Chapter 114 Too Scary
The fourth prince came out from Princess Duan and walked, pondering all the way.

He is a meticulous person. After hearing what Zhuzhu said in his dream, he built an image of this person in his mind, and then, every time he got more information, he perfected it bit by bit.

But today, after hearing Princess Duan's words, I felt suddenly enlightened, as if the image in my mind suddenly became concrete.

so similar.

It's really like what Princess Duan said, "There is only one man in my eyes. I have no king and no father. I don't care about my family or my reputation."

He thought about it and walked slowly towards the west courtyard. He heard a commotion over there in the distance, and Tuanzi's little breasts were chattering.

When I looked over, I saw everyone throwing sandbags in the courtyard.

Prince Duan's Mansion didn't have such simple toys, but according to Huo Chenzhao, everyone temporarily used handkerchiefs to hold the beans wrapped around them, each one was small, it didn't hurt when hit, and it was colorful.

Zhuzhu was small, her arms were weak, and she couldn't throw sandbags far. She could only barely hit them by running very close to others, raising her hands high, and throwing them hard...

At some point, she tensed up and loosened her hands, and the sandbag fell from the back of her head. She spent a long time in vain and ended up hitting her little butt.

Moreover, when others hit her, Tuanzi became extremely nervous. Before the sandbag could be beaten out, she screamed, held her little head in her hands, and ran away to a far away place.

That little thing was so funny that a group of people were out of breath laughing.

The fourth prince stood at a distance and looked at it with a smile for a while. Then a guard from behind handed him a bag: "Your Highness, this is Chen Shanniang's file."

So fast?There is actually a special dossier? ?

The fourth prince was slightly surprised. He took a few pictures and read them. After reading only two pages, he frowned and walked into the courtyard. When he passed them, he called out: "Minglin!"

Sheng Minglin responded, threw two more sandbags with a smile, then followed him into the house, washed his hands and sat down.

The fourth prince put his hand on the bag and said to him in a deep voice: "Your mother thought of something related to your biological mother. Your mother said that you are a good child, too careful and soft-hearted, so she can't bear to have more with you." I'm afraid you'll be sad. I think it's not a bad thing if you know some things. Although you are young, you are smart and sharp. I believe you can break free from these unnecessary shackles. "

He patted the bag lightly with his hand: "So, do you want to see it?"

When Sheng Minglin heard it, he felt the clouds disperse and the sun rise, and the discomfort that had been stuck in his chest suddenly disappeared.

"I want to see it." He nodded without hesitation and stood up: "Fourth brother, let's go to the study."

After the two entered the study, they opened the file and took a closer look.

Sheng Minglin only read a few words and suddenly understood what Princess Duan was thinking.

But, I don’t know why... maybe it’s because he deeply felt in his heart that “she” was an evil heretic and not a normal person, so he really didn’t feel sad or guilty for his “biological mother”, but was very calm.

The records in the file begin with Chen's production.

Emperor Mingxi had decided to let her die, but for the sake of the royal family's face, he couldn't poison her directly. What he wanted was her death, which seemed normal on the surface.

During the delivery process, she had to drink tonic soup. It was not difficult at all to replace the tonic soup with medicine that could cause severe bleeding. Moreover, at that time, Mrs. Chen drank it without noticing.

But her birth went smoothly, and she did not die or suffer from severe bleeding. After Wen Po said that mother and child were safe, she said in surprise: "Isn't she a girl?"

Because this medicine might fail or not work that quickly, the emperor didn't take it seriously at the time.

Later, Mrs. Chen didn't care much about her son and took care of her in a perfunctory manner. She only sent people day after day to inform Prince Duan and urge him to return to the house.

After Emperor Mingxi learned about it, he became angry again and called for action again.

Still no use.Jin Yiwei increased the dosage of the medicine and tried it a second time, but it still didn't work.

After the emperor learned about it, he simply replaced it with poison, but it still didn't work.

