Chapter 119 The second person comes to life

Huo Chenzhao was not very good at coaxing children, and because of his different status, he couldn't do many actions, and he didn't dare to say many things. He was so anxious that he broke into sweat: "Princess, please stop crying, okay? Princess... at least... Can you find a softer place to cry?"

As soon as the fourth prince and Sheng Minglin came back, they heard Tuanzi crying loudly.

The two of them hurriedly walked in, and at a glance they saw a small dumpling lying on the wall, with Huo Chenzhao squatting next to him, and half a room of servants squatting behind him, each racking their brains to think of words of comfort.

Sheng Minglin and Sheng Minglin almost said in unison: "Zhuzhu!"

Tuanzi turned around and the two of them said, "Pfft!"

Tuanzi was dazed, his little face was crying against the wall. When he turned around, his face was gaudy and white.

Sheng Minglin hurried over and hugged her over. The fourth prince took out his handkerchief, and saw Tuanzi's little face buried in Sheng Minglin's shoulder. She cried so hard that her little shoulders shook, and she was extremely sad.

Okay, now it's wiped clean.

The fourth prince silently put away the veil and asked, "What's going on?"

Huo Chenzhao explained quickly. The fourth prince nodded and whispered: "It's the memorial."

The memorial was from Prince Duan, and Tuanzi would definitely miss his father after seeing it, but the memorial was given by the emperor, and they couldn't choose. Sheng Minglin reached out and patted Zhuzhu's back gently, not in a hurry to comfort her.

After Tuanzi cried for a while, she started to twitch. Sheng Minglin pressed his head and said, "Zhuzhu doesn't cry anymore. Zhuzhu misses her father, so how about we write a letter to her father?"

Tuanzi was immediately interested: "Write a letter?"

She propped up her body and looked at him, "But I don't know how to tie beads and write letters."

"It's okay," Sheng Minglin said gently: "Brother can write, and he can help."

Tuanzi nodded sharply: "Okay, write a letter to daddy."

So Sheng Minglin hugged her, sat down at the table, and asked her, "What does Zhuzhu want to write?"

Tuanzi, who was writing a letter for the first time, was a little excited. After thinking for a long time, he said: "Dad, Zhuzhu wants you to mess with her! I want to mess with you, I want to mess with you..."

Sheng Minglin took her little hand and wrote on the paper without modifying the words. He wrote exactly what Tuanzi said. He also copied the words Tuanzi couldn't pronounce correctly.

Although Tuanzi didn’t know almost a word, he still felt a little excited when he looked at the words he wrote!
The fourth prince and Huo Chenzhao sat next to each other and drank tea, watching quietly. Zhuzhu talked about whatever came to her mind for a long time, until the paper was full, and she finally lost her excitement.

After signing Zhuzhu's name, Sheng Minglin finally took her little hand, applied a little ink on her, and pressed an empty fat paw print on the back.

Tuanzi looked at the black and white paper and was very excited: "The letter was written by Xie Zhuzhu! It was written by Zhuzhu!"

"That's right," Sheng Minglin, a master of coaxing, said with a smile while asking people to bring water to wash their hands: "It was written by Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu is awesome!"

Tuanzi held up the letter with both hands and was super excited: "Zhuzhu is great! Guoguo is also great! Zhuzhu will write a letter to daddy every day from now on!"

"Okay," Sheng Minglin glanced at Luo Ke: "Then let's take this letter and show it to mother, okay?"

Zhuzhu nodded repeatedly, refused to ask for help, and ignored the road. She held the letter in both hands and ran out. She almost missed the step and rolled down the steps.

Sheng Minglin greeted the fourth prince, grabbed Tuanzi by the collar of his back, and followed her out.

Tuanzi ran all the way over and happily gave the letter to Princess Duan. Although Princess Duan was uneducated, she certainly knew the words. She quickly took it and read it while praising her: "Zhuzhu is awesome, Zhuzhu'er is so awesome, right?" ! Much better than my mother!"

Tuanzi was so praised that he lost himself: "Zhuzhu will read for you."

