Chapter 109: The person who ties my rope is mine
Sheng Minglin whispered: "I think she knows, but I think she may not know what that person did, because as soon as she 'came back', her first reaction was to look around, and she was frightened when she saw you Jumping is enough to prove that she has no idea what happened in the middle...So I think, for her, the feeling may be similar to fainting, and she didn't know anything for a while."

The fourth prince nodded: "Ming Lin is very observant."

He paused: "So, even if you ask her, you can only know when the person appeared, but you can't know more."

Sheng Minglin said: "But you can know whether 'she' only appears when she sees you, or whether she will appear at other times."

The fourth prince nodded and said to him: "You should try it too."

Sheng Minglin said: "I'm afraid it will be useless if I go."

Having said that, I still went out for a walk, and sure enough, "she" didn't appear.

Over there, Zhuzhuer finally woke up in a daze.

Being held by the Seventh Prince, it was as warm as if she were next to a stove. She woke up a little earlier than usual, with her eyes half open and half closed. When she saw the Seventh Prince, she murmured something and turned over. He stood up, stuck out his little butt, turned on the stove, and continued to sleep.

When the fourth prince saw it, he walked over and carefully took the dumplings over.

Sheng Minglin grabbed the seventh prince and went out, walked around twice in front of Sheng Yu, and even said something to her, but "she" still didn't appear.

Although Tuanzi was confused, she felt that the person holding her had changed. She opened her eyes half-closed, took a look, and called him softly: "Four pots of pot."

The fourth prince said: "Zhuzhu is awake?"

Tuanzi murmured: "Still, I haven't woken up yet..."

After a while, he said vaguely: "Zhuzhu's... Xinxin has woken up, but her eyes have not yet woken up. I have to sleep for a while."

The corners of the fourth prince's mouth curved slightly: "Those beady eyes should sleep a little longer."

Tuanzi was confused for a while.

Sheng Minglin looked at the time, then came over to pick her up, opened the window a little, and teased her: "Zhuzhu, look what's outside?"

A cool breeze blew in, bringing with it the fragrance of grass and trees. Tuanzi opened his eyes, then slowly became more energetic, and looked back and forth: "Huh?"

She was a little happy: "Are we going out to play?"

"That's right!" Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "I went out to play, so Zhu Zhu'er, hurry up and have breakfast. Let's go out and play for a while and then go home, okay?"

Tuanzi nodded quickly, and he handed her over to Lizhi to carry her down.

People like them always bring all their daily necessities with them when they go out. Soon Tuanzi was changed into clothes and came out. Lizhi combed her hair and buns. Breakfast was also served and she sat down to eat.

Xiaotuanzi was surrounded by people. Sheng Minglin turned around twice and couldn't get in the way, so he simply didn't want to fight with them, so he walked to the side and sat down.

After all, he is his biological brother. He can be hugged when he comes home. He can be hugged for as long as he wants. Why is he anxious?

As a result, after just two sips of tea, Tuanzi turned to him and called him: "Guo Guo."

Sheng Minglin was still a little proud, like "Oh, it's not me who wants to grab it, but my sister who insists on sticking to me." He took the tea cup and sat down at the table, reaching out to hug his sister.

As a result, Tuanzi reached out and hugged his face and asked him: "Is Guoguo sick?"

Sheng Minglin was stunned for a moment: "No."

"Liar!" Tuanzi pointed at the tea cup: "Guo Guo drinks the medicine to make you angry!"

Only then did Sheng Minglin come to his senses. He had already started drinking the medicinal tea prepared by Huo Chenzhao. Most of it was tangerine peel and licorice. In fact, the medicinal smell was not strong, but the dumplings could smell it.

He explained: "My brother is not sick, nor did he lie to Zhuzhu. This tea is not medicine, it is used to regulate... It can soothe the liver and relieve depression. Well, after drinking it, you will be happy, relieve worries, and have no worries." "

Tuanzi's eyes widened and his pupils trembled: "Aren't you worried?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Yes!"

