After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 120: Maybe it will work because of unintentional interference

Chapter 120: Maybe it will work because of unintentional interference
But before he could open his mouth to ask, Master Du'e frowned again and said, "That's not right."

The little boss was stunned: "What's wrong?"

Master Du'e ignored him, stood up and walked back and forth in the room. After a while, he replied: "I don't know what's wrong, but it's just wrong."

Outside, Qin Jiangbai, a member of the Imperial Guard dressed as a seller's wife, stood up.

Qin Jiangbai is young, only 20 years old now, but he is extremely sharp and cold, decisive in killing, and has the ability to disguise himself. Whether he is a young girl or an old man, there is no flaw in his disguise, so at such a young age, he Climbed to the position of Jin Yiwei Tongzhi.

This time, he was responsible for Sheng Yulu's matter.

He lifted the curtain and walked in, took Master Duo'e's hand directly, and wrote a horoscope on his palm: "Master, let's see if this horoscope is related to her."

Qin Jiangbai gave Chen's horoscope. Originally, this horoscope didn't match the child in front of him at first glance, but Master Du'e still subconsciously used this horoscope to deduce it, and the result became more and more strange.

Not parents, not relatives, but the connection is very deep.

Qin Jiangbai said: "Master, don't worry about whether it is common sense or not, just say whatever you see."

Master Duer looked at him, touched his bald head twice with his big hand, and hesitated for a long time before saying: "Just looking at the palm prints, this horoscope seems to be her, but it is also paradoxical. The 'second person' has been through three lives, and what he wants has never been achieved. , and it seems to have caused a huge disaster with endless harm, but it seems that it has not happened yet... In short, there are contradictions everywhere, which are difficult to explain..."

Although Master Du'e is a monk, he is quite impatient. He scratched his head while talking: "What's going on? It's so clear, why can't I see through it..."

Qin Jiangbai waited for a long time, seeing that he couldn't think of a result, and then said: "Master, can you just get rid of the 'second person'?"

Master Du'e quickly shook his head: "No, no, this person's fate seems to be closely related. Don't act rashly, otherwise something big will happen."

Qin Jiangbai thought for a moment and then said, "Master, if we wait a few days, will the 'second person' become more powerful? Will he see more clearly? By then, will there be Is there a way to deal with it?"

Master Du'e stopped his hand and thought for a moment: "It may be possible, but every day, this little benefactor...whether it is the fate or the body, it will be extremely harmful, and it cannot be repaired."

Qin Jiangbai said: "If you kill him directly, will the two of you die together?"

Master Du'e was stunned: "But this person is the original person, and he was innocently affected."

Qin Jiang's eyes narrowed.

In fact, neither Prince Qi nor the Emperor cared much about Sheng Yulu's life or death.

Judging from the fact that everyone was missing and there was not much commotion in Prince Qi's Mansion, it was obvious that these people were too lazy to look for.

Therefore, if the "fish eyes" can be removed and Sheng Yulu killed, the emperor will definitely agree.

But in front of a monk, you cannot say this.

Qin Jiangbai said: "Master also said just now that if you are not careful, it will cause great disaster. Therefore, although this person is innocent, if he cannot be saved, there is nothing he can do."

Master Du'e stared at him for a long time with his big copper bell-like eyes.

But their sect is about cultivating cause and effect, not the three karmas. In other words, they recognize that evil will have its consequences, rather than putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately. Therefore, they usually don't interfere too much, and they don't Yi Mei persuades people to do good deeds.

Master Du'e said nothing in the end, and scratched his scalp: "Let me think of a way, the poor monk will definitely be able to think of a way!"

He muttered to himself, turned around and left.

Qin Jiangbai sent someone to follow him, and at the same time he changed his clothes and went back to report.

He actually wanted to ask the fourth prince to come over, and then let Master Due take a look when the fish eyes appeared.

But he couldn't make the decision on this matter himself, he had to report it to others.

In Duanwang's mansion.

Early in the morning, people from the Fourth Prince's Mansion brought over the cowhide clothes used to press the acupuncture points.

