Chapter 117 How could there be anything wrong with the four pots?

Tuanzi looked at the beautiful face and long, beautiful hands of his fourth brother, put his anger on the memorial in front of him, and said loudly: "Siguoguo, look over there!!"

She pointed at the door, and the fourth prince looked there in response. Then with extremely nimble hands, Tuanzi clicked the memorial together and stuffed it under his little gown.

The dumpling is only a little big, the gown is a little bigger, and the skirt is hard. Once it is inserted, a square piece protrudes from the chest.

Tuanzi pressed his lower head with his two little hands and his chin on his upper head. Tears filled his eyes, but he remained strong and motionless.

Fourth Prince: "..."

He looked at her, wondering what to do.

Zhuzhu's whole dumpling was almost bent into a small shrimp. She stared at him with big eyes and an innocent look on her face: "Siguoguo, come out, what happened? Why do you want to look at Zhuzhu?"

The fourth prince was inexplicably endeared and sighed: "Forget it, if you don't want to learn, just stop learning."

He wanted to take the memorial away for her, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, Tuanzi quickly pushed his hand away. He had the harshest words in his body: "Four Guo Guo, there is nothing in the middle! Don't touch it!"

OK then.

The fourth prince could only say, "I'll go out and see if your brother has finished his work."

As he stood up and walked to the door with his hands behind his back, he heard crackling behind him for a while.

The fourth prince thought he had left enough time for Xiao Tuanzi to hide the things, so he slowly turned his head, only to see Tuanzi running around anxiously. He threw the memorial under the stool. After thinking about it, he got in and took it out again. , put it on the windowsill again, thought about it, and took it out again.

The fourth prince looked worried for her and motioned to Zhou Zhiwen.

Zhou Zhiwen hurried over and said a few words. Tuanzi suddenly understood and quickly put the memorial on the table. Then Li Zhi went over and covered it with a handkerchief. Tuanzi breathed a sigh of relief.

The two quickly retreated, and Tuanzi ran over and hugged the fourth prince's leg: "Si Guo Guo."

"Well," the fourth prince reached out and touched her head: "Let's go out and play with brother for a while."

The two of them strolled over there.

The fourth prince quietly ordered the Jin Yiwei to take the memorial back to the palace, and asked casually: "Zhuzhu, why don't you give your courtyard a name?"

Tuanzi shook his head: "Not many!"

Lychee explained in a low voice: "I heard that they were the first to get them. Later, when the prince came back and didn't like them, he didn't use them all. We, the princess, didn't care about this, so we kept calling them the main courtyard, the east courtyard, and the west courtyard."

The fourth prince understood.

It was probably Chen who took it, but later Prince Duan didn't use it anymore.

Tuanzi has no yearning for the name of the hospital. He is jumping up and down and playing with his own shadow, enjoying himself very much.

As soon as the fourth prince lowered his head, he could see her wandering around her feet, with two small hair buns on her head, chubby little tassels flicking, and even her tiny shoes were cute.

The fourth prince smiled, stretched out his hand and nodded her little head: "When Zhuzhu finishes reading, give yourself a nice name for the hospital."

Tuanzi's little body stiffened.

She raised her face and said sincerely: "Zhuzhu can ask Guo Guo to get it. Guo Guo is smart, Guo Guo is knowledgeable, Guo Guo can take it. If Guo Guo can make it, why bother Zhu Zhu to send it to her? Several?"

She was afraid that the fourth prince would insist on letting her get it by herself, so she spread her legs and ran forward: "Zhuzhu goes to Guo Guo!"

Fourth Prince: "..."

In the study room, Sheng Minglin had already read a lot and made several notes when Tuanzi rushed in and hugged his legs, "Guo Guo Guo Guo! Please help Zhu Zhu name her!" !" "Ah?" Sheng Minglin picked her up and said, "Don't Zhuzhu have a name? Doesn't Zhuzhu sound nice?"

"No, no," Tuanzi said, "Just give Zhuzhu's yard a name!" She patted him, extremely anxious: "Hurry up, hurry up! Si Guo Guo is about to come in!"

