Chapter 102 Good brother for a lifetime
Sheng Minglin looked up.

The fourth prince was still playing with the jade paperweight, and slight knocking sounds sounded evenly. After a while, he said: "I was thinking, besides me, Huo Chenzhao, who else is behind the evil plot?"

He looked at him: "Minglin, you may be one of them. Where is Qilang? Where are the others?"

"But I'm also thinking, does it make sense if we know who has an influence on Zhuzhu, or has an influence on the evil spirit? After all, what is really useful about Zhuzhu's dreams is... the black energy on the map .”

Sheng Minglin was slightly frightened.

What he values ​​​​is family, or beads.

The fourth prince also loved Zhuzhu, but his first thought was "the country".

Sheng Minglin said: "What Fourth Brother means is that what we should do most is to try to find out under what circumstances can Zhuzhu have a glimpse of disaster?"

"Yes," the fourth prince looked at him approvingly: "Zhu Zhu'er is born with auspiciousness and brings good fortune to her family. This is of course good, but apart from these intangible things, of course the ability to detect disasters or similar things is more important."

In Zhuzhu's dream, it was the black and white master who taught Bad Zhuzhu how to learn this.

Sheng Minglin asked Jin Yiwei: "Is that master the senior brother of Master Yanyi? I wonder how many adults have found out? What arrangements are there?"

"Back to the Master," one of the Jinyi Guards said: "We have checked, and that person is indeed Master Yanyi's senior brother, with the monastic name Du'e. The Emperor ordered people to follow him, saying that he must be 'persuaded' to go to Prince Duan's Mansion today. .”

Sheng Minglin nodded and looked at the fourth prince.

The fourth prince also nodded and said: "Then let's do this for now. Do you follow me or Ming Lin?"

Jin Yiwei divided two good-looking ones and followed Sheng Minglin.

Prince Duan's Mansion,
Four imperial doctors came early in the morning, and then Princess Duan brought the imperial doctors to see Huo Chenzhao. Huo Chenzhao first taught the imperial doctors how to make medicine, and then explained the treatment and pharmacology in detail.

The Seventh Prince over there came back early in the morning and came over after taking a bath. Looking here, he felt a little flustered and asked, "Auntie, where is Minglin?"

Princess Duan smiled and said: "Minglin came to the palace early in the morning because of something. Why, are you afraid?"

How could the middle school boy admit this? He quickly said: "No, no, how could I be afraid! I just saw that Ming Lin was not here, so I asked casually."

Princess Duan smiled and said without exposing him, "Don't worry, your aunt is watching over you!"

The Seventh Prince nodded.

As a result, it took quite a long time to prepare the powder. I didn't know why the imperial doctor had so many problems, but Huo Chenzhao took his time and explained it to them.

The seventh prince's original nervousness had subsided and he sat down boredly.


When Sheng Minglin returned home, he first visited his sister.

Zhu Zhuer didn't get up very late this time, and was yawning while having breakfast.

Sheng Minglin saw that her little face was rosy, her eyes were still dull, and she was eating well, and she was not affected by the nightmare at all. He was really relieved and envious.

The small breast dumplings are so good, I forgot about them when I put my paws down.

He asked others: "Where is my mother?"

Li Zhi Fu Shen said: "Your Majesty has gone to the Seventh Prince's Courtyard, and the imperial doctor has arrived."

Sheng Minglin nodded and went out first to ask the housekeeper to clean up the yard for Master Du'e. When he came back, he said to Zhuzhu: "Zhuzhu'er, hurry up and eat. After dinner, we will accompany the seventh brother to treat his illness."

Tuanzi immediately became energetic. He opened his mouth wide and started eating. He quickly filled his stomach. He ate too quickly and even burped. Tuanzi covered his mouth with his hands in embarrassment.

Seeing that the sun was too strong outside, Sheng Minglin asked someone to hold an oil-paper umbrella for her, and then he carried her out of the house.

The two of them arrived at the guest house. As soon as they entered the door, Tuanzi put his hands down to talk and burped first.

