Chapter 124 Zhuzhu helps Guoguo

Qin Jiangbai was stunned: "Your Highness, the Fourth Highness, won't you enter the palace with me?"

The fourth prince said: "Before coming, Ming Lin said he had something important to tell me. I always felt that there was something in his words, so I went back and asked first."

Qin Jiangbai was slightly stunned.

After all, the fourth prince was not a talkative person. He said this specifically to explain it to the emperor through his mouth. However, he didn't know what the fourth prince meant at the moment, so he agreed temporarily.

The fourth prince quickly came out and got on his horse.

Just then, he finished sorting out the records and sent them over. Qin Jiangbai chased after him for a few steps and gave him a copy.

In Prince Duan's Mansion, Zhuzhu also woke up from her nap.

The cherries have ripened recently, and I have eaten the dumplings two or three times. They are almost ready to eat. The people in the kitchen took advantage of it and removed the cores and pierced them. They were like small candied haws, with a thin layer of sugar glazed, so that they could be whole. When I bit into my mouth, the outer skin was sweet, and the juice exploded as soon as I took a bite. I fell in love with the dumplings as soon as I ate them. I sat at the table and ate two skewers in one go.

In fact, two bunches only amounted to ten cherries, but Princess Duan did not allow her to eat more candies, so Lychee quickly stepped forward to interrupt: "Master, who do you want to play with today?" As she said this, she quietly pushed the plate a little further away.

Tuanzi's little hands were stretched out, but with Li Zhi's push, her short hands couldn't reach it.

The dumplings were not taken back. The whole dumpling was lying on the table, looking at her with watery eyes: "Zhuzhu still wants to eat a bunch of dumplings."

Lychee had no choice but to say: "The queen won't let the master eat more sweets."

Tuanzi looked pitiful and raised a little finger: "Just one string, Sister Lychee is so annoying!"

Lychee couldn't resist, so she had to say: "Then I can only accuse the master. The queen will be unhappy if she finds out."

While moving the plate back, he quietly put the larger skewer next to the dumpling.

The dumplings were brought over happily, and they were gone in a moment.

Lychee had already asked someone to take the plate away. Tuanzi was still licking the candy on his lips, and suddenly thought of something: "Can you make a little more? Zhuzhu wants to give it to Guoguo."

She crossed her fingers and said, "I want to leave more for my mother, as well as the Emperor's wife, four pots, seven pots, beautiful pots... and Mr. Qin."

Lychee said: "I will tell the kitchen to cook it, but after it is cooked, the master cannot eat it again!"

Tuanzi nodded sharply: "Okay! Don't worry!"

She didn't even go out to play anymore, she just sat there and waited.

It didn't take long to deliver it. The queen also asked someone to send it to the palace. However, Master Qin didn't even know where the mansion was, so he couldn't deliver it. The boy had an idea and went directly to the palace with the food box. The royal guard who is on duty here.

Therefore, Qin Jiangbai, who had just left the palace, received a gift from Prince Duan's Mansion.

As a close acquaintance of Jian Zai's Imperial Guard, he was not in need of gifts, but he never accepted them. He accepted them after hearing that they were given by the young princess.

When I opened the food box, I saw a few bunches of small cherries on the porcelain white plate, which looked quite pretty.

Qin Jiangbai didn't expect that the little baby would give him something, so he couldn't help but smile. The officials passing by said hello to him: "Master Qin?"

Qin Jiangbai quickly stopped smiling and returned to his cold and untouchable look. He nodded to him, closed the food box, and strode away, leaving the official staring at his back with a strange expression.

Over there, Zhuzhu held the bowl in her hands and walked cautiously towards Zeyuan.

Li Zhi and others were bending down to protect her all the way. Sheng Minglin had already practiced martial arts in the morning and was reading files in the study when he heard the sound and came out.

Zhuzhu didn't dare to raise her head for fear of falling. She bent down and said, "Guo Guo! Guo Guo, it's delicious!"

Sheng Minglin took the bowl with a smile, and Tuanzi breathed a sigh of relief. Then he relaxed and raised his face: "It's delicious! It's so sweet!"

Sheng Minglin smiled, took a bunch and bit it into his mouth, making a clicking sound.

Tuanzi swallowed on the spot.

Sheng Minglin suppressed a smile and nodded: "It's so sweet. Why is it so sweet? It's so delicious."

"Yes," Tuanzi drooled: "It's so sweet."

Sheng Minglin asked: "Are these all for brother?"

