Chapter 116 Zhuzhu had a good dream

The two worried maniacs got together and read the files for half the night. They spent the rest of the night miserable and didn't sleep well at all. As a result, Zhuzhu slept so soundly that she didn't wake up all night.

I came over to take a look in the morning. I saw that the little dumpling with breasts was still sleeping soundly, and her little face was plump and pink. She looked carefree.

Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince unanimously stretched out a finger... They paused for a moment, looked at each other, and then in tacit agreement, they poked their little faces a few times, smacked the dumplings, and still fell asleep. It's sweet.

The two of them walked out quietly and went to have dinner in Sheng Minglin's courtyard, talking quietly as they walked.

Sheng Minglin whispered: "This is enough to prove that whether Zhuzhu dreams or not is not something that fish eyes can control."

"Yes," the fourth prince also said: "Maybe it is not something God can control. Even if Zhuzhu doesn't know it, it should be because of her own 'clairvoyance'."

Sheng Minglin glanced at him.

In fact, he now feels more and more that the reason why Zhu Zhu dreams about fish eyes is not because of clairvoyance, but because it is similar to his rebirth.

Zhuzhu can see strange images on the map, that is to say, he can see disasters. This is the ability of clairvoyance.

He frowned and pondered.

While the two were eating, Jin Yiwei also reported the news.

Yesterday they had abducted Sheng Yulu, and just in case, they found two more children, pretending to be like real abductors.

During the process, he also pretended to attack other children, and even found an opportunity to beat Sheng Yulu. He even tried some folk black dog blood peach sticks, but Sheng Yulu was dumbfounded and didn't react much.

Jin Yiwei said: "She was very strange. Even if we told her we were kidnappers, she didn't panic. She didn't care if we hit others. She didn't seem to feel any pain when we hit her... It wasn't that it didn't hurt at all, but it just felt like it didn't hurt at all. She's amazing, she doesn't look like she can't bear it, she doesn't cry or scream. But she's not a fool, she can answer questions to her, and her answers are correct. Anyway, it's very strange."

He paused for a moment: "No matter how I try, the fish eye never seems to appear. Now I have pretended to have sold her and locked her up in a place. The emperor said that Master Yanyi and Master Du'e should go and have a look."

The fourth prince nodded.

After the Jin Yiwei finished his report, he stepped back and went to invite Master Du'e.

Sheng Minglin went to the study to continue reading the files, while the fourth prince took some of them over here, reading while waiting for Zhuzhu to get up.

Because Zhuzhu didn't dream yesterday, he planned to read a memorial to her today to see if she could dream.

Just after Chenzheng (8 o'clock), Tuanzi started to moan and groan. Aunt Ning took him down to urinate, then put him on the bed. He was confused for a while before he officially woke up.

After washing her face, changing into clothes and combing her hair, Zhuzhu stepped out on her short legs and immediately saw the fourth prince sitting there reading a book.

Zhu Zhu’s eyes lit up: “Wow!!”

The fourth prince couldn't help but smile, put down the file and stretched out his hand: "Come here and hug me."

Tuanzi clicked over and opened her little arms in a very cooperative manner. The fourth prince held her on his lap. Zhuzhu looked at him happily. The fourth prince asked her: "Did Zhuzhu dream?"

Tuanzi nodded: "I did it!"

The fourth prince was a little surprised: "Were you dreaming? What were you dreaming about?"

The Tuanzi cat tilted its head and chirped cutely: "As soon as Zhuzhu came out, he saw the four pots of pot. It's a sweet dream!"

Fourth Prince: "..."

The fourth prince, who was cold-mouthed and cold-faced, was so amused by her that he couldn't keep his face straight.

Especially after she finished speaking, she leaned on his shoulder, with her little face touching each other, her little hands patting each other, and her eyebrows crooked. It was obvious that she was really happy. In her little heart, even if they could see each other every day, she still felt happy every day. It was a joy to meet each other.

The fourth prince personally fed her breakfast. After eating, he took her hand in hand and went for a walk. Then he came back and took out the memorial to teach her.

When Tuanzi heard that her fourth brother was going to tell her a story, she was quite happy and took the initiative to sit on his lap and help him open the memorial.

