Chapter 99 He was supposed to be my brother

Sheng Minglin hadn't slept yet, so he hurried out to greet her and said in a breathy voice: "Mother?"

Princess Duan screamed Lin'er at a normal volume. Being disturbed by him like this, she quickly lowered her voice and said with a smile: "I remembered something, so I came over to tell you."

Sheng Minglin turned around and invited her in. Princess Duan waved her hand and stood in the courtyard and said, "I just heard that there is an old monk who has been wandering around the imperial city for the past two days. I heard that he is tall and has long hair." Half black and half white..."

She compared it: "It's not that kind of gray, the left half is almost completely white, and the right half is almost completely looks very strange. I heard others say it, and suddenly I remembered the black and white master Zhuzhu said, I think it must be him!”

"I thought to myself, why is he wandering around? Could it be that he can't find Prince Duan's Mansion? I asked someone to ask him where he was going, but he didn't answer, as if he was in a daze, and kept talking to himself. 'That's not right, that's not right'. My people followed him for a long time, but he didn't say anything else. When he spoke occasionally, he just said this. What do you think is going on? What should we do?"

Sheng Minglin was also surprised.

Master Yanyi said that his senior brother came soon, and both he and the emperor thought it was the black and white master Zhuzhu mentioned.

But it's been several days and no one has come. Instead, there is an old monk who looks like Master Black and White walking around the street. What does he mean when he says "that's not right"?What's wrong?
Sheng Minglin asked: "Does mother know how many days he has been here?"

Princess Duan said: "I asked someone to inquire about it, and it seems that he came yesterday."

Sheng Minglin asked again: "Does mother know where he transferred?"

Princess Duan said: "I heard that he searched all the places where dignitaries lived, both inside and outside the imperial city, especially at both ends of Chang'an Street. He turned around several times a day and didn't know what he was looking for... By the way, I heard that he It’s also a bit powerful, saying that some idle people followed him out of curiosity, but after following him, he disappeared and scared those idle people.”

Sheng Minglin frowned, thought carefully, and whispered: "Mother, according to the son's wishes, we don't do anything. After all, we don't know the master, and we don't know if it is him. Even he doesn't know that the master is so Does the spin have any deep meaning? It would be bad if we accidentally disturb him. Moreover, since he spins in such a big way, Jin Yiwei must also know about it, and the emperor will also know about it... In short, it is better to wait first. "

Princess Duan nodded: "Okay, then ignore him for now."

Sheng Minglin nodded, then remembered and said, "I wonder where this master is staying?"

Princess Duan said: "I don't know about this. I asked someone to check, but he..."

Before she finished her sentence, she suddenly heard Zhu Zhu'er crying in the room, with a high-pitched voice: "Mother!"

They both turned quickly and trotted into the room.

Sheng Minglin quickly gave instructions as he left, "Mother Zhou, stay here, and everyone else will go out. Lychee is in charge of them and tells them to stay away and keep their mouths shut. No one is allowed to yell!"

His voice was serious, and everyone in the room subconsciously followed the order and quickly retreated.

Over there, Princess Duan has already picked up Zhuzhu.

Zhuzhu still couldn't wake up, but the two of them had experienced it twice and were not too nervous. Sheng Minglin asked Aunt Zhou to prepare warm water and a handkerchief while staring at Zhuzhu's face without blinking.

Princess Duan kept calling Zhuzhu's name.

Although she knew that Zhuzhu might not be able to hear her, her Zhuzhuer was still so young, so she was so scared in such a dream... She kept calling her, thinking what if?
Fortunately, this time, it didn’t take long for Tuanzi to open his eyes and cry: “Beautiful Guo Guo!”

"Zhu Zhu'er is not afraid," Princess Duan coaxed her softly: "Beautiful brother is okay! My dear Bao'er, you are not afraid!" Sheng Minglin took the handkerchief handed over by Grandma Zhou and gently wiped away the fine hair on her forehead. Khan, while feeding her half a cup of warm water, he said softly: "Zhu Zhu'er, what's wrong with the beautiful Guo Guo?"

