Chapter 122 You were so good when you were a child
Qin Jiangbai stood up and saluted.

Tuanzi happily called him: "Guo Guo!"

She pointed at Qin Jiangbai and introduced him: "Guo Guo, Guo Guo is not a pretty sister, but he is more beautiful than a pretty sister!"

Silly Tuanzi said it very sincerely, not knowing that praising a grown man for looking like a woman cannot be regarded as a compliment.

Sheng Minglin touched Tuanzi's little head, smiled at Qin Jiangbai and said, "Master Qin, don't be offended, Zhu Zhu'er is still young, and there are not enough words of praise."

Qin Jiangbai was a little surprised, and said quickly: "I don't dare, I don't mind, the prince is too polite, I can't afford it."

The fourth prince was feeding Zhuzhu with his own hands. At the same time, he motioned to the eunuch beside him and handed the records of Master Due and Master Yanyi yesterday to Sheng Minglin. Sheng Minglin lowered his head and took a closer look.

He quickly noticed two points in time: more than three years ago, and in February and March of this year.

More than three years ago?
Zhu Zhuer is now over three years old.

February or March?

He "came back" in February, which happened to be the period of the examination.

In an instant, like an enlightenment, he felt as if he had figured out a lot of things at once!
Regardless of what kind of evil Yuyan is, she can indeed seize the body!

She first took over the wife's body and became the Chen family. Then, perhaps because her life was so bad and she didn't want to live anymore, she bumped into Princess Duan and hanged herself, while Zhuzhu had already been born.

In her previous life, perhaps at that time, she had already seized her body and entered Zhuzhu's body, and then, just like Sheng Yulu now, she "sleeped".

And then, at a certain point in time, such as February and March this year, it began to "wake up" and gradually engulfed Zhuzhu's body.

No wonder Princess Duan often cried and said in her previous life, "You were so good when you were a child."

Because at that time, she was still a real pearl!

His Zhuzhu'er is of course the most well-behaved and cutest, and her words can make people's hearts sweet.

If it weren't for his well-behaved sister, how could everyone love Zhuzhu so much, and how could they tolerate the fish eyes for so long?
In his previous life, when he just returned home, he actually had no conflict with Zhuzhu, but he deliberately avoided her until Zhuzhu fell from the rockery, and then she said the words "brother pushed me."

His well-behaved and soft sister would never frame anyone. Even if it was really him who pushed her, I'm afraid Silly Tuanzi wouldn't say anything about it. So, from that moment on, Yuyan woke up.

Why then?
Most likely, it was because Zhuzhu was injured.

Therefore, if Huo Chenzhao could cure the disease, he might really be able to delay the speed of fish eyes taking over the human body.

and many more!

Another point is that since Zhuzhu is born with auspiciousness, it stands to reason that there will be no such catastrophe of breaking his head and almost dying. Maybe it is because he was taken away from his body, so he broke his head!

Just to create an opportunity for Fish Eye to occupy Zhu Zhu’s body!
So... the past life in his memory may have really existed.

But he doesn't know why, turning back time and reversing the years gave him a chance to start over again, and Zhuzhu would also have some sporadic memories and insights!
Could it be that Zhuzhu was still in that body at that time?
His silly sister watched them suffer and die one by one, how uncomfortable she felt...

Just thinking about it makes me feel unbearably distressed.

Sheng Minglin suddenly stood up, held Zhuzhu on his lap, and buried his face on her small shoulder.

Nai Tuanzi was concentrating on cooking. She was startled and wanted to turn around, but he hugged her tightly. She could only reach back with her short hand and touched his head: "Guo Guo, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay," Sheng Minglin controlled his voice and said softly, "I just want to absorb more wisdom from Zhuzhu."

"Oh," Tuanzi said generously, "then Guo Guo, suck it. There are a lot of beads. If you don't give them to Uncle Huang, keep them all for Guo Guo."