She stood on the chair and read loudly: "Daddy, Zhuzhu misses you so much..." She said it herself. She had long forgotten what she wrote, but she read it with great confidence, and her little voice sounded crisp. , I read it in one breath for a long time.

Sheng Minglin smiled, suddenly thought of it, and whispered to the fourth prince: "Memorial? Letter?"

What he meant was that if Zhuzhu had a dream tonight, would it be related to the memorial or the letter?
After he finished speaking, he himself came to his senses. It was not easy to write a memorial, but it was not easy to write a letter.Just try again.

As a result, at night, Zhuzhu was still quiet all night.

The worried man Sheng Minglin couldn't sleep, so he came over to take a look in person, but Zhuzhu didn't wake up.

Everyone was sure that Zhuzhu would definitely dream, but it turned out that she didn't dream. As a result, no one knew what to try the next day.

The fourth prince whispered: "I don't know what's going on over there."

Sheng Yulu's side.

Sheng Yulu was currently in the cellar of a farmhouse.

Although Emperor Mingxi said it simply and rudely, Jin Yiwei did not dare to be rude and rude in doing things. Even though Sheng Yulu looked dumbfounded, who knew whether the evil spirit would be hiding inside her body and peeping out?

So they acted very hard from beginning to end. For example, at this time, they pretended to be country people with a stupid son and bought a little girl to be a child bride. If the master hadn't pushed them too hard, they should have waited a little longer. It took two days to find a "buyer".

Jinyiwei deliberately separated the two masters. Master Yanyi arrived first. Sheng Yulu was given medicine, fell asleep, and was carried up from the cellar.

Master Yanyi took her hand. As soon as he took it, he was slightly startled and looked up at her face.

The little leader of Jinyiwei, posing as a buyer, put her on his lap, straightened her face, and let Master Yanyi take a closer look.

Master Yanyi looked at it carefully for a long time, then lowered his head to look at the palm prints. After a while, he said: "This person's fate is extremely weird. She was originally a traitor, with poor parents and few brothers... But, although she has no family, Pampered, but also able to have enough food and clothing, a comfortable old age, and children and grandchildren. Generally speaking, life is relatively smooth, but now..."

He stopped talking, looked over and over for a long time, and then said: "About three years ago, I encountered a disaster. The Palace of Life was dark and unclear. There was life in death, and death in life... Especially recently, it seems to have made things worse. I'm sorry that the poor monk cannot see through the power."

Although Jin Yiwei didn't dare to say more, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart, wondering if everyone you see is like this. When you first talked about little Princess Zhuzhu, it was also about life in death, blessing in misfortune...etc.?
Jin Yiwei said: "Then you don't know if it's a disaster or a blessing?"

"It's a disaster, it's also a calamity," Master Yanyi said without any ambiguity. He said directly: "Nowadays, the chance of survival is slim. It can be said that there is a narrow escape from death. And even if you are lucky enough to escape, your life will not be restored. Good, good, good!"

Jin Yiwei asked: "Is there any more?"

Master Yanyi shook his head.

The young leader of Jinyiwei asked: "This person is very important. No matter what you see, master, please speak out."

Master Yanyi hesitated for a long time, and then said: "This person seems to be holding the fate of others in his palm, but it is too obscure, and the two are mixed, and the poor monk really can't deduce it."

The little leader of Jinyiwei asked for a long time, but Master Yanyi just shook his head. The little leader did not dare to force him too much, so he could only send him back.

After a while, Master Du'e was invited in.

Master Du'e was much more direct than Yan Yi. He took the palm of his hand and looked at it, and said directly: "This little benefactor has been harmed! Does he have a horoscope?"

Jin Yiwei was well prepared and gave him Sheng Yulu's horoscope. Master Du'e looked at it for a few times, ran his fingers over her palm, calculated every inch, and repeated the deduction several times before saying: "She holds the fate of two people in her palm! It seems that someone wanted to usurp her fate... It started three years ago, but it was not until about February or March of this year that this 'second person' came to life."

The little leader of Jinyiwei perked up after hearing this.

Sure enough, this master speaks eloquently!

(End of this chapter)

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