Chapter 108 A Word Awakens the Dreamer

The fourth prince looked calm and did not speak out to defend Zhuzhu.

Then "Sheng Yulu" said curiously: "Won't Princess Xie come by herself?"

The fourth prince followed her wishes and said, "She has something to do and she can't come."

"Sheng Yulu" imitated the innocent and cute look of a child and tilted her head: "Ah, people know it! Tomorrow is the Buddha Bathing Day, and it seems to be a birthday celebration for the Queen! I heard my mother say that she wants to date a few people I went to pay homage to the Empress, but it seems that I am grateful to the princess..." She looked like she was hesitating to speak.

This sentence is really nonsense.

Sheng Yulu's biological mother has never been seen in her life, and her adoptive mother may not be able to see her even once a year.Besides, she is only seven years old, what kind of mother would gossip like this to her?

So, why did she dare to tell such a lie that could be easily exposed?Are you really not worried about others seeing that she is not Sheng Yulu?
The fourth prince frowned, showing some curiosity, and said, "What's wrong with Aunt Duan Wang?"

"This, I don't know about this," she said covertly: "I just heard that Princess Xie once told others that it was useless for her to beg the Empress, because she could no longer give birth. I heard that she I often lose my temper with people because of this matter, well, people don’t dare to talk about this kind of thing."

The fourth prince scolded him with a straight face: "Since you know you can't say it, why do you still say it? Is this something you, a girl, can say? Don't say it again in the future!"

She snorted and said with a face: "I didn't say anything nonsense. If you are mean to me, people will ignore you!"

The fourth prince took a few steps outside. She moved, but did not turn back. The fourth prince then stopped and said, "It's not safe for you to be here alone, and you're also very exposed to the sun. Why don't you go to the wing to stay."

"I don't," she said coquettishly, "You have to apologize to me first! Otherwise, you'll just watch me die in the sun, huh!"


Sheng Minglin was extremely disgusted.

But I could only endure the nausea and continue watching.

He is actually quite familiar with this kind of words. Fake Zhuzhu often says this kind of thing, using herself to control others, as if everyone loves her deeply and is not willing to let her suffer a little bit.

Of course the fourth prince would not apologize. He frowned and said, "Do you usually behave like this at home?"

This sentence was actually very sharp. It made it clear, "I can see the difference between you and Sheng Yulu." But she remained calm and even gave him a wink: "I can only treat you so well." In this way, people like the fourth brother the most."

She reached out and took his hand, shaking it.

The fourth prince was pulled by her with his arms flat, and said, "You and I have never met each other a few times, right?"

"So what?" she said, "In my eyes, Fourth Brother is completely different from others."

The fourth prince said bluntly: "Do you like my appearance?"

She paused for a moment, as if she wanted to say something, then smiled again and said sweetly: "Everything about Fourth Brother makes people like him."

So, it's not looks, she's planning something else.

In fact, from the perspective of a bystander, her entire state was very strange.

She hooked up with the fourth prince, not urgently, nor seriously, but somehow she was extremely confident, as if all men were idiots and would be easily attracted by her sweet words?Or looks?Or style?In short, it seems that if you are coaxed by her, you will believe her.

But the fourth prince is still the son of a dragon and a phoenix grandson. All the beauties chosen from all over the world are in the palace, and he has seen them since he was a child!

Now that they are married, it cannot be said that they have a group of wives and concubines. There are also several women in the backyard. Why on earth does she think that her age, status, appearance, and this shallow and crude temptation can seduce him?

Sheng Minglin was meditating when he suddenly saw Sheng Yulu's expression change slightly.

Her coquettish and angry expression still remained on her face, but the half-crazy light in her eyes suddenly disappeared. She looked around, and suddenly saw the fourth prince. She was startled and lowered her head. He looked so lifeless again.

The fourth prince quickly noticed it and called out: "Yulu?"

Sheng Yulu did not raise her head, and said like a mosquito humming: "Fourth brother." The fourth prince said a few more words, and when he found that "she" did not appear again, he said directly: "Since you don't want to talk, then," he Then he turned around and told the accompanying eunuch: "You are here to serve me."

He walked away directly.

He took a detour and entered the wing, where Sheng Minglin was still staring.

The fourth prince did not disturb him. He sat down and thought quietly for a while before asking Jin Yiwei: "About how long?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Just touch it for about a little while (about 24 minutes)."

Jin Yiwei didn't even think of remembering the time, so he couldn't help but glance at him.

Sheng Minglin looked at the other side of the wing. The seventh prince was holding Zhuzhu in his arms, with one foot on the stool, and was talking in a low voice to the maids. He didn't pay attention to this side.

The maids and boys were clever, but they sensed their master's intention and did not dare to look back. Huo Chenzhao came back at some unknown time and was sitting cross-legged on the futon with his back to them.

Sheng Minglin then sat over and whispered: "She is obviously an adult! A woman!"

The fourth prince nodded and whispered: "She dared to appear in front of the main hall without any fear. She didn't seem to be a monster. Secondly, she appeared and disappeared, and it seemed that he couldn't control it. Thirdly, although she She has plans for me, but she doesn't seem to need anything from me, and she doesn't really care whether I like it or not. Fourth...she is hostile to both Aunt Duan Wang and Zhuzhu, but her hostility to Aunt Duan Wang is... It’s heavier than a pair of beads.”

Sheng Minglin nodded deeply.

I've never seen anyone call Princess Duan "Princess Xie", or she's called Princess, or she's called Aunt Wang. What does adding the surname mean?
But why does she hate Princess Duan?

Even if she did this, Princess Duan still treated her heart and soul in her previous life. Why should she hate Princess Duan?
And why does that feeling sound like jealousy between women? ?Isn't this strange?

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but said: "This person is stupid and impatient. He only cares about what he thinks and doesn't care what others think. He is not only influenced by his emotions, but also seems to be confident."

"Yes," the fourth prince whispered: "This is the most difficult thing to handle. Why can she be so confident? Could it be that...if we kill her, she might be replaced by someone else?"

Jin Yiwei couldn't help but interject: "This person is planning every step of the way. Maybe he wants to use our hands to harm little Princess Zhuzhu!"

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but frown.

That's not the case, that person definitely doesn't have such a city.

But she is indeed confident, she seems to have a trump card, and she seems not to be afraid of Sheng Yulu's death at all.

The fourth prince frowned and murmured: "If the temple can't influence her, then what else can control her?"

He had already made two arrangements. If there was no abnormality in Longquan Temple, he would try it outside. But now...

Sheng Minglin suddenly said: "Fourth brother."

The fourth prince looked up at him, and Sheng Minglin whispered: "Actually, the situation is not that bad. If you look at her character, if she could choose, she would never choose Sheng Yulu, so she may not be that powerful."

This sentence can be called a word that awakens a person from a dream!
Yes, if she could choose, then, seeing how impatient and even dissatisfied she was, she would choose a princess, or even a concubine.

Even if she doesn't consider this, based on her status alone, wouldn't it be better for her to just choose Zhuzhu?
But now she is Sheng Yulu of Prince Qi's Mansion.

The King of Qi, the idle vassal king who was trapped in the capital due to his guilt, Sheng Yulu, the daughter of a concubine who was completely unpopular... With such an identity, she was even worse than a young lady from an ordinary official family.

This was proof enough that she couldn't choose.

Everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The fourth prince stood up again and took a look from the window. Sheng Yulu was still standing there blankly. The sun was up and he didn't know how to hide. He really looked like a wooden man. He looked... not normal.

The fourth prince whispered: "Do you think 'Sheng Yulu' knows about 'her' existence?"

(End of this chapter)

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