Then, the fourth prince read the first sentence, "The Minister of Rites is ordered to supervise the affairs of Zhongzhou, and my brother Sheng Chengtang would like to write this memorial."

Tuanzi's eyes were wide open, full of confusion... After a long time, he said, "What does intermediary mean?" The fourth prince was actually too strict.

Because he didn't know which point would be useful, he simply read it from beginning to end.

He said: "Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites, this is the name of an official position. Now he goes to Zhongzhou temporarily, which is equivalent to an imperial envoy. Since he has not been added to the official position, he added the sentence that he is ordered to supervise the affairs of Zhongzhou. Sheng Chengtang is your father's name. You don't know Your father’s name?”

Tuanzi's eyes were spinning: "Isn't daddy called Prince Duan? Why is he called Tangtang again?"

The fourth prince said: "Prince Duan is your father's title, and Sheng Chengtang is your father's name. After your uncle ascended the throne, all the princes' 'Cheng' was changed to '成'. Only your father's edict remained unchanged. So I’m still called Sheng Chengtang.”

He wrote these two words on the table with his fingers. Tuanzi looked at it and responded hesitantly: "Oh!"

The fourth prince touched her head and continued reading.

This letter was actually an ordinary memorial. It talked about the situation in Zhongzhou at this time. Because the memorial was originally written in a strict and concise way, and it talked about business matters, it was very boring. Even though the fourth prince tried to explain it as plainly as possible, Tuanzi still couldn't understand it. .

The main reason is that there are many things that the little doll has no idea about.

But Zhuzhu instinctively felt that this was important.

This must be what the adults are talking about, and it has something to do with daddy. It was also told by Siguoguo. Tuanzi really wanted to understand.

Her little chubby hands grabbed and grabbed the memorial, then tightened it, and put it on her little head to hold it down. Then she changed her hand and grabbed it, and then tightened it and pressed it on her little head.

The fourth prince finally discovered her series of actions: "..."

The fourth prince found it amusing and funny, "Zhuzhu, what are you doing?"

"Oh!" Tuanzi put his hand on his little head and looked at him: "Zhuzhu doesn't understand very much, please ask Shoushou for help."

She held out a chubby hand, and worked very hard, clenching it tightly to ensure that nothing would leak out: "Four pots of pot, do you want it?"

Facing Tuanzi's sincere eyes, the fourth prince opened his mouth and closed it again: "Fourth brother doesn't want it, you can keep it for yourself."

Tuanzi: "Oh!"

Then I continued to scratch and press, I was very busy...

The fourth prince raised his forehead and said, "Is it because fourth brother didn't understand what he explained? I'll explain it to you again."

The fourth prince told her again.

Tuanzi finally stopped moving, his little head tilted this way and that... I felt like I understood, but I didn't know why I felt a little bit empty.

The fourth prince asked: "Zhu Zhu'er, do you understand?"

Tuanzi nodded: "I understand..."

The serious and rigorous Fourth Prince: "Then explain it to me."

Still need to explain? ?
Tuanzi's eyes widened suddenly, and then he looked at him timidly.

The fourth prince just looked at her.

Tuanzi turned back silently, looked at the memorial, which he didn't recognize a word of, and then looked at the fourth prince, and then...he stumbled and began to explain: "Just go, just go, Jie Bing Bing, there are Jie Bing everywhere in Zhongzhou." It was so bad, so dad put the whole place under control, no one was allowed to go out, no one was allowed to go home, and no one was allowed to walk... Also, medicine is very useful, and it helps if the illness is mild. It can also be used for those who are seriously ill, but no, but dad has no hands and has to buy medicinal materials..."

The fourth prince didn’t know that she regarded “boji” as “饽饽”. Although he thought it was a bit strange, he still encouraged him: “It’s not bad. Let me add something to you. It’s either that there are no hands, there are no people, or there is no one... …”

Okay, okay, then: "Say it again."

"Let me add something to you."

Time and time again, the pain of reading the Book of Heaven finally exhausted Tuanzi's longing for his father and his love for Si Guo Guo.

(End of this chapter)

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