Chen's body seems to be invulnerable to all poisons. Whether it is medicine or poison, drinking it is completely harmless. Chen is still alive and kicking, as beautiful as a flower.

Originally this wasn't the scariest thing.

The most frightening thing was that after Prince Duan finally finished his errands and returned to his residence, Mrs. Chen immediately turned pale and vomited blood.

However, at that time, five or six days had passed since the poisoning!

There were no symptoms for the first five or six days, but as soon as Prince Duan returned home, he suddenly had an attack. This was too scary, and the key is that the most powerful thing about this poison is that it has no symptoms!What I want is to die silently!But she is so sick... I feel sorry for her.

Then, Prince Duan went to see the child, changed all the servants, and asked the housekeeper to take care of him.

But I never went to see Chen.

So Chen couldn't wait any longer, and on the third day, she went to find Prince Duan.

You know, because of what happened before, Prince Duan's mansion was full of spies, especially around Chen, but no one saw her dispensing medicine, and no one saw her buying medicine, but Prince Duan was drugged and completely irrational. , I want to be honest with Chen immediately.

When Emperor Mingxi got his revenge, he thought it was too weird. He was afraid of harming Prince Duan, so he asked someone to forcefully get his brother out. As a result, he recovered as soon as he came out. The imperial doctor showed no signs of being drugged.

Emperor Mingxi remembered that she had drugged someone in the palace before. Because it was a scandal and she was caught on the spot, he did not pay attention to the drug problem. But think about it, Chen's mother died early and her father had no concubines. She was a rich lady. , where did this medicine come from?

Emperor Mingxi immediately wanted to capture her and torture her.

When they went to catch her, she was talking to the child. Sheng Minglin, who was less than a hundred days old at the time, grabbed her finger and refused to let go. He pulled her finger a little and started crying so hard that he couldn't even breathe. let go.

After reporting back, Emperor Mingxi couldn't bear it, thinking that he was his younger brother's heir after all, so he said he should investigate secretly, but Prince Duan himself would not go back to the palace at all.


At the bottom of the file are the records of monitoring Chen every day. They were too complicated, so Sheng Minglin skipped those for the time being and looked at others first.

There are also some investigations into Chen's boudoir.

Sheng Minglin became more and more shocked as he watched, and said, "Fourth brother, I think my mother's guess is right. These two people may really be the same person."

He paused, "In Zhuzhu's dream at that time, the bad Zhuzhu... the fish eye said, 'You can't give birth to a son, so the money you make is just for me.' I always felt that this sentence was a little bit... It’s awkward. Now that I think about it, the first sentence is really weird. It’s not like a daughter versus her mother. Instead, it’s like a back-house girl vying for favor. It’s vicious and full of sourness... But in fact, the second sentence is even weirder! Why would she take it for granted? , can a daughter inherit the family business?"

You know, nowadays, women are really rarely considered when inheriting a family business.

A woman is going to get married, and her parents usually only stay with her until her hair age. She spends the rest of her life in her husband's family, and then she will have children. Even the woman herself is more attached to her husband's family.

Of course, ordinary people can recruit a bride if they have no choice but to do so, but they are the royal family!No matter the daughter or the son-in-law, they cannot inherit the title!
Therefore, if Sheng Minglin dies and Princess Duan no longer has any other children, then their most likely option is to adopt him.

It is normal practice to adopt a son so that he can inherit the title of Prince Duan, support the family, serve as a general and become an official, support his parents, and support his sisters who are married outside.

This really doesn’t mean that you don’t love your daughter, but the more you love your daughter, the more you will be able to make these arrangements for your daughter. Only with her natal family and people in her natal family can a married woman feel confident. She really has a place to go if something goes wrong.

Otherwise, if the family property is given to the daughter, wouldn’t it be equivalent to giving it to the son-in-law?Doesn’t that mean that Prince Duan’s Mansion no longer exists?Why did Prince Duan work so hard all his life?Who can offer incense and incense after death?

(End of this chapter)

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