She saw the Fourth Prince: "You can also give Si Guo Guo."

Seeing Qin Jiangbai again, he quickly looked away, then ate with a big mouthful, not daring to speak, and too embarrassed to look at him again.

Tuanzi is still very close and distant.Although you are very good-looking, I will be a good boy and look at you for a while, but I will not give you my precious wisdom.

Qin Jiangbai saw this, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and took the initiative to talk to her: "Princess, this snack is delicious, can I have more?"

Sure enough, Tuanzi pushed the plate generously and said, "I'll give it all to you. You can order whatever you like."

Qin Jiangbai responded with a smile, brought the plate over, and ate slowly.

Tuanzi, who felt that he had paid the price, began to look at him confidently again, and ate happily with his beautiful face in mind.

After dinner, Qin Jiangbai resigned.

Then the fourth prince asked Sheng Minglin: "Do you know him?"

Sheng Minglin glanced at him.

The fourth prince may be seen as cold and taciturn by outsiders, but he is actually very tolerant towards his own people. Just like now, although he asked this question, he actually did not raise his head. This was giving him a chance to choose. Even if Sheng Minglin made an excuse, he Nor will it be pursued.

But Sheng Minglin wanted to tell him the truth.

Even if in this life, fish eyes can no longer be confused, but a demon that can seize the body and is so vicious, if left outside, I really don't know what will happen.

If someone with intentions discovers it, it will be like in the last life, if he finds a "goldfish" that she likes to seduce her, no evil will be caused.

He suspected that something happened to the "Ming Lord" in the previous life, and maybe even harmed Da Sheng. This "catastrophe" must have been extremely serious, otherwise, there would have been so many tragedies in this world when dynasties changed. Who has ever heard of time reversal?

Therefore, whether it was for Zhuzhu or Dasheng, he decided to tell the truth about his rebirth.

He said seriously: "Fourth brother, when you are done, I will talk to you for a while. I have something important to say to fourth brother."

The fourth prince nodded: "I will go there to have a look in the afternoon."

Sheng Minglin hummed: "Then we'll talk about it when you come back."

As he spoke, he asked someone to take off the map and put it on the table, and the fourth prince taught Zhuzhu how to identify it one by one.

Sheng Minglin was sitting beside him, lost in thought. Then, he suddenly asked Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu, does that goldfish in your dream look like Mr. Qin today?"

Zhuzhu was stunned for a moment, then Maomao tilted his head and thought seriously: "Master Qin is good-looking! Goldfish are not as good-looking as Master Qin!"

"Brother knows," Sheng Minglin said patiently: "Is it the same kind of thing? She looks a bit like a beautiful sister?"

Zhuzhu nodded: "It's tied." She pinched the top of her head with her little hands: "There is a sharp point in the middle, but if it is tied to a goldfish, it will reduce the black."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

It turns out that what Yuyan likes is this kind of soft, elegant and graceful appearance, so Qin Jiangbai's appearance is indeed the ultimate in this category.

When Yuyan met the goldfish, she was already hair-length... But when she met Qin Jiangbai, she was still young. When she saw that she couldn't eat, she might have done it herself if she blamed Qin Jiangbai.

Grandpa’s, the more I think about it, the more disgusting it becomes!How on earth can we kill her! !

Sheng Minglin was so irritable that he didn't even change his clothes. He ran out to practice Kungfu in a huff. After finishing a set of fists and kicks, he was so tired that he gasped and the anger in his stomach disappeared without realizing it... As expected, a weakling does not deserve to be angry.

In the afternoon, Tuanzi took a nap and the fourth prince went to the outskirts of the city.

Qin Jiangbai's approach has always been to cover up as much as possible, so the fourth prince did not appear directly, but "passed by" not far away, including Master Du'e, who also arranged for him to "pass by".

Sheng Yulu was let out to eat, and then was taken out by the "silly son" of the family, and saw the fourth prince from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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