Tuanzi said: "Baizhuzhu and Jinyu had a quarrel, and Bad Zhuzhu said, I have you in my heart! I only fancy his ability! He should have been my step-brother! I only regard him as a potboiler!"

She clenched her little fists and tried to imitate Bad Zhuzhu's sharp voice. Princess Duan hugged her tightly in distress, and Sheng Minglin couldn't help but rub her chubby hands.

Tuanzi paused for a moment, and then said: "The goldfish said to the window... Do you think I will believe it! I am a person who has no father and no mother, who is everything, everything, everything, and so on. Of course I am not as good as a person. What a playboy!"

The strange thing is that Zhuzhu couldn't remember any of the plain words, but everyone who heard it miraculously understood what she was talking about.

Princess Duan gritted her teeth and said: "What kind of dirty talk was taught by a bitch in the house! What a pretentious piece of shit..."

She barely managed to swallow her words and said nothing more. She was so angry that she felt lucky.

Tuanzi trembled and said softly: "They were arguing and arguing for a long time, and Zhuzhu couldn't understand much. Then Jinyu said, you want me to believe you, unless you kill him with your own hands. Bad Zhuzhu said, just kill him!" I'll kill it for you!"

Tuanzi shivered and shed tears. Although he still couldn't fully understand what he was afraid of, he was so scared.

She murmured: "Bad Zhuzhu, I asked my mother for money. My mother asked her what she wanted money for, and she said... you, you, can't have a baby, why don't you give it to me if you make money?" If you want to use it, you have to ask for money to pick it up and collect it. I just ask a few questions every day, okay..."

She was too young, so she only half-understood such harsh words. She tried to learn a few words, and tears fell down: "She said a lot, and my mother was so angry. She fell to the ground, and Zhuzhu couldn't help her. Wuwu, Sister Jinyi scolded her for being unfilial! She kicked her to the ground... Wuwu, bad Zhuzhu bullied her mother, Zhuzhu really wanted to hit her, why? Zhuzhu couldn't hit her, Zhuzhu was so useless... "

Princess Duan's face turned pale with anger, and she quickly hugged Zhuzhu to comfort her, "Don't cry, it's all a dream. Uncle Huang has hired a powerful master. Evil heretics can't enter our palace. No one can bully my mother." Be friendly to Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu is not afraid..."

Naituanzi was sobbing, but she was afraid that she would forget, so she continued vaguely: "Bad Zhuzhu, you didn't help your mother, you walked past her, took her box and ran away... The box was given to the goldfish, and the goldfish took the box and went out, elbowing and elbowing for a long time. Finally, he found a person and said, "It's done"..."

"Then, someone sent a letter to Pretty Guoguo. Pretty Guoguo got off his horse and entered a courtyard, and then... then many people beat him, but Pretty Guoguo couldn't beat him... The uncle in black clothes stepped on him Him, pull the cloth off,"

She made a gesture of pulling down her mask and said, "Tell Pretty Guoguo, you didn't expect that the post was poisonous! Tell the Lord of Hell what happened to you!"

She finally finished speaking, and the whole group suddenly collapsed and fell into her mother's arms, with tears streaming down her face: "Beautiful Guoguo was washed away! Zhuzhu was so scared, Zhuzhu was so sad, Zhuzhu didn't want Beautiful Guoguo to be washed away. Lose!"

Sheng Minglin hugged her tightly subconsciously, his eyes wide open and his mind spinning rapidly.

I see!I see!
This is how the amazingly talented Tanhua Lang died in his previous life!

There must be someone behind that "goldfish", and Bad Zhuzhu is just a scapegoat they pushed out!Presumably just to blame this matter on Prince Duan’s Mansion!

But that bad Zhuzhu, just to prove that she has no intention of him, will kill him without hesitation? ?How stupid and poisonous!Disgusting!
This incident should have happened before the incident in Prince Duan's Mansion!

Also, what does the sentence "He was supposed to be my adopted brother" mean?What is meant to be?

(End of this chapter)

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