Chapter 113 Bet on the lives of nine tribes
Over there, Princess Duan was spinning back and forth in the room.

As soon as she saw the fourth prince passing by, she quickly waved her hand for the servants to exit and said: "Shiro."

The fourth prince sat down and saw that she looked anxious, so he calmly comforted her: "Auntie, don't be anxious. If anything happens, please speak slowly."

He has always been calm, and Princess Duan asked him to calm down a bit, and asked him directly: "That evil person, did she scold me?"

The fourth prince lowered his eyes and did not answer. Princess Duan said seriously: "Did she scold me for not being able to have a son?"

Seeing that he still didn't answer, Princess Duan was a little anxious: "You should tell me! I'm not angry! I just want to ask clearly!"

The fourth prince could only nodded.

As soon as he nodded, Princess Duan felt as if the stone in her heart had finally fallen to the ground. She took a deep breath, sat down next to her, and said sternly: "Silang, I think my aunt shouldn't say this to a child like you. But after all, the matter is very important, so Auntie asked directly. You don’t have to answer. Just think about it for yourself. Are there any rumors in this city, such as that I was injured after giving birth to Zhuzhu and can no longer reproduce... and so on? ?”

The fourth prince was really stunned for a moment. He thought about it carefully and shook his head: "No."

"Yes!" Princess Duan said: "I gave birth to Zhuzhu'er. A miscarriage is indeed harmful to my health, but I am also from a general family. I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child. Later, even if I became lazy and did not practice diligently, my body and bones are still very strong. Okay, no doctor has ever said or hinted that I have injured my body and will never be able to give birth. No! Not one!"

She paused and said word by word, "But there are people who have scolded me like this."

Princess Duan was impatient. As she spoke, she couldn't help but stand up, walked around the room twice, then barely restrained herself, sat back and said, "That's Lin'er's biological mother, Mrs. Chen."

She whispered: "Silang, this matter has been weighing on my mind for several days. I'm not a smart person and I'm afraid I might think wrong, but I don't have the heart to tell Lin'er. Lin'er is a good boy and thoughtful. , and is soft-hearted, a child, I'm afraid he will be sad and uncomfortable after hearing this. But no matter what I think, something is wrong. "

"At the beginning, when Mrs. Chen came to attack me, I was still pregnant with Zhuzhu, and I didn't know the gender. She kept scolding me, 'You can't give birth to a son.' I was very surprised. She seemed to have changed from that From then on, I was sure that I would not be able to give birth to a son. At that time, the prince was still checking in the mansion for a long time, and asked the head of the Taiyuan Hospital to take my pulse, for fear that she had done something secret before, but nothing was found... Later, Zhuzhu had a dream, and in the dream, the evil man said, 'You can't give birth to a son.' When I heard this, my heart skipped a beat."

Her voice was a little unsteady: "In this world, only Mrs. Chen has scolded me like this. There is no one else, and now there is another one... I really, I don't know if I think too much, but I just I think it’s such a coincidence. And with Chen’s nature, she only has one man in her heart. She has no king or father, doesn’t care about family, and doesn’t care about reputation... In short, I think this style is so similar."

The fourth prince became more and more shocked as he listened.

He has always been a very calm person, but at this moment, he felt that his heart was in a turmoil, and he could no longer care about comforting Princess Duan.

He really still had fresh memories of the old Chen.

After all, throughout the ages, he was the only one who dared to drug a prince in the palace and succeeded.

To put it bluntly, even if she wants to play dirty, as the daughter of the emperor's master, Chen really has many opportunities to rely on Prince Duan. She can use a little more thought and means to get married decently and make Prince Duan pinch his nose and admit it. It's not that difficult.

However, she chose the stupidest and craziest one.

As soon as he came, he gambled on the lives of the Nine Clans, his family, and himself.

Secondly, my reputation is gone at all!A majestic princess, how will she go out and socialize in the future?

In short, Mr. Chen is a person who makes people wonder at everything.

People at that time attached great importance to clan, but the Chen family didn't seem to care at all.

At that time, people valued filial piety the most, but Mrs. Chen didn't seem to care at all.

Even the Nine-Five Supreme King, Chen seems to lack awe.

