Chapter 111 Frog Emperor, don’t be angry

"Hey, you kid, why are you so stubborn?" Emperor Mingxi couldn't be shy in public anyway, so he could only say: "I told you that you can't learn, but if you keep doing this, I'm going to be angry!"

Tuanzi quickly patted his knee to persuade him: "Don't be angry, frog."

Emperor Mingxi: "...???"

Everyone is doubting their ears: "...What???"

Tuanzi touched his little head, thought for a long time, and smiled sheepishly: "I forgot about it later!"

Emperor Mingxi looked suspicious of life: "Don't worry about what happens next. What did you just say?"

Naituanzi is very confident and confident, and has a hint of the pride of a cultured person: "Frog!"

Emperor Mingxi: "...???"

WTF?He frowned and asked her: "What frog??"

Tuanzi said: "That's it... that..."

She really couldn't remember it, so she could only ask her smart brother for help: "Well, a frog can run a thousand miles, into rivers, lakes and seas. What do you mean?"

Sheng Minglin thought for a while and tentatively said: "If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles? If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't reach a river?"

Tuanzi nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's it!"

All the cultural people in the room: "..."

The emperor, who had never been scolded by anyone before, was immediately angry at him: "Lin'er must pay attention to his studies! How could he make such a mistake! Your father is a genius who has been able to write poetry since he was a child!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

I am not I am not wronged! !

If you think about it with your toes, you will know how I could have made such a mistake!

Then the Empress asked Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu'er, did your brother teach you this sentence?"

"No!" Tuanzi's little face was innocent and cute, and when he opened his mouth, he betrayed the culprit: "It's the Seven Guo Guo Guo!"

As soon as he expressed his disobedience to his father, he realized that the emperor was his own son: "..."

In the end, Emperor Mingxi found his own way and said: "If you tell me, Qi Lang copied the entire "Xunzi"." He paused for a moment, probably remembering that "Xunzi" had too many words, so he changed his words and said: "Xunzi encouraged learning a hundred times! Copy it! Bring it to me to see!"

Then he was ready to leave with a flick of his sleeves. Only Tuanzi still remembered his original intention. He grabbed his clothes with his little hands, peeked at his face, and said weakly: "...Hurry, shy."

Emperor Mingxi: "..."

Can you forget this!Can it be done?Can it be done? !
Sheng Minglin quickly came to the rescue, squatted down and hugged Tuanzi, saying: "Zhu Zhu'er loves Uncle Huang so much. Seeing such a lively event like the dragon boat, how can we miss Uncle Huang, right?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Yes."

Sheng Minglin said again: "But Zhuzhu, you have forgotten what your brother taught you. Uncle Huang is an emperor, a very powerful emperor. He is different from everyone else, so Uncle Huang does not need to be shy. Zhuzhu directly gave the five-color rope to you." Just give it to Uncle Huang."

Tuanzi was hugged by his brother and hesitantly raised his dark grape eyes to look at him.

Emperor Mingxi deliberately bluffed his face.

Naituanzi didn't understand why he changed his face, his little eyes became timid, his little hands were twisting the rope, and his soft breasts made him easy to bully at first sight.

Emperor Mingxi's hands suddenly became itchy.

He thought about it and felt that this group must be responsible for the embarrassment just now.

Having determined the crime of the dumpling in his heart, he stretched out his big hand and pulled Sheng Minglin aside. He pulled up the dumpling like a carrot with both hands, then strode up and sat down, flying his two little arms, The big face came closer and started sucking Zaizai.

Sheng Minglin: "...???"

His mood is very complicated.

What kind of evil emperor is this?ah! !Naituanzi was also confused. She was still holding the rope in her hand, and she was picked up and sucked inexplicably.

Tuanzi was not very happy to be sucked, but he didn't dare not to be sucked, so he could only murmur: "Uncle Huang is fierce Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu won't be with you anymore, hum, I won't suck your belly..."

The little voice is milky, thin, and small, and the aggrieved little boy is cute and pitiful.

The Queen hurried over to rescue her: "Your Majesty, it's getting late. Can we pass on the meal?"