Tuanzi's eyes widened and he stared at him for a long time. When he realized that he was not teasing a child, he was even more surprised. He almost put his little hand into the tea: "But, it's troublesome if it comes out!" It’s so painful, it’s very annoying when you send it!” Sheng Minglin: “…”

He laughed out loud at her little appearance, hugged her and kissed her several times.

The brother and sister had a little fuss, and then Sheng Minglin held her upright again and fed her.

At this moment, a flash of thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and he stopped moving.

Zhuzhu couldn't wait any longer, so she pulled his hand over with both hands. Awu finished the meal, and Sheng Minglin could only concentrate on feeding him.

The fourth prince whispered to his servants to take Sheng Yulu away.

He didn't plan to let Zhuzhu meet Sheng Yulu today. He wanted to see if Zhuzhu would dream when Zhuzhu didn't know Sheng Yulu's existence and Sheng Yulu had seen him.

So when Zhuzhu came out after breakfast, it was very quiet inside and outside the temple.

Although there is nothing interesting in Longquan Temple, it is better because it is fresh, especially with all four of his favorite beautiful brothers by his side. Tuanzi is very happy just looking at it.

The Seventh Prince wandered around for a while and found it boring, so he jumped up on the wall. He didn't mind being dirty and lay down on his stomach to look outside. When Zhuzhu saw it, she called him: "Qiguoguo, Zhuzhu wants to see it too!"

The seventh prince jumped down, put Tuanzi on his shoulders, and jumped back again.

Sheng Minglin watched with fear: "Shen Zhao, Shen Zhao, go and look at Zhuzhu!"

Huo Chenzhao jumped up the wall and stood beside the seventh prince. The guards of the General's Mansion also stood under the wall.

Zhuzhu sat firmly, holding Brother Seventh's ears with both hands, and resting her chin on the little bald head, which felt very comfortable.

Not far below is a hillside. A young man is handing a colorful rope to a girl, saying: "This rope is for you."

The girl was shy, but she stretched her hand back. The young man happily tied the rope to her wrist, and grabbed her hand: "Tie my rope, and you are mine."

Tuanzi looked at it with gusto: "Wow!!"

She asked the Seventh Prince: "Why don't you just tie the rope to his person?"

The seventh prince was at the age where he half understood something but thought he understood it very well. He was a little embarrassed and fooled Tuanzi casually: "Because, because the rope belongs to him, so if you tie it, you are his, so you can go together." Let’s look at the dragon boat.”

Tuanzi was opened to a new world: "Oh!"

Over there, the fourth prince and Sheng Minglin stood far away, talking together.

Sheng Minglin was young and not tall enough. He was stepping on rocks and holding the fourth prince's shoulder with one hand to maintain balance. He whispered: "Fourth brother, I suddenly thought of a question... Before, Shen Zhao treated the seventh brother. , Zhuzhu suddenly said that she should be a doctor and should be in the room... However, Zhuzhu'er has been afraid of taking medicine since she was a child, her nose is very sensitive, and she can't bear the slightest pain. Is this true? A bit contradictory? So I’m wondering, could the variables Master Du’e mentioned should be here?”

"It's possible." The fourth prince frowned, "There are variables, but Huo Chenzhao's fate has not changed. What does this mean? He was supposed to teach Zhuzhu medical skills, but it is possible that he will teach Zhuzhu something else? What else will he do? ?”

Sheng Minglin muttered: "Shen Zhao seems to be both civil and military, what else..."

Although he was talking, his eyes never left his sister for a moment.

Then, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He stopped talking and looked over there carefully.

The seventh prince was sitting cross-legged on the wall, Zhuzhu was sitting on his neck, and the two of them were chatting non-stop.

Huo Chenzhao stood beside the two of them, placing a hand on Tuanzi's back.

Originally, he had been looking sideways at Tuanzi, as if he was listening to her words, and would smile from time to time, but after they started talking, he stood up straight and stopped turning his face towards Tuanzi.

Sheng Minglin thought for a moment, and then suddenly said in a lower voice than now: "Shen Zhao, did you hear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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