Minglin glared at the seventh prince angrily.

The seventh prince was a little unconvinced: "Can you blame me? We only played for a short time, and the two times together took less than half an hour! I didn't even seriously correct her movements. I almost pretended not to see it!"

Sheng Minglin chuckled: "Do I still have to thank you?"

"No need to thank you," the Seventh Prince sighed: "It's not what I said, you two brothers and sisters are really not good in body. Look at you, you are so weak, you can barely reach the end of the world with a horse step. The same goes for Zhuzhu, with your small hands and feet. There’s no energy at all…”

Sheng Minglin: "..."


Really heartbroken.

Is he really that weak?Are you so weak that the Seventh Prince uses idioms? ?
Huo Chenzhao looked at him and coughed lightly: "Master Shizi, how long have you been doing this?"

Sheng Minglin said feebly: "Three things and two things, I asked for some leave, it's been two or three months, right?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "If you don't mind, next time you stand up, I can go over and comb it for you?"

Of course Sheng Minglin doesn't mind, this is a young miracle doctor who can teach imperial doctors!

He said: "Thank you, thank you, I can't thank you enough. I really don't want to stop walking!"

The corners of Huo Chenzhao's mouth curved slightly, and he said: "I see that your face is not very good. It seems that you are suffering from depression. You will definitely become sick in the long run. But you are fine now. You don't need to take medicine. I can help you prepare a recipe, which can be used instead of tea on weekdays." Come drink and fix yourself.”

Sheng Minglin nodded: "Thank you, please. If you have any good things, please hurry up and get them all!"

Huo Chenzhao laughed.

The two of them were talking at one time or another, and the chatty Tuanzi kept lying on Huo Chenzhao's lap, saying nothing.

Huo Chenzhao stopped squeezing her and she was still motionless. Sheng Minglin lowered his head and looked down. Tuanzi's big eyes were still half-open, but he looked listless and drowsy.

Sheng Minglin was afraid that she would fall asleep and delay her dinner, so he quickly picked her up and said, "Zhuzhu? Zhuzhuer, wake up?"

He swayed for a long time.

The dumpling was like a small sticky cake, soft and swaying, with its little head shaking back and forth without opening its eyes. Sheng Minglin felt cute in his heart, and said with a smile: "Zhuzhu'er, look, look, look, beautiful. Brother can fly!"

(End of this chapter)

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