It's not that the whole body is made of cowhide, but one by one. Because it has to correspond to the acupuncture points, it is quite difficult to make. The people from Prince Duan's Mansion also followed Huo Chenzhao's instructions and went to the Zhou Family Medicine Garden and took the ones that Zhou Xingguo had used before. One set, just made according to the look.

Huo Chenzhao helped the fourth prince put it on. It felt like his whole body was wrapped in cowhide strips. It was close to the body and was almost invisible once he put on the outer robe.The princes have all been practicing martial arts since childhood. The fourth prince started practicing boxing and kicking after getting dressed.

As soon as I started to move, I felt sore and swollen at the acupuncture points, but a breath of breath slowly accumulated in my Dantian. My hands and feet became stronger and stronger, but the acupuncture points also became more and more painful.

The fourth prince was a very resolute man, with a normal expression on his face and no sluggishness in his movements. He was sweating profusely. After a while, even his outer clothes were soaked with sweat, and even his hair and eyebrows looked particularly dark.

Sheng Minglin looked at it and couldn't help but feel frightened: "I originally wanted to make one, but now I think I might as well forget it because I'm afraid of pain."

Huo Chenzhao also stood aside and watched, saying: "Your Majesty, what you are wearing is inappropriate."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said to him: "Now that we are so familiar, you can just call me by my name, and then I will call you." He deliberately smiled and called him: "Little Crow Slave."

Huo Chenzhao also smiled: "Since the prince sincerely makes friends with me, why should he care about a title?"

He didn't want to, and Sheng Minglin didn't force it, so he brought the topic back and said, "Why don't I wear the right clothes?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "The Fourth Highness has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. His muscles and bones are not weak, but his energy is weak. But the prince..."

Sheng Minglin understood: "You just said I'm weak?"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and did not answer.

Sheng Minglin sighed and walked aside to practice martial arts.

The fourth prince practiced for more than half an hour before he stopped. Sweat was flowing down his temples.

Huo Chenzhao didn't expect that he could bear it so well. He stepped forward to help remove it, and then stretched out his hand to tap the acupuncture points one by one to help relieve the pain.

The fourth prince calmed down expressionlessly for a while, then stood up, asked someone to prepare water for bathing, changed his clothes, and when he came out again, his expression and movements were as usual.

Only Huo Chenzhao knew that he should be in severe pain now. When Zhou Xingguo wore it on the first day, he screamed like a slaughtered pig. The screams could be heard two miles away, but when he came here, there was no sound. Say something.

The three of them had breakfast together. The fourth prince did not shy away from Huo Chenzhao and said directly: "What do you think I should teach Zhuzhu today?"

The fourth prince has an errand and cannot stay here for too long. He originally thought that he would be able to do "state affairs", but he didn't expect that he would not be able to do it. No matter what he teaches, he seems not sure.

Huo Chenzhao lowered his head to eat and did not respond.

Sheng Minglin said: "Actually, fourth brother, there is no need to rush, and you don't have to stay here all the time. You can be busy when you need to, and come over at night, or just come over when you have time. No one knows what can touch Zhuzhu. Say Maybe it happened unintentionally."

The fourth prince nodded and said, "Then I will teach Zhuzhu how to read maps today, and I should go to the Yamen tomorrow."

Sheng Minglin hummed.

So the fourth prince was still waiting outside for Zhuzhu to get up.

Not long after we had sat there, reports came from outside that Qin Jiang, a member of the Imperial Guard, asked to see him in vain.

The fourth prince was afraid of waking up Tuanzi, so he came out to talk to him in the courtyard.

Qin Jiangbai gave him yesterday's record and said, "Your Highness, the Emperor has ordered you to take the time to go over there today."

The fourth prince nodded and said, "Let's do it in the afternoon."

Qin Jiangbai responded and stood respectfully, waiting for the fourth prince to go over the record.

In the house, as soon as Tuanzi woke up, he heard that the fourth prince was outside.

Tuanzi was very happy immediately. Before even combing his hair, he ran out, stood by the door and shouted: "Four pots of pot!"

The fourth prince turned his head, and Qin Jiangbai also looked up. When Tuanzi saw the newcomer, his eyes lit up, he tilted his head and said cutely: "Pretty sister."

(End of this chapter)

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