"It's not tied," Tuanzi said, "There are also four pots, seven pots and beautiful pots. You four can share them."

"Oh!" Sheng Minglin said: "Why do you want to give it to so many people?" "Because it's delicious! It's so delicious!" Tuanzi slobbered and said, "Zhuzhu can't eat it, but I ate it with Guoguo, Zhuzhu The beads are also sweet."

Sheng Minglin was struck by the cuteness on the spot, squatted down and said, "Can Zhuzhu help me taste the sweetness of this bunch?"

Tuanzi's little hands were clasped together happily: "Yes, yes! Zhuzhu likes to help Guo Guo."

She came over and took a bite.

Sheng Minglin asked someone to divide out a few skewers and send them to the seventh prince, and asked someone to call Huo Chenzhao over. While eating, he said to him: "Tomorrow is the day after tomorrow. I'll ask my mother. Shen Zhao should start teaching Zhuzhu'er." ?”

Tuanzi was slightly distracted and looked at Huo Chenzhao.

Sheng Minglin pretended not to pay attention to his sister and just said to Huo Chenzhao: "Zhuzhu is still young, so there is no need to be rigid about what to teach, and there is no need to rush to learn to write. You can even tell stories. For martial arts training in the afternoon, there is no need to teach fists, kicks, or throwing sandbags. That’s okay, the main thing is to move around, run a bit, and keep fit.”

Huo Chenzhao nodded and looked at Zhuzhu.

Tuanzi's little eyes were glancing at the cherry skewers in Sheng Minglin's hand. Then, thinking that no one was paying attention to him, his little body tilted over and swayed as if he was still unsteady... using the words of a three-year-old baby All the acting skills, and then, quickly took a bite.

Sheng Minglin then turned around and asked Zhuzhu: "Can you let Pretty Guoguo play with Zhuzhu from now on?"

The dumplings I just ate secretly are particularly easy to talk to. They have big eyes and nod while chewing softly.

Huo Chenzhao asked: "Is it okay to teach medical skills?"

"Yes," Sheng Minglin said, "As long as Zhuzhu wants to learn, she can."

A few people were talking, and the fourth prince strode in.

Sheng Minglin's expression moved slightly, he stood up and said to Zhuzhu: "Go find Sister Litchi to wash your face, and then go play with your pretty brother. I have something to talk about with my fourth brother."

Tuanzi nodded obediently, and did not forget to tell the fourth prince: "Siguoguo, Zhuzhu is here to bring you Tangtang, Siguoguo, don't forget it!"

"Okay," the fourth prince pressed her little head: "Thank you Zhuzhu."

Huo Chenzhao followed Zhuzhu and his party out.

The fourth prince sat down and poured tea. Sheng Minglin moved the plate over and said, "Zhuzhu brought it here."

The fourth prince usually doesn't eat this kind of thing, but Zhuzhu specifically warned him just now, so he picked it up, looked at it, and took a bite.

Over there, Sheng Minglin had already sent out the servants and so on.

Since he had already decided to say it, he would not stop Moji and said sternly: "Actually, I have wanted to tell Fourth Brother this for a long time."

He whispered it once, along with his guess.

The fourth prince's expression remained as usual. He pondered for a long time before saying, "Seventh Prince too?"

Sheng Minglin sneered: "I guess so."

When you don't know, you naturally don't think too much about it, but once you know it, the seventh prince has a head full of pigtails, and the fourth prince is an extremely perceptive person, how could he not discover it?

The fourth prince took out today's record from his sleeve and gave it to him, while saying: "At that time, Zhuzhu was also... waking up and not waking up?"

Sheng Minglin shook his head: "Probably not. Anyway, every time I see her, she looks like that." Then, his eyes lit up: "Zhu Zhu'er may never come back again."

The fourth prince was silent for a while and said: "It seems that she has become weaker now. This should be related to the loss of that 'system'."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

He was doing two things at once, talking to him and looking at the records. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

Fortunately, he has decided to tell it, otherwise...after today, it would be easy for others to guess it even if he didn't tell him!
If you are forced to say it, the meaning will be different.

The fourth prince sat and waited for him to finish reading, then asked, "Let's go into the palace together?"

Sheng Minglin felt a little guilty: "Uncle Huang won't be angry, right?"

The Fourth Prince said calmly: "Probably not, Father, I don't care!"

Yes, Ming Zhu and so on... The emperor has shown off several times, but it turns out that Ming Zhu is someone else. The auspiciousness is not coming for him, so the emperor must not be very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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