Chapter 121 Seven Old Graves
Qin Jiangbai coughed lightly and gave a salute: "I, Qin Jiangbai, have met the little princess."

Tuanzi was startled and looked at him with wide eyes.

Qin Jiangbai kept smiling.

In fact, Zhuzhu knew Jin Yiwei's clothes, but Qin Jiangbai was on errands at the moment. He was not wearing official uniforms. He was wearing a plain robe, and his appearance was extremely beautiful. At first glance, he looked like a girl.

Zhuzhu was so surprised that she didn't even care about being cute and said cautiously: "Are you wearing a pot?"

Qin Jiangbai said: "Yes, I am a man."

Tuanzi nodded: "Oh!"

She ran over and hugged the fourth prince's leg, still looking at him eagerly.

While looking at the record, the fourth prince reached out his hand and gently rubbed her little head.

Because her hair had not yet been tied up, Dumpling's head was covered with small soft hairs, which felt like a rabbit. It felt so good that the fourth prince couldn't stop touching it.

Tuanzi, with his broken hair covering his eyes from time to time, raised his small face and looked at Qin Jiangbai with his big dark eyes.

Qin Jiangbai looked down at her quietly, and she smiled at him.

Qin Jiangbai hesitated for a moment, then squatted down and said, "What are your orders, Princess?"

"No," Tuanzi praised him sincerely: "You are so beautiful, even more beautiful than your beautiful sister!"

Qin Jiangbai said: "Thank you very much, Princess, I don't dare to accept it."

"You dare to do it!" Tuanzi waved his little hand: "No need to be polite to Zhuzhu, this kind of Zhuzhu should be praised."

Qin Jiangbai: "..."

He was a little funny. Seeing that Tuanzi looked at him very happily, he had nothing to say and said, "Has the princess eaten?"

Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu hasn't done it yet, have you done it? Zhuzhu can treat you to a meal."

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said: "Thank you very much, Princess, but I have already eaten."

Tuanzi thought for a while, and then made a very small gesture with his little chubby hand: "Can't it fit in even if I reduce it?"

Qin Jiangbai: "..."

He often walks around in front of the king. He is not a timid person, and he is very good at observing faces. Since Xiaotuanzi wanted to invite him so much, he smiled and said: "If the princess wants me to have dinner with the princess, It is my honor, and I am very happy."

Zhuzhu immediately turned around, and Lychee quickly said: "I will give you the instructions right away."

The fourth prince had already finished reading. Seeing that the two of them were already chatting, he asked him to come in and sit down, and then served food.

Qin Jiangbai actually sat down and ate with Tuanzi.

Over there, Sheng Minglin guessed that Zhuzhu had woken up and wanted to come over to see the fourth prince talking about the map, but as soon as he came in, he saw this scene.

Sheng Minglin paused.

Qin Jiangbai? ?

Qin Jiangbai's reputation outside is not very good. Everyone says that he is ruthless and unscrupulous in doing things. However, after all, Jin Yiwei's status is transcendent. These shortcomings can also be advantages. Anyway, Emperor Mingxi used him very smoothly, only [-] years old. At the age of [-], he became a member of the Imperial Guard and was considered a celebrity in front of the emperor.

But in the previous life...

He remembered that Stinky Fish Eye was only about five or six years old at that time. On Longevity Day, which was the emperor's birthday, he met him in the palace and insisted on being hugged by him.It is worth mentioning that Qin Jiangbai looks cold and sharp on the surface, but he actually likes children very much, so he hugged him and directed him around with fish eyes, picking flowers and feeding fish. He seemed to like him quite a lot. .

Sheng Minglin didn't have a good relationship with Yuyan at that time, and he didn't pay much attention to her. But before noon, someone told him that something happened at Sheng Mingzhu's place. When he rushed over, he saw Qin Jiangbai kneeling on the ground, and Yuyan was Princess Duan hugged her and cried loudly. While crying, she said: "He put his hand into my clothes, touched me and kissed me..."