The Seventh Prince had just been ordered to lie down, and when he saw the two coming, he said hello: "Minglin, Zhu Zhu'er."

Tuanzi ran over, held his hand to talk, and burped again. The seventh prince lay down and flicked her fleshy belly with his fingers: "Eat so much? The little watermelon is already ripe."

Tuanzi’s little ears turned red.

A three-year-old baby also needs face.

So Tuanzi tried his best to hold his belly in and said: "No! Zhuzhu is not full even once! It's because Zhuzhu is worried about Qi Guo Guo and rushes to see Qi Guo Guo. She doesn't have time to chew, so she gets fat." Fat!" "Oh!" The seventh prince believed it immediately: "Don't worry, Zhuzhu, I'm fine."

Tuanzi felt guilty and pulled his brother along as usual: "Guo Guo ran away too, so I'm worried..."

The seventh prince believed whatever he heard and glanced at Sheng Minglin: "Tell me, I have nothing to do here, why do you need to be so anxious?"

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

But he still said: "Your family is not here, how can we stay with you?"

The seventh prince was so moved. Although he was dumb and didn't say anything, his big eyes were filled with "Good brothers, forever."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

What can he do if a fool is on his side? For the sake of his sister, he should try his best to cover it up!
The more Nai Tuanzi wanted to talk, the more he kept hiccupping. Tuanzi thought about it and tactfully went over and took Huo Shen Zhao's hand.

Huo Chenzhao bent down with a smile, pressed her brows with both hands, and rubbed her twice. The dumplings stopped beating immediately, and he said loudly: "Pretty Guo Guo is great!"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

He told her: "Princess, I am going to start treating His Majesty Seventh Prince."

Tuanzi: "Oh!"

Huo Chenzhao continued: "If you need to use a needle, it will be scary. Princess, it's best not to look at it."

Princess Duan quickly stood up and said, "Zhu Zhu'er, be good. Mother will take you out and wait."

Tuanzi was a little hesitant: "Yes, Zhuzhu and Qiguoguo are good friends. We want to have candy and dinner together..."

Sheng Minglin helped explain: "She wants to share the joys and sorrows with you!"

The seventh prince was so moved that he pulled the dumpling over with one hand and kissed him: "Zhu Zhu'er is so kind, seventh brother loves you so much!"

Naituanzi hugged him obediently.

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhuzhu, after my beautiful brother starts treating the disease, only the patient and the doctor can stay in this room. We are not doctors, so we can only go out and wait, otherwise..."

Tuanzi blurted out: "Zhuzhu is also a doctor?"

Sheng Minglin's heart skipped a beat: "Zhu Zhu'er is also a doctor?"

Princess Duan smiled and said, "When did Zhu Zhu'er become a doctor?"

Tuanzi's little face was filled with confusion. She scratched her head and was taken out by Sheng Minglin. Sheng Minglin asked her in a low voice: "Zhuzhu thinks he is a doctor?"

Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu doesn't have many, but... Zhuzhu always feels that, just now, she should stay in the house with the beautiful Guoguo."

Sheng Minglin said gently: "Really? What will Zhuzhu do here?"

Tuanzi thought for a long time, then shook his head: "Not many."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

This confirmed his guess, why didn't he dream before?

It was because Huo Chenzhao taught her how to make medicine yesterday. Medicine should be a relatively important thing for Zhuzhu.

He changed the topic and pointed at the two new Jinyi guards: "Zhuzhu, do you think these two adults look good?"

Tuanzi took a look and nodded.

So Sheng Minglin asked someone to drag over the car that he hadn't played with for several days. The wooden horse in front was made according to the stature of the Seventh Prince, but the Jin Yiwei were all tall and good-looking adults, and their legs were of course long enough, so he let Jin Yiwei plays with Tuanzi on the car.

Sheng Minglin was beside him and whispered the matter to Princess Duan.

Princess Duan sighed after a long while: "It's too much trouble! It's really hard for you. I wish your father were here. This kind of thing is not what I think about."

Sheng Minglin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked again: "Didn't daddy come back with a letter?"

(End of this chapter)

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