Chapter 98 Zhuzhuer has the final say
"Yes, it's Tao Ren," Huo Chenzhao was a little surprised: "Why would the princess know?"

Tuanzi pointed to the doctor: "My uncle taught me!"

The doctor even said he didn't dare, and was very surprised. After all, he had only said it once.

Huo Chenzhao praised her with a smile: "The princess is so smart."

Tuanzi was flattered by the praise and said humbly, "Zhuzhu is just a little smarter."

She pointed at the table with her little finger, "Zhuzhu also recognizes this one, called Forsythia! And the other one is called Pueraria lobata!"

She said one thing and glanced at Huo Chenzhao secretly.

Huo Chenzhao felt that one should not use just one word to praise a child, but he was not proficient in business and could not think of what word to use.

Naituanzi was a little disappointed, turned around, and suddenly thought of another thing: "Zhuzhu still recognizes red flowers, and the red flowers will be less fragrant!"

The child wanted to show off, so he got off his lap and walked to the medicine cabinet. He sniffed it like a puppy, then stood on tiptoe and sniffed it again. He pointed to a cabinet and said, "Tie red flowers inside."

Huo Chenzhao was very surprised.

She was obviously illiterate, so she smelled it, and because red flowers are susceptible to moisture and insects, they were not placed directly in the seven-star cupboard, but were put in medicine jars so that everyone could smell them. It was a real nose Very effective.

She stood at the cabinet waiting, and Huo Chenzhao said quickly: "The little princess is so amazing, so smart and powerful."

Nai Tuanzi was finally happy. She smiled with her little white teeth and walked back: "Guo Guo is also disgusting! I tie Guo Guo to write prescriptions. Zhu Zhu comes to play with Guo Guo. Chai recognizes the difference."

Huo Chenzhao picked her up and asked casually: "What recipe?"

Tuanzi said: "There are only a few recipes, just the recipe written by Guo Guo."

Huo Chenzhao was a little surprised: "So the prince is also skilled in medicine?"

He looked at the doctor.

Sheng Minglin said that this matter was not allowed to be spread outside. The doctor in the government was not sensitive to other things, but he was very wary of this kind of thing. He smiled nonchalantly and said: "The prince wrote and drew, and it seems that he wrote a lot of names of medicines! I don’t know if it’s Fangzi or not.”

Hearing his vague words, Huo Chenzhao quickly became alert and stopped asking. He pretended not to notice anything and continued to pound the peach kernels with a smile while explaining to the dumpling: "Peach kernels are the seeds of mountain peach. This medicine has mild medicinal properties and is good for the heart and liver." , large intestine meridian, which can activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, moisten the intestines and relieve constipation, relieve cough and asthma..."

In fact, he just told her about the medicine because it took a long time to grind the medicine powder and he didn't know what to say.

Tuanzi was not impatient at all.

She sat on his lap, shaking her calves, and the sunlight outside the window reflected on the table...

The shadow on the window lattice beside her, Huo Chenzhao's voice in her ears, and the scent of medicine all around her gave her a very familiar feeling.

It seems that Beautiful Guoguo often taught her this way before, but Beautiful Guoguo has just arrived!

Tuanzi's little head couldn't figure it out, so she stopped thinking about it. She grabbed the medicine pestle with her two little hands and tried her best to help. She also stretched her head from time to time to see if the medicine had been crushed. She was very serious.

So Huo Chenzhao continued to talk to her. After finishing the pharmacopoeia, he explained what each sentence meant.

Naituanzi turned around from time to time, looked at him with big eyes, and nodded seriously, as if he really understood... Huo Chenzhao also spoke with great interest.

The two of them actually spent an entire afternoon in the pharmacy, and finally finished grinding all the medicine they needed. The dumplings were still unfinished, so Huo Chenzhao had no choice but to ask the doctor for some more medicine and show her how to grind the medicine.

So when Sheng Minglin came to find him, he saw Huo Chenzhao stepping on the medicine roller, and the dumpling standing on his instep, sticking out his little buttocks, the whole dumpling was half bent, hanging on his hands, staring at the contents of the medicine roller. Yao, that's called a serious person, and he has the attitude of supporting his family.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He could only chat with the doctors, and after they finished crushing the shipment of medicine, he said to Tuanzi, "Zhuzhu'er, it's time to eat."