"Well, pass it, pass it."

The emperor had no intention of letting go of the dumpling, so he took a deep breath and blew it into his little hand, making a popping sound, having a great time.

The queen gave an order and the meal was served. The queen said again: "Your Majesty, stop teasing Zhuzhu, and eat quickly."

Emperor Mingxi responded vaguely and kept sucking.

Tuanzi wanted to be hugged by Uncle Huang, but he was restrained by Uncle Huang's big hands and couldn't move. Tuanzi finally got angry, so he used his only movable little feet, stepped and kicked, and struggled hard: "Help, Auntie." , hurry up and save Zhuzhu."

The Queen Mother and Emperor Mingxi were a young couple, so they were not very afraid of him. When she saw him acting rogue, she simply stepped forward and pried off his hand, rescued Tuanzi, and hugged him to comfort him: "Good boy, don't be afraid, my uncle is here. "

Tuanzi's little mouth was flattened, and he muttered aggrievedly: "Zhu Zhuchan doesn't like Uncle Huang anymore..."

Everyone was about to gather around to comfort Zhuzhu, when Emperor Mingxi suddenly snorted.

Everyone was startled and turned their heads.

I saw Emperor Mingxi covering his chest with his hand, frowning, with pain on his face, and said loudly: "What's going on! Why does it hurt so much here? Did Zhuzhu kick me badly?"

Sheng Minglin's eyes widened, he was really shocked by the emperor's shamelessness! !
I've looked through history books, but I've never seen it before... Well, the shamelessness of Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, is probably slightly comparable to him.

But the honest Tuanzi believed it immediately!
The tears that had just appeared were still hanging on her face, her eyes were wide open, and she looked at Uncle Huang, obviously frightened.

Then Emperor Mingxi staggered over, took Tuanzi's little hand, and said to Zheng Zhongshun: "Forget it, there's no need to call the doctor. Zhuzhu didn't do it on purpose."

Even Zheng Zhongshun couldn't take the role for a while: "..."

Tuanzi burst into tears: "Zhuzhu didn't mean it on purpose... wuwu, uncle Huang, do you feel any pain? Zhuzhu was wronged, and Zhuzhu didn't dare to do it anymore."

Emperor Mingxi nodded, with a magnanimous look on his face: "Well, it's okay! Uncle Huang knows that Zhuzhu didn't do it on purpose. If Zhuzhu kisses Uncle Huang, let's forget about it." As he spoke, he came over.

Tuanzi pouted his mouth with tears in his eyes and kissed Emperor Mingxi on the face. His face was covered with tears. He touched his chest with his hands and cried until he couldn't speak clearly: "Huhu, rush, fly, rush, fly." …”

The fourth prince and the queen all looked at him with expressions that were hard to explain.

Emperor Mingxi pretended not to see it and put down his hand: "Zhu Zhu'er is so good, it doesn't hurt at all now! Come on, let's go eat!"

Then, throughout the meal, Tuanzi took good care of him, clumsily picking up vegetables for him, and using his little hands to protect him, before delivering them to his bowl. Emperor Mingxi came to pick him up with the bowl, coughing at every turn, which frightened Tuanzi. Quickly give him a pat on the back...

Too bully.

Too much of a bully group.

However, Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince could not say anything.

As soon as they finished eating, Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince did not dare to stay for a moment longer, and immediately left the palace with the dumplings in their arms.

Then, while Tuanzi was taking a nap, he told Princess Duan what happened today. Of course, he did not elaborate on the unpleasant words "Sheng Yulu" said.

After finishing speaking, the two discussed briefly and then invited Huo Chenzhao over.

The fourth prince had personally seen Huo Chenzhao's character. Moreover, since he was destined to be a member of the same boat in the future, he already knew a little about it. If he kept it secret, it would be in vain to show that he was a villain. It was better to open up. To discuss and discuss.

So he called him over and talked. After Huo Chenzhao lowered his eyes and listened, he said, "I think Princess Yulu is sick."

The fourth prince and Sheng Minglin asked almost in unison: "Are you sick?"

(End of this chapter)

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