Chapter 115 Zhuzhu is so embarrassed
Therefore, what Fake Zhuzhu said is really weird.

Sheng Minglin pointed at the information: "You see, the same is true for Mrs. Chen. She confidently competes for the Chen family's property and treats her younger brother as a rival for the family property."

When Mrs. Chen was in her boudoir, she had a bad relationship with her younger brother.

If Mr. Chen was slightly nicer to Chen Qingyu, she would get angry and make trouble, saying that he favored boys over girls. Later, when he grew up, he even secretly dealt with Chen Qingyu, finding girls from brothels to seduce him, and luring him to gamble and have fun... His actions were more vicious than anything else. He was treated as a rival for family property, almost as an enemy.

Chen Qingyu's absurdity can almost be said to be caused by her.

It's just that there is no quarrel on the surface, so there are many things that Chen Qingyu doesn't know at all.

But Chen Qingyu is her only brother. Even if Chen Qingyu has no future, he can at least be a personal envoy. Even if you enter the palace and become the empress, you can still run errands if you have someone outside the palace, right?
So, it's really weird and unusual.

The fourth prince looked at it and blurted out: "Could it be that she was originally a man?"

"No way," Sheng Minglin said, "The way she treats you shouldn't be like a man!"


The fourth prince frowned and felt a little nauseous. After a while he said: "Zhuzhu'er is born with auspiciousness. Yuyan probably knew this in advance, so she deliberately planned to marry Uncle Duan Wang and then give birth to auspiciousness." , a lifetime of glory. But she didn’t expect that it was you who gave birth to you, so she said, ‘Isn’t she a girl?’ And that’s why she didn’t love you.”

Sheng Minglin nodded with a calm expression: "Yes, that may be the case. However, not only does she not love me, she is also completely unfilial and disloyal to my maternal uncle. She may not be a human being."

The fourth prince said: "But, knowing that she was once the Chen family, will it be of any help to us now?"

Sheng Minglin shook his head slightly, clenching his fists with his hands in his sleeves, hesitating whether to reveal his rebirth.

He once felt that rebirth was his biggest secret and he would never tell anyone, but now, compared with Zhuzhu's safety, he felt that this secret was not that important.

The fourth prince didn't pay attention to his expression and said: "Let's do this for now. Let's take a closer look at this. The Jin Yiwei should have caught Sheng Yulu. Let's wait for them to test it out."

Sheng Minglin nodded silently.

The rest of the daily records were in a thick stack, and they definitely didn’t have time to read them all, so the two of them packed them up first.

As soon as they came out, they discovered that the seventh prince had returned and was playing with Zhuzhu and the others by throwing sandbags.

Sheng Minglin was still a little surprised and said, "I thought you would come back tomorrow."

"I thought about it too!" said the Seventh Prince: "But Father suddenly sent someone to send a message, asking me to copy Xunzi a hundred times! What happened? I wasn't even in front of Father, how could I suddenly scream? Am I the one copying books?”

Sheng Minglin chuckled: "Did you teach Zhuzhu not to accumulate frog steps?"

"Yes," the seventh prince said while throwing the sandbags, "I told Zhuzhu this, what happened?"

"What did you say!" Sheng Minglin was very happy: "Can that be a frog step? You don't want to rebel! Do you know that Zhuzhu foolishly called Uncle Huang a frog!!"

The seventh prince was startled: "Ah! Really?"

Lychee came from the palace and was always with him. He stepped forward to explain. The seventh prince scratched his head: "I, I don't know. Isn't that a frog step? I clearly remember it, right?"

Sheng Minglin took a stick, drew the words "frog" and "嬬" on the side, and said: "Don't accumulate steps! Take one step at a time!"

The Seventh Prince asked: "Do they look similar?"

Tuanzi stretched out his little head to look at it and whispered, "That's right!"

She scratched her face with her little hands and asked her brother: "So Zhuzhu said it wrong, right?"

As soon as Sheng Minglin met his sister, his attitude was extremely gentle. He wrote the whole sentence on the ground, and then explained it to her. After listening to it for a long time, Tuanzi raised his little face and asked, "Well, how many beads do others have?" Is Zhu wrong?"