Sheng Minglin was extremely shocked at the time.

Maybe not just him, but everyone thought, how could such a small child lie?How could he possibly understand such a thing!

In fact, now that I think about it, if she really didn't understand, how could she know that this kind of behavior was inappropriate?She must have done something hiding under the little doll's skin!
But at that time, no one could calm down. Qin Jiangbai tried his best to deny it, but no one believed him.

The main reason is that Qin Jiangbai's reputation is really not very good. He is still young and has not yet gotten married. Many people say that he has a broken sleeve.

In short, after the shock, there was a rage. Prince Duan was so angry that he kicked him off the steps. Emperor Mingxi had no suspicion at all, so he was furious and killed him without any explanation.

Sheng Minglin was not sure whether there were any twists and turns in the process. He only knew that about a month or so after this incident, several disabled old people came to beat the Dengwen drum outside the Meridian Gate.

During the Great Dynasty, the Dengwen Drum was on duty every day. If the Dengwen Drum was beaten, anyone who had a serious grievance would be able to go to the palace to face the emperor. However, to prevent malicious prosecution, the imperial staff would be used for thirty years.

These old people are all in their twilight years, and each of them is disabled, with a broken leg, broken hand, or even only half of it.

But everyone received the imperial stick without hesitation and met Emperor Mingxi. From this, Qin Jiangbai's bizarre life experience was also revealed.

Qin Jiangbai, whose parents were inauspicious, was thrown into the street.

At that time, there was a group of beggars on the street who were harvested and cut off, that is, people who deliberately cut off their hands and feet to facilitate begging.

Qin Jiangbai was raised by such a group of people who protected each other, and even his name was decided by lot by the beggars who raised him. This is the surname of the three old people.

The Qin of "Qin Jiang Bai" was a scholar who was killed by his fellow villagers. His legs were broken and his eyes were blind, but he was very knowledgeable and taught him a lot.

When Qin Jiangbai was ten years old, he managed to send the leader of the harvester to prison, and then struggled to survive. He first rescued an official, and then assisted the official until three years later. After returning to Beijing, he was recommended to Jinyiwei.

When he first saved up, he brought several fathers to the capital, and then worked hard to climb up and raise several fathers... After all, these people were all disabled, begging since childhood, sick all over, unable to work, and had to take medicine. , it’s also a lot of money to raise.

Originally, he was already a fellow commander, and his life was finally getting better, but unexpectedly, something unexpected happened...

Several old people had watched him grow up, and now that he had died inexplicably, they naturally had to risk their lives to find an explanation for him.

These people worked hard to get to the court. Several people talked and lost their breath as soon as they lowered their heads. The rest wiped away tears and continued talking. It took several people to finish the short story. In the end, only one person was left...

It is said that the situation at that time was extremely tragic and could not bear to be watched. They really wanted to die to redress their injustice.

Even Prince Duan was shocked. It was not that he thought Zhuzhu was lying, but that there might be a misunderstanding.

However, people are dead.

Emperor Mingxi told the "truth" to the last old man in private, and asked someone to bring Zhuzhu over. It is said that the last old man burst into tears when he saw such a small child.

He might have thought that children couldn't lie, but Qin Jiangbai was right. He murmured "Yao'er, Yao'er" twice and then sat there with his eyes open and tears streaming down his face and died.

Emperor Mingxi was a very affectionate person. After this incident, he secretly ordered people to bury these old people. He personally mentioned the words "Seven Old Tombs" and sent imperial envoys to severely punish Caisheng in various places for a while. Beggar.

It can be seen that I feel extremely regretful.

Every time I think about it, I feel that that smelly fish eye is so sinful that I can't even count how many people she has harmed.

Sheng Minglin stood stunned. The fourth prince noticed it and glanced outside. Sheng Minglin quickly came to his senses and then stepped into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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