But at that time, everyone just thought that she fell in love with Prince Duan so much that she was crazy and desperate, so she acted impulsively. Especially Chen was extremely beautiful and many people admired her. They felt that she was a girl, Prince Ai Duan felt a little pitiful at this point.Of course, the most important thing is that Mr. Chen has taught Emperor Mingxi for so many years, and he has also contributed to his ascension to the throne. Emperor Mingxi respects and appreciates him very much.

Emperor Mingxi looked at the great transformation, but he never killed the heroes and could not bring himself to kill them. However, at that time, he still thought of giving her a concubine, and at most a concubine would be enough. Later, Prince Duan could not bear the embarrassment for his brother, so he agreed. Marry her as your wife.

This is actually because Prince Duan knows Xie Anning's temper very well. Whether it is a concubine or a concubine, as long as he has such a person, he will never be able to marry Xie Anning again. Therefore, the main concubine and the concubine do not matter.

Prince Duan has always respected the imperial power very much, even putting his own life before the imperial power. Therefore, since he agreed, he decided to marry and also decided to completely break up with Xie Anning.

But later, Prince Duan refused to come home... Something happened in the meantime. Otherwise, with Prince Duan's temperament, he would marry anyone, how could he do such a behavior that would make people misunderstand that he was dissatisfied with the emperor's brother?
It is said that the Chen family sent people to kidnap Xie Anning and also found more than ten beggars with the intention of insulting her in turn.

The guards of Xie Mansion are not something that a few motley crew can handle.

At that time, General Xie was still fighting at the border. It was Uncle Xie who captured the man and handed him over to the Jin Yiwei privately.

Emperor Mingxi was furious and sent someone to deal with her privately, only to find that she was pregnant.

For the sake of the royal bloodline, he did not kill her for the time being. However, Emperor Mingxi was completely fed up with her and decided to let her "accidentally die" during childbirth, leaving the mother and leaving the son. In order to completely separate the younger brother from this matter, he decided to An envoy will be sent to get him out of the capital.

The fourth prince couldn't help but ask: "Then what? Why didn't she die?"

"Because she didn't die," Princess Duan said, "that is, I heard...she was born smoothly when she was born. Later, after a long time, I overheard the prince talking to my second brother, They said they had already taken action and confirmed that she drank the medicine, but for some reason, it had no effect at all. It is said that the birth went smoothly."

She looked at him: "There seems to be a lot of things going on here. It is said that Chen is a little weird. The prince refuses to tell me. You can ask Jin Yiwei later."

The fourth prince pondered for a long time, then stood up, called the imperial guards sent by the emperor, and gave a few instructions, and the imperial guards left as ordered.

The fourth prince came back and saw that Princess Duan's face was pale, so he comforted her gently: "Don't worry, Auntie, Master Du'e said that these evil heretics cannot harm Zhuzhu."

Princess Duan smiled bitterly: "That's true, but the more I think about it, the more scary it becomes. First it's Chen, then Sheng Yulu, in Zhuzhu's dream she's still Zhuzhu, who is she and what does she want to do? Is she one person or many people? ?”

The fourth prince said sternly: "As long as she can't harm Zhuzhu, Auntie doesn't have to be afraid. As for Mrs. Chen from before, even if she is still alive, will Auntie be afraid?"

Princess Duan was stunned: "Of course I'm not afraid."

"Yes," the fourth prince said, "Chen is just a clown, and Sheng Yulu has no influence on the overall situation. Now... You Zhuzhu's dream reminds us that when everything is revealed in the future, we can just forget the front and back together."

Princess Duan nodded slowly and became aroused: "Yes, no matter who wants to harm my Zhuzhu'er, I will... kill her until every piece of her is left."

This sentence is a bit funny to say, but it is inexplicably heroic.

The fourth prince couldn't help but smile: "Auntie is right."


As a reminder, emperors, princes, etc. are all indigenous people and ancient people. On many things, their ideas are very different from those of modern people. We cannot ask that a country with the concept of equality between men and women grow up in an environment where men are superior to women. of aliens, right?To say right or wrong outside the era is to act like a hooligan.Therefore, it is ridiculous for time-traveling women to shout about equality between men and women or call maids sisters, because they deviate from the general environment.

In short, there is absolutely no intention to disrespect women, and the characters’ opinions do not represent the author’s opinions!

By the way, please collect your votes and light up five little stars.Be careful

(End of this chapter)

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