Chapter 100 Born to be auspicious
In the separate courtyard,
Huo Chenzhao sat cross-legged quietly on the couch.

Several master courtyards were scattered at random, not far apart, and it was quiet at night. As soon as Zhuzhu called out the mother's call, he heard it, and he also heard the beautiful Guoguo call after him.

Originally, he was purely a doctor. He was worried that the child would be frightened. He thought about whether to take a pulse for a while, so he kept listening quietly.

However, as soon as Sheng Minglin entered, the series of instructions was obviously not the first time, and it was obviously not an ordinary dream.

The matter might have something to do with him, so Huo Chenzhao listened ungentlemanly.

But the more I listened, the more shocked I became!
What does this mean?
What bad beads, what evil heretics?What master?
Why does this sound like something that will happen in the future?His...death?
at this time,

Sheng Minglin's head was about to explode.

Leaving other things aside, he felt that the words "should have been my adopted brother" were too important, and instantly overturned many of his thoughts.

This made him feel that the evil heretic was trying to seize the body in a planned way! !

Just to steal Zhuzhu's "naturally auspicious" body!
There is also the identity of a royal princess who is admired by all the stars, the father of the most powerful king in the world, the mother of the richest man in the world, the fourth prince who loves her, and Huo Chenzhao, who is excellent in both civil and military medicine and "should be a sworn brother" ! !

Maybe there are others!very many!
Sheng Minglin's vest felt cold and he hugged Zhuzhu harder.

He didn't know how long it took before he felt a hand gently caressing his back.

Sheng Minglin gradually came back to his senses, only to realize that he and Zhuzhu were actually in Princess Duan's arms. Princess Duan's face was also very pale, but she still patted him gently.

Sheng Minglin couldn't control it at all, tears suddenly blurred his vision, and he blurted out: "Mother! I, I will definitely protect Zhuzhu, I will protect this family, and protect everyone in this family, I will never let that evil heretic have the opportunity to harm us..."

Princess Duan touched his head: "Don't think too much, little brat. It's not yet time for you to take responsibility. Let a tall man do this kind of thing. You can grow up first, and then think about other things." "

Sheng Minglin's tears were still flowing and he couldn't help but laugh. He cried and laughed for a long time before slowly letting go of Zhuzhu.

He composed himself and said, "I will go into the palace to see the emperor early tomorrow morning."

Princess Duan nodded.

Not only because Prince Duan is not here, but because the matter has reached this point, he must tell the emperor.

This is different from ordinary conspiracies. Even if Prince Duan is not liked by the emperor, Emperor Mingxi will never tolerate such mysterious and weird things. What's more, their brotherly relationship is really good, so the emperor's golden thigh, Be sure to hold her tightly.

Sheng Minglin came over and kissed Zhuzhu's little face: "It's okay, Zhuzhu, go to sleep."

Tuanzi was also tired of crying. She stretched out her little hands and touched her mother's face: "Mother is not angry. Zhuzhu is a good boy. Zhuzhu is a good child." She cried and kissed her dry little mouth. Mother's chin: "Zhuzhu and mother are fine."

Princess Duan's eyes were red with emotion: "My dear, dear, my mother has pearls. I am not angry or sad. I am very happy."

She waved her hand for Sheng Minglin to go back, while holding her daughter and leaning down: "Good boy, go to sleep, mother and Zhuzhu'er sleep together."

Sheng Minglin stood up and wanted to leave, but Tuanzi said again, "Guo Guo."


"The beautiful pot won't wash off, can you tie it?"

"Well," Sheng Minglin said, "He will be fine. My brother will protect him."

Tuanzi felt relieved and fell back. Princess Duan reached out to hug her little buttocks, then hugged the little one into her arms.

Sheng Minglin came out, beat the servants again, ordered them to disperse, arranged all the servants who were keeping watch, and then came back and lay down on the couch.

I was obviously very tired, but there was a string in my head that was broken. Both my sunburns hurt so much that I couldn't sleep.

He closed his eyes and thought slowly in his mind.The last time I had a dream, Zhuzhu was confronting Bad Zhuzhu.

