After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 101: Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and falling out is like turning over

Chapter 101: Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and falling out is like turning over a book
Emperor Mingxi asked: "What's the matter?"

Sheng Minglin lowered his head and said, "Minglin is brave and begs the emperor to let the fourth brother test Princess Yulu."

Emperor Mingxi frowned and leaned back.

He had always had no airs, until now, when his smile faded, even if he didn't speak harshly, the imperial majesty was already impressive.

Sheng Minglin was sweating on his forehead, but he knelt up straight and lowered his head and said: "Minglin would never dare to question the ability of Uncle Huang and Lord Jinyiwei to do things, but after thinking about it again and again, Minglin felt that what happened that day was too coincidental. "

He took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and presented it with both hands: "This is Minglin's record, which may not be complete. Zhuzhu has had four dreams so far, and in all three dreams, she was like a bystander. But that was the only time when I was confronting Bad Zhuzhu, but I didn’t mention anyone else, but only fourth brother. This is really a coincidence..."

He paused for a moment: "Ming Lin is really worried about his sister. Even if there is only a glimmer of possibility, Ming Lin wants to get to the bottom of it. That's why he boldly requested... Ming Lin has overstepped his bounds and asked Uncle Huang to punish her."

Emperor Mingxi looked at the paper.

The writing on it is extremely detailed. Zhuzhu also wrote her own notes on what she did and said every day, and some small key points. She was really thoughtful.

Emperor Mingxi squinted his eyes slightly and thought for a long time before returning the paper to him and saying: "Go to your fourth brother and tell him these things in detail, and then ask him to find an excuse and try to fill it." Yulu. Second, let him go to Zhuzhu'er and do a few things, one thing a day... After finishing them all, depending on the situation, ask Shiro to give me a result. Do you understand? "

Sheng Minglin knelt and saluted: "Thank you, uncle Huang. Minglin understands."

"Well," Emperor Mingxi nodded, and then looked like he had just discovered it: "Hey! Minglin, why are you still kneeling? Get up quickly! You kid, you are always so out of touch with us, didn't I tell you, you If your father is not here, we are your real father. If you have anything to say, just say it and I can punish you!"

Ha ha!

I believe you are the one who is stupid!
Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger. My predecessors will never deceive me.

Turning over is like turning over a book, the emperor is really like that.

Zheng Zhongshun came over to help him up. Sheng Minglin looked grateful and was patted on the shoulder a few times by Emperor Mingxi before he resigned.

His legs were a little weak, so he walked down the steps of the royal study and held on to the pillar for a while.

An adult who was waiting to see the driver saw him and gave him a hand: "Master? What's wrong with you?"

Sheng Minglin didn't recognize him either, so he quickly said, "Thank you, sir." He was about to leave.

The third prince happened to come over and looked like he was very familiar with him. He smiled from afar and said, "Minglin, why are you free to enter the palace today?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and cupped his hands: "Third cousin, what a coincidence!"

The third prince said: "Huh? Why don't you look so good?"

Sheng Minglin stepped aside with a smile and gestured with his hands, "I'm fine. Third cousin, hurry up and get busy. Minglin doesn't dare to miss your business!"

Several adults around him exchanged silent glances.

These people in the arena of power have always spoken like this, and everything they say is well-organized.

The third prince said, why do you have time to enter the palace today?

Most people will subconsciously answer: I have something to do...

The third prince said, looking unhappy.

Most people will say... I'm sick/I didn't sleep well, etc. Whether it's the truth or an excuse, something can be revealed.

But this young prince was so slippery that he avoided both pitfalls as if nothing had happened.

No wonder Prince Duan would invite him to be crowned the crown prince early. Prince Duan’s Mansion would have a successor!

The third prince looked calm on his face, but he was already sulky in his heart.

Sheng Minglin's response seemed to others to be witty, but to him, it was just to show his face!
Sure enough, Prince Duan's Mansion has always been on the Queen's side!Go against him in every way!
But the third prince's face is still gentle and modest, he talks to the adults with a smile, he has long sleeves and is good at dancing, and he is graceful in all directions...