"Okay, okay," Sheng Minglin said, "Then let's call it 'Yueyuan'."

Yue is the legendary divine bead bestowed by God on the virtuous Holy Emperor. The name of the bead is Sheng Mingzhu. Coupled with the destiny mentioned by Master Du'e, the word Yue is quite suitable.

The fourth prince walked in and said, "Then your garden can be called Zeyuan."

Baize is an auspicious beast, which is said to understand the emotions of all things and know the affairs of ghosts and gods. It is also a wise emperor, and it will appear only when "the king is virtuous". It matches the character Yue very well.

Sheng Minglin smiled and cupped his hands, indicating that he had received the award, and said, "How about the fourth brother help us write it? I'll ask the housekeeper to make the plaque."

It was nothing for an elder brother like the fourth prince to write about a garden like this for a junior member of the family. The fourth prince was already good at writing, so he didn’t refuse, so he asked someone to write the pen and ink for him, and then handed it over to his subordinates. Plaque making.

Tuanzi has been huddled in Sheng Minglin's arms obediently without saying a word.

Sheng Minglin was still a little strange. He held up her little face and looked at her: "What's wrong with Zhu Zhu'er?"

Li Zhi reported in a low voice. Sheng Minglin could immediately imagine what the Fourth Prince taught Tuanzi. He couldn't help but laugh, "Fourth brother, you don't need to learn it from beginning to end. I was drawing the map on the table with just a few strokes." , this kind of thing seems to be done by contact.”

The fourth prince said: "It is better to do more than to do less."

That's right. Things like memorials cannot be left in his hands for a long time. It would be easy for him to find an excuse to write a memorial himself, but what if it doesn't work without the emperor's help?
The fourth prince washed his hands and came back to sit down. He was also a little funny: "I was afraid that Zhuzhu would annoy me, let alone study. That is really my sin."

"That's not possible," Sheng Minglin imitated Zhuzhu's tone and said, "Such a beautiful four-pot pot must be right."

Tuanzi nodded fiercely, deeply convinced.

That’s right, how can there be anything wrong with the beautiful four-pot pot? Even if there is, it’s the fault of the memorial, the tables, chairs, and the wind outside the windows!
The two of them couldn't help laughing when they looked at her little expression.

The fourth prince looked at the records on the table: "What do you see?"

Sheng Minglin played with Zhuzhu's little hand: "I think that at that time, she was a bit more sophisticated and less impatient than she is now... Also, I think, could she be the legendary demon fox? Otherwise, Why is every abnormality about her so...amusing?"

In front of Tuanzi, he spoke very cryptically. The fourth prince nodded and lowered his head to take a closer look.

Zhuzhu had a shameless face and didn't dare to ask him what he was looking at, so she took her brother's hand and pulled it outward, outward.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Fourth brother, I will go out and play with Zhuzhu for a while."

The fourth prince responded, and Sheng Minglin took Zhuzhu out.

At this moment, newly made small sandbags have been delivered. Each one is only slightly larger than a jujube. I don’t know what is inside. It is very light and has six sides with different colors. It is very beautiful. The few people continue to throw the sandbags and play. .

While they were having fun, they saw Jin Yiwei coming over with Zheng Zhongshun.

The fourth prince saw it from the window and came out quickly. Zheng Zhongshun saluted and said to Tuanzi: "Princess, the emperor has something to say to the princess."

Sheng Minglin hurriedly taught his sister how to make a great gift, but Zheng Zhongshun still didn't say anything serious. He only bent down and said with a smile: "The emperor said that he can read a lot of sentences. Your brother, fourth brother and Mr. Xu combined, He is no match for him. Of course he will hear what you said wrong, otherwise he would not punish your seventh brother. He also has a lot of great wisdom. You and your father, your brother, and fourth brother, combined There are not as many as him... If you want it, go to the palace more often and let the emperor suck you, and the emperor will give you a lot of knowledge and wisdom."

The fourth prince/Sheng Minglin was extremely speechless: "..."

Only Tuanzi accepted it well, his little eyebrows were raised, and his expression was extremely rich. Zheng Zhongshun said quickly: "Princess, do you have something to say to the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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