But this time in the dream, Zhuzhu became a bystander again.

This is enough to prove that this dream is not gradual, nor is it very regular. It seems that when it touches something, it will suddenly think of a short paragraph related to it, which is very fragmentary.

So what did Zhuzhu come into contact with today?
The last time Zhuzhu had a dream was because of the plague map.

This time, Huo Chenzhao has been here for the third day, but Zhuzhu only dreamed today. Could it be because of... the medicine?

There are also four princes.

In her previous life, Sheng Mingzhu admired the fourth prince. Was she really in love?If you really loved her so much, how could you later fall in love with that "goldfish"?
Maybe she was close to the Fourth Prince just because there was something special about him?What's so special?
When he thought of this, Sheng Minglin's heart suddenly jumped and he sat up suddenly.

He thought of something very important! !
In his previous life, the eldest prince had no heirs! !
He seemed to have some hidden illness. He had no heirs after marrying the eldest princess. Later, he married a concubine and had a concubine, but he still had no heirs.

The eldest prince occupies the eldest son, which is the most legitimate in terms of etiquette and law, but he has no heirs, and the third prince, although he survived in his previous life, is not a legitimate son... Could it be that the fourth prince is the next emperor?

So Sheng Mingzhu from the previous life wanted to get close to him? ?

Otherwise, it can be inferred from Zhuzhu's words that the "goldfish" and the fourth prince are completely different types, and the bad Zhuzhu's love is somewhat unreasonable.

This kind of thing was so important and terrible. Sheng Minglin was sweating and wet his clothes, holding his head in his hands, almost out of breath.

Princess Duan came over with a candle and stood in front of the partition. She originally wanted to call him, but seeing him sitting motionless on the couch, she was lost in thought. She hesitated again and again, sighed silently, and stepped back.

Sheng Minglin stayed up all night.

I woke up early the next day and saw Zhuzhu sleeping sprawled out with a carefree face. She was a little relieved and said to Princess Duan: "Mother, I have entered the palace."

He secretly changed his title, but Princess Duan didn't seem to hear it at all and nodded: "Come back and rest early, your face is not looking straight anymore."

Sheng Minglin smiled at her, turned around and left.

Sheng Minglin went there at the right time. After entering the palace and waiting for a while, he went down to court.

While Emperor Mingxi asked people to pass the meal around, he motioned for him to sit down opposite and said, "Don't be anxious, don't panic. Sit down and eat. Let's talk while we eat."

Sheng Minglin really couldn't eat without the emperor's palace, but he still managed to drink half a bowl of porridge while telling him carefully.

Emperor Mingxi's brows knitted into knots, signaling for him to continue, so Sheng Minglin also revealed his speculation about "seizing the house". Of course, he did not mention the affairs of the fourth prince and the eldest prince.

Emperor Mingxi became angrier as he listened, and cursed loudly: "Grandma, you're going to die, you're going to die. I'm most annoyed by these messy things! You're a dead animal, don't let me catch you." You idiot, I have to peel off your skin, fill the nest with grass, and hang it on the temple door to dry..."

He cursed with such a strong accent that Sheng Minglin was stunned for a moment. He only knew that he was cursing, but he didn't quite understand it.

Emperor Mingxi had no burdens as an emperor. He finished his breakfast while cursing. He pushed his bowl and asked someone to put it away. Then he said: "That old monk, if he doesn't come to your house today, I will kill him! Leave him here to reincarnate." I'm so sorry, I really think we have lost our temper..."

He cursed a few words vaguely, and Sheng Minglin nodded silently.

Emperor Mingxi said again: "I asked people to check Sheng Yulu, but nothing abnormal was found... I asked people to search around the whole capital for several times, but I couldn't find the sound of 'goldfish'." What a good-looking child! What should I check again? Who should I look for? Tell me!"

He knitted his thick eyebrows and complained: "This is the kind of thing that bothers me! It's all so hard! It's all twists and turns! If you don't come to us for anything, why bother torturing a baby! Damn it!"

Sheng Minglin hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth, left his seat and saluted, saying: "Uncle Huang, Minglin has an unkind request, please allow me to do so."

(End of this chapter)

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