Chapter 112 Don’t let Sheng Minglin know

"Yes," Huo Chenzhao said: "Shen Zhao doesn't understand the mysteries of Buddhism, but in terms of medical words, Princess Yulu's face... If I see such a person on the street, without feeling the pulse, Just by looking at her face and eyes, I would think that she is a foolish person, that is, a fool."

Something else flashed through Sheng Minglin's mind, and he said casually: "Then, if she is really sick, can you cure her?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "It can be cured, but it may not be cured. At most, we are only [-] to [-]% sure."

"Fifty to six percent?" Sheng Minglin said: "Even if it can't be cured, it won't be cured, but it will be of some use after all, right?"

Huo Chenzhao didn't understand what he meant for a moment, and instinctively replied: "Yes."

Sheng Minglin turned to the fourth prince: "Fourth brother, I'm thinking that the disease of leaving the soul, or the incomplete soul, which is often mentioned in Zhiguai Huabo, if a doctor comes to see it, is it the disease that Shen Zhao mentioned? And now. Sheng Yulu's situation should be similar to... two souls fighting for one body? If we make the real Sheng Yulu more powerful, will that person be unable to defeat him? What will happen if he cannot be defeated? "

"It makes sense," the fourth prince pondered for a while: "But, if Sheng Yulu becomes powerful, is it the same as if Sheng Yulu died, to that person? After all, she can no longer use that body. Moreover, the medicine is If it acts on the body, will both souls benefit? Therefore, how to do it specifically needs to be found by masters who understand this."

Sheng Minglin suggested: "Fourth brother, why don't we give that person a nickname to make it easier to talk."

The fourth prince said casually: "Dog pig?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Why be so polite? Just call her Fish Eyes. It just goes well with 'Goldfish'."

The fourth prince chuckled and did not object. After all, fish eyes are like pearls. She desperately wants to replace Zhu Zhu, so calling her fish eyes is indeed straightforward and accurate.

Then Sheng Minglin said again: "By the way, since the fourth brother has an old injury, why not let Shen Zhao take a look? If it can be treated, then treat it a little or two, and the fourth brother can also experience Shen Zhao's medical skills personally?"

The fourth prince nodded: "That's fine."

He stretched out his hand and felt Huo Chenzhao's pulse.

Sheng Minglin sat sideways with one hand on his pillow, still pondering.

He always felt that there were still things he hadn't figured out yet, but although he was smart, he had never been married or had contact with too many women. He didn't understand women's thoughts. He just felt that something was wrong everywhere, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Huo Chenzhao quickly stopped his hand and said: "His Fourth Highness's old injuries have actually recovered, but the injuries were too serious at the time, which eventually affected his body. Therefore, although His Highness has not stopped practicing martial arts, he is still weaker than others. . I can use acupuncture and supplement it with decoction, but the effect is not great... I do have a treatment method, which is more painful, but the effect is very good. I wonder if Your Highness would like to try it? "

The fourth prince asked: "What can we do?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "This is our Huo family's unique treatment method, called acupoint pressure method."

To put it simply, it is a kind of clothing made of cowhide, and some cones are made into the cowhide, and medicine can be placed inside. When the time comes, these cones will be pressed against various acupuncture points to forcibly stimulate qi and blood.

The fourth prince couldn't help but nodded slightly as he listened.

He has seen strong men lifting cauldrons and tying up their waists tightly. He has also seen masters instruct them in archery, and he has also seen masters pressing their shoulder acupuncture points tightly with their hands, so this treatment method should be effective.

The fourth prince asked: "How long will it take?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "It should be tied up for at least half an hour a day. After putting it on, you should practice martial arts. If you can persist for half a month, the effect will be effective. If you can persist for longer, such as two or three months, the effect will be outstanding. You can stop for a while. Just stop for about two to three months, and then wear it for half a month to a month, and it's almost done. But this treatment method will be very painful, not only the acupoints will be painful, but the body will also be uncomfortable."

"Okay," the fourth prince said, "What do you need me to do?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "I will first make the measurements for His Highness, then I will draw the drawings and ask Your Highness to find someone to do it."

The fourth prince nodded.

So Sheng Minglin asked someone to bring out a ruler and asked Huo Chenzhao to measure the fourth prince.Maybe it was because the acupuncture points had to be stuck, so the measurement was very complicated. Zhuzhu didn't finish the measurement even after she woke up from her nap.

Sheng Minglin went to see his sister first.

After more than a quarter of an hour, Huo Chenzhao finished measuring and then sat down to draw a sketch.

The sketch was also very complicated. It took a long time to finish it. The fourth prince looked at it for a while and then said to him: "Shen Zhao, give it to Zhi Wen directly after you finish it. If you need anything, just tell him directly. I will go and see Zhu Zhu."

The eunuch Zhou Zhiwen beside him quickly stepped forward to salute, Huo Chenzhao nodded in agreement, and the fourth prince stepped away.

As a result, before he even left the courtyard, he was stopped by someone. The person who sent the message whispered: "Your Highness, the Fourth Highness, the Princess and the Concubine said that Your Highness should go over quietly so that the Crown Prince doesn't see him."

Don't let Sheng Minglin know?
The fourth prince was stunned and frowned, but he still passed.

Huo Chenzhao was still drawing without raising his head.

After a while, Sheng Minglin came over with Zhuzhu in his arms. He said with a smile, "Where's the fourth brother?"

Huo Chenzhao coughed lightly, and before he could think of how to answer, Sheng Minglin had already sat down, put Zhuzhu on his knees, held her little face and asked him: "Zhuzhu's eyelashes are so long, do you want it?" Snip?”

Huo Chenzhao: "...??"

He looked up and saw that it was indeed quite long, but although he was a doctor, he had never heard of eyelash cutting, so he had to ask: "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Nai Tuanzi had just woken up and was still a little lackluster. He rubbed his little hands randomly and said, "It's a problem."

Huo Chenzhao stroked her twice gently: "Little princess, it's best not to cut it. The eyelashes are blocking it so dust won't fly into your eyes."

Tuanzi softly agreed: "Oh!"

Sheng Minglin smiled softly and stroked her a few times: "Shen Zhao, where is the fourth brother?"

Huo Chenzhao could only say: "I don't know."

Sheng Minglin didn't care too much, so he told Tuanzi, "Let's leave Zhu Zhu'er. Let's go out and look for our fourth brother."

As he spoke, he took his sister's hand and gently held it, trying to make the dumpling more energetic. Huo Chenzhao saw this and hesitated for a moment, then said: "Master, how about I cut her a little bit?" ?”

Sheng Minglin turned around and smiled: "Didn't you just say..."

Huo Chenzhao subconsciously avoided his gaze.

Sheng Minglin was a very smart person, but halfway through his words, he couldn't help but frown and noticed something.

His smile faded slightly and he was silent for a while, then he walked back with Zhuzhu in hand and said with a smile: "Shen Zhao, are you done with that drawing? I'll see what those clothes look like, and I'll gain some insights."

Huo Chenzhao turned the sketch on the table towards him and explained it to him carefully.

After explaining, he glanced at Sheng Minglin. Sheng Minglin was still smiling and relaxed, and he teased his sister from time to time. There was nothing unusual at all.

But he didn't know why, he just felt sad.

(End of this chapter)

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