Tuanzi said solemnly: "But the medicine hasn't been crushed yet." "Ah!" Sheng Minglin immediately stretched out his hand to cover his stomach: "Brother is so hungry. My stomach hurts from hunger. Zhu Zhu'er, can you accompany me to dinner first? ?”

Tuanzi looked up, nodded immediately, got off the ground, and reached out to rub his belly.

Sheng Minglin held her hand, and Tuanzi returned his hand, holding Huo Chenzhao again: "Come on, come on! Let's go have a meal."

Huo Chenzhao quickly refused.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "It's okay, let's go together. Mother is not the kind of person who likes to follow rules. Besides... you will know if you stay for a few more days. This family is ours, Zhuzhu'er, who has the final say." "

So Huo Chenzhao was pulled to the front by Tuanzi without even changing his clothes.

This was actually the first time Princess Duan saw him. As soon as she saw him, Princess Duan smiled and said, "No wonder Zhu Zhu'er calls you beautiful brother. You are such a beautiful child."

Huo Chenzhao's face turned red and he repeatedly praised him with cupped hands. Princess Duan had no airs and asked him to sit down.

On the table at this moment, the three prescriptions he gave him yesterday were prepared. After all, this time is not like last time, there are medicinal materials, so naturally they must be studied and tasted first, and they cannot be served directly to the master.

So the dishes that were served the next day were all made into strips.

Sheng Minglin washed her hands and asked her to take it and eat it. When Zhuzhuer smelled it, she said goodbye with a small face and pushed his hand away: "It's medicine."

"It's not medicine, it just has a little medicinal taste," Sheng Minglin said, "This is a medicine cake made by my beautiful brother. You can try it to see if it's good."

Tuanzi obviously hesitated.

She looked at Huo Chenzhao, then at the medicine cake, and then at Huo Chenzhao. Finally, she closed her eyes, took out the bitter medicine and took a bite.

Everyone at the table couldn't help but look at her with laughter. Tuanzi closed his eyes tightly with an extremely determined expression, as if he was about to take poison.

But after chewing a few times, her eyes slowly opened with a little expression of "Huh?"

Then she pressed her brother's hand with both hands, her little head tilted left and right, and she stared at the cake for a long time before tentatively opening her mouth and biting a little more: "It's not medicine."

"Yes," Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Although it is made of medicine, it is not medicine. It is not bitter, but sweet and delicious, right?"

Tuanzi nodded, and Sheng Minglin gave her the cake and sat back to eat.

Because Tuanzi is very adventurous, she is more interested in anything new, so she tasted all three kinds of medicinal cakes.

Each kind of medicinal cake is made into small strips about three inches long and less than one inch wide. After eating three strips, you will feel full after eating some vegetables and porridge.

Princess Duan was also very satisfied and said to Zhuzhu with a smile: "My beautiful brother is a miracle doctor. He likes to make such medicinal cakes. Once it is done, if Zhuzhu eats more, he will be very happy, so Zhuzhu'er I’ll eat it every meal from now on, okay?”

Group: "..."

She glanced at Huo Chenzhao secretly, then quickly turned back and said squeakingly: "Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu... I also really want to make beautiful Guoguo happy, but Zhuzhu's mouth sometimes doesn't listen to Zhuzhu's words. There is nothing Zhuzhu can do."

Seeing that Princess Duan was about to speak again, Huo Chenzhao said quickly: "It doesn't matter, Princess, I know many kinds of cakes. If you don't like one kind, just change it to another kind. Just change it often. No... you don't have to be obedient." of."

Tuanzi's little waist straightened up at that moment: "Okay, then Zhuzhu will work hard to eat it."

She smiled toothily at him, Huo Chenzhao also smiled at her, Princess Duan smiled and said nothing more.

After dinner, Princess Duan chatted with Huo Chenzhao for a few words. It wasn't until Zhuzhuer yawned that the three of them came out together.

After returning, Zhu Zhuer washed her face and went to sleep. Sheng Minglin went back to the cubicle, called Li Zhi, and wrote down what Zhu Zhu said and did today.

Just as I finished writing, I heard some noises outside, and the servant came in to report: "Your Majesty, the princess is here."

(End of this chapter)

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