Now he has nothing, he can only endure!
Sheng Minglin didn't care about the third prince. He asked the palace people and then went out to find the fourth prince.The fourth prince was now assisting the Ministry of Science and Engineering. Sheng Minglin asked someone to invite him out and bowed first.

The fourth prince raised his eyebrows: "What?"

Sheng Minglin said in a low voice: "I may have harmed my fourth brother, so I don't dare to ask my fourth brother for forgiveness. I must apologize to my fourth brother first."

Because Emperor Mingxi was still strong at this time, it was not a good thing for a prince to be so "special", but for Zhuzhu, he still had to drag him into the water.

The fourth prince was very calm: "Go ahead."

Sheng Minglin said: "Fourth brother, please find a safe place."

The fourth prince took him directly back to his house.

The fourth prince's study is spacious and elegant. There are so many books in the back, it is simply a sea of ​​books.

But Sheng Minglin didn't want to appreciate it at the moment, so he sat down and told him the matter in detail.

He has been right about this matter many times before, so now he is just saying it again, so he doesn't have to worry about saying anything wrong.

The fourth prince's brows knitted into knots as he listened.

After a long while, he said: "That evil heretic, she..." He paused, and then continued: "Admiring me?"

"I don't know," Sheng Minglin said: "There are only a few words Zhuzhu said, and it's hard to tell whether it's love or something else, but it's obvious that no matter what the reason is, the evil spirit covets the fourth brother."

The fourth prince pondered for a long time and said: "You mean, Sheng Yulu is the evil demon?"

Sheng Minglin smiled bitterly: "Fourth brother, I really don't know. I know this is very whimsical and unbelievable, and it is probably just a coincidence. But now there are no other clues, so I can only test it out."

He paused for a moment: "But Uncle Huang said that you should do something with Zhuzhu. I think it should be useful."

But it may not be a good thing for the fourth prince, because now, it is obvious that the fourth prince does not have that intention, but if something happens... he may be more constrained in his actions in the future.

The fourth prince didn't seem to care much, he lowered his eyes and pondered, playing with the jade paperweight in his hands as usual.

Someone reported outside that four Jin Yiwei were ordered to come over.

The two quickly exchanged glances and called in. Jin Yiwei only said that they were the ones responsible for investigating Sheng Yulu and came to help on the emperor's order.

The fourth prince then said: "Then you tell me."

Jin Yiwei said flatly: "Princess Yulu is seven years old and has not yet enlightened. Her birth mother has a low status. She left the mother and kept the son. He was raised under the name of the concubine and is not favored. His Highness King Qi does not attach much importance to his children, especially his daughter. In this way, father and daughter were not allowed to see each other for many years, and the concubine did not see her often."

"Princess Yulu is withdrawn and taciturn. I watched her for three days and found nothing out of the ordinary. She embroidered when she had nothing to do. Her embroidery skills were mediocre. She was coldly treated by servants and ridiculed by her brother. She showed no reaction. She listened to her heartbeat. Her breathing is not pretending to be calm, her whole person is a little lifeless...I have asked people around her, and it is said that she has always been like this, and even asked people to test her, the maid who was close to her did not think there was anything wrong with her. "

The more Sheng Minglin listened, the more surprised he became.

According to his understanding of Sheng Mingzhu, she was definitely not this tolerable. Could it be that he had guessed wrong?Then why is Sheng Yulu abnormal?
He was slightly startled.

The fourth prince suddenly asked him: "Today, the little doctor started treating Qilang's face?"

Sheng Minglin almost forgot about this matter. He asked and then nodded. The fourth prince said: "Sheng Yulu, when I make arrangements, I will ask someone to pick you up. In addition, in the past few days, I I will tell others that my old injury has recurred and I will stay in Prince Duan’s Mansion for a few days.”

Sheng Minglin was stunned for a moment: "It's okay if I don't go to Princess Yulu's place. If I go, won't it be a little strange?"

"Don't worry," the fourth prince said, "I will make arrangements."

Of course Sheng Caoxin also wanted to see it with her own eyes, so she nodded.

The fourth prince said: "In addition, there is one more thing."

(End of this chapter)

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