Sheng Minglin coughed: "It doesn't matter. Zhuzhu is still young, so it doesn't matter if he is wrong."

Tuanzi's little face wrinkled: "But I thought I was very knowledgeable about how to tie Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu is so embarrassed!" The little guy who is just a little bit older still knows that he is embarrassed.

The Seventh Prince smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, there's me too! I'll be embarrassed with you."

"Is this a good thing?" The fourth prince glared at him and said gently to Tuanzi: "Zhu Zhu'er, study hard and speak well in the future, and then you can go to the palace to regain your face."

Tuanzi asked: "Can it be said that the export name is Zhang?"

The fourth prince explained. Tuanzi was very interested and his big eyes were bright: "Zhu Zhuzhuang likes to make trouble with his words!"

The fourth prince said: "Then Zhuzhu should study hard, just like my brother taught you before, attend class and study every day."

Is that so?
Tuanzi was stunned and thought for a long time: "Then, if you don't study hard, can you speak well?"

The fourth prince said: "No."

"Oh..." Tuanzi thought for a moment: "Then, Zhuzhu, please don't say anything in vain!"

Fourth Prince: "...???"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Why? It's so good to speak well. Everyone envies you and praises you for your knowledge."

"It's pretty good," Tuanzi, big-eyed and sincere, said, "But studying is too tiring and not fun at all. When I think about how tiring studying is, Zhuzhu feels that it's okay if I don't speak in detail! Anyway, Zhuzhu has many other abilities to boast about!"

Sheng Minglin also said: "..."

The Seventh Prince led the group to the side as a confidant: "Yes! Zhuzhu is so right! I am so tired from studying that my head gets big when I pick up the book, so although I am envious when others speak well, I It really doesn’t work! Alas!”

Tuanzi quickly comforted him: "Don't worry Qiguguoguo. In fact, our giant beans can be used sparingly!"

The seventh prince didn't understand: "What?"

Tuanzi continued: "Because Uncle Huang is not Mr. Xu, he may not understand at all. We made a few mistakes."


Sheng Minglin said sternly: "Zhuzhu, don't talk nonsense! The emperor is the lord of the world and the most respected person in the world. You can't talk about the emperor behind his back or be disrespectful to him!"

Tuanzi has heard this kind of teaching many times since he was a child, and he nodded quickly: "Zhuzhu is wrong, Zhuzhu won't say anything anymore!"

Sheng Minglin softened his expression: "Okay, let's go eat first."

So the fourth prince, the seventh prince, and Huo Chenzhao went to the front to eat.

The fourth prince used to come here often, but since he went on errands at court, he rarely had time to have dinner at Prince Duan's Mansion. It was rare that he was here at night, and Tuanzi was very happy. He stayed with him throughout the meal and stayed in his arms after the meal. , stretched out his two calves, and sometimes raised his little feet, talking to him with a milky voice.

The fourth prince thought that she might be dreaming at night. A worried man like him, of course, wanted to see it with his own eyes, so he lowered his head and asked her: "Zhu Zhu'er, would it be okay for fourth brother to hold you to sleep tonight?"

Tuanzi was already a little sleepy, but when he heard this, his eyes widened immediately. He reached out for Princess Duan to hold her, and said, "No, no, no, Si Guo Guo is an adult, so I want to sleep with you."

Sheng Minglin is funny.

Children are like this. No matter how well they play with you during the day, when they go to bed at night, they still only recognize their own family members.

Sheng Minglin suddenly remembered that in his previous life, Yuyan always liked to say "take a bath together" and "sleep together" to the fourth prince. At that time, everyone just treated it as a child's talk and laughed for a while, but now that he thinks about it, Isn't this obviously a frivolous act hiding under the skin of a child?
If their guess is true, then she is a woman who has given birth to a child, and saying such things in a child's skin... is really disgusting.

In the evening, Princess Duan still sent Zhuzhu back before leaving. The fourth prince was worried and simply came over to live with Sheng Minglin, waiting for Zhu Zhuer to dream.

(End of this chapter)

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