Chapter 123 No Ji Tai Lai reveals the Lord’s appearance
Sure enough, Sheng Yulu's eyes suddenly changed.

She wanted to call him, but she couldn't make a sound at all, and her hands and feet were too weak to move.

Master Due looked aside for a while, then walked forward directly.

"Fish Eye" turned her head and saw Master Du'e clearly. She looked frightened and backed away suddenly. She even tried to push him with her hand and made an indistinct snorting sound.

Qin Jiangbai saw something was wrong, and quickly came over and scolded his "son": "Why did you bring her out? Why don't you go back!" At the same time, he explained to Master Du'e: "This is my daughter-in-law, she is sick."

Regardless of his disguise or his feminine accent, there was no flaw in him. He even fed her a few sips of water: "Nier, go back quickly. Mom has made porridge!"

After taking a sip of water, "Yuyan" made a hoarse voice: "Fourth brother! Fourth brother!"

The fourth prince in the distance just pretended not to hear, Qin Jiangbai said again: "Master, what do you see her doing?"

Master Du'e didn't know how to act, so he stared at her and said, "You are not from this world..."

"Yuyan" trembled all over, as if he collapsed at that moment, trembling all over, and hissed: "Get out! Get out! Old bald donkey, you have hurt me like this! Get out! Don't force me to die with you!" "

Qin Jiangbai signaled Master Du'e to read her palm with his eyes, and Master Du'e stepped forward and grabbed her hand.

"Yuyan" struggled desperately, Qin Jiangbai held her shoulders with both hands: "Nier, what's wrong with you? Don't move! Ask the master to take a look!"

"Yuyan" looked at him pleadingly: "Please, please call Fourth Brother over."

Qin Jiangbai pretended to look back, and then said: "Who to call? Him?"

He didn't dare to act for too long for fear of wasting time, so he ran over quickly and called the fourth prince over. "Yuyan" said loudly: "Fourth brother, I am Zhuzhu... No, I am Sheng Yulu. You can lead me." I'm leaving, please save me!"

The fourth prince looked at her deliberately and said coldly: "Nonsense!" while making a move to leave.

Yuyan shouted: "I really am Sheng Yulu! I really am! Fourth brother, help me!"

The fourth prince still wanted to leave, and even got on the horse directly. She called for a long time, and the fourth prince stood on the horse and suddenly said: "What can you give me?"

Yuyan was stunned: "I..."

The fourth prince waited for a moment, then turned his horse and left, Yuyan shouted: "I am really Sheng Yulu!"

The fourth prince frowned slightly.

This woman is superficial and stupid. If she had other abilities, in this situation, she would have screamed out long ago, and it would be impossible to hold back.

But Chen can at least take things out of thin air, can't she?

The fourth prince and Qin Jiangbai quickly exchanged glances.

Then, the fourth prince turned his horse and left. Qin Jiangbai raised his hand and slapped her hard on the ear, and said angrily: "You damn girl, what do you want to do?"

Yuyan's whole body was shaking with pain.

It was not like this when Sheng Yulu was there.

So she can feel pain now?

Qin Jiang's white eyes darkened slightly, he shook her twice more, then pinched her neck and said, "Do you know that noble man?"

He pinched harder and harder: "Speak!"

Sheng Yulu struggled endlessly, and her eyes gradually turned white. Seeing that she was about to suffocate, Qin Jiangbai's hand suddenly loosened, and his voice turned gentle, "What do you want from him?"

Yuyan gasped for air, his mind went blank, and he blurted out: "Give me the system back..."

Qin Jiangbai asked: "What system?"

The fish's eyes froze, and he trembled his lips to say something. Then, his whole body trembled, and he became that dull look again.

Qin Jiangbai frowned and slowly let go of his hand.Master Duer looked over and over again for a long time before slowly stopping.

Qin Jiangbai took her back with both hands, filled her with two bowls of medicinal porridge, and locked her in the cellar.

Jin Yiwei set up several surveillance points not far away, and Qin Jiangbai took Master Du'e there directly. The fourth prince was already waiting there.

Qin Jiangbai said: "What is the system?"

"I don't know." The fourth prince shook his head: "Her tone seems to be that this 'system' is with me."

Qin Jiangbai looked up at him, and without asking further questions, he asked Master Du'e: "What did Master see?"

Master Du'e said: "I don't know where this person came from, but he is definitely not from this world... It seems that he is not an evil spirit, but a human being. But this person seems to have a great relationship with this world, and with the fourth prince There seems to be some connection with the poor monk. The poor monk can't see him." He paused and looked at the fourth prince: "Can I take a look at the palm prints?"

The fourth prince stretched out his hand calmly.

Master Du'e looked at it carefully and said: "It's very good to be in good health. The appearance of the master is very good."

Fourth Prince: "..."

The fourth prince felt complicated.

Although he also had some guesses in his mind, it was really not a good thing to receive such a criticism at this time.

It's not a bad thing, it's just more troublesome.

Qin Jiangbai said quickly: "Your Highness, Fourth Highness, I will not disclose anything to the outside world." I will only report the truth to the emperor.

Master Du'e was not an outsider who didn't understand the world at all, and said: "Your Highness, there is no need to worry. Judging from the palm prints, the obstruction is not big and has nothing to do with the overall situation."

The fourth prince said again: "..."

Master Du'e thought he had finished talking about this matter, so he added: "That person really has the ability to seize homes. The first life she took away was the life when you gave me the eight characters; in the second life, although I don’t know who she is, but I know that she will go against the grain and cause great disasters, even shaking the country. The third life is now."

He paused for a moment: "There are many things that cannot be seen, but not being able to see is also a sign. The poor monk believes that the catastrophic disaster in her second life, the Fourth Highness and the poor monk have contributed to this and turned the tide. , so there was a third life.”

The fourth prince pondered.

Master Due added: "The 'system' she mentioned seems to be the divine object that brought her here. The poor monk believes that this object should be related to the Fourth Highness or the poor monk, but the poor monk does not know what it is. . And I don’t know why she only asks for it from His Highness the Fourth Highness, but she hates the poor monk so much? It’s strange.”

Qin Jiangbai looked at his dog-gnawed bald head and large square ears, then looked at the fourth prince's rich clothes and young and handsome face, and thought to himself, it's not strange at all, this guy has this kind of temperament.

However, if you put it this way, is the way to get that thing back, is to get close to it, or even make out?
The fourth prince obviously had similar thoughts to him, and retched on the spot.

Qin Jiangbai asked for a long time. Seeing that Master Du'e probably had nothing to say, he asked someone to ask him out.

Then he said: "Your Highness, Yuyan should not know what is going on outside when she is sleeping. But she seems to know what Princess Yulu knows, but Princess Yulu seems to be slightly crazy, so what she knows There are very few things, but at least as soon as Yuyan woke up, he knew that she had been abducted, but he didn't find any flaws."

The fourth prince said: "You are kidnapped and you meet me. There is no such coincidence in the world. Now, she may be suspicious."

Qin Jiangbai nodded.

The Fourth Prince added: "She said, 'Don't force me to die with you!' So, she should have some unknown abilities."

The two briefly communicated, but neither mentioned the three lives mentioned by Master Due.

Not to mention, it is precisely because two smart people have already thought a lot about it.

Bodhidharma can observe three lives and three lives with a palm of gold. Master Du'e's vision should be very accurate.

But, how long has it been since Chen died?
During this period of time, had any major events happened that could shake the country? How could they not know?
Coupled with Zhuzhu's previous dream, the answer is already obvious, but it is just too unbelievable to believe.

The fourth prince suddenly remembered what Sheng Minglin said before, so he stood up and said, "I'm going back to Prince Duan's Mansion first."

(End of this chapter)

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