Chapter 125 God gave him a clear answer
Sure enough, as soon as he entered the palace, Emperor Mingxi looked at the fourth prince up and down.

The fourth prince said very calmly: "Father, I have thought about it carefully. From my childhood to now, I really can't remember anything unusual or abnormal around me."

Emperor Mingxi snorted and ignored him.

After a brief silence, Sheng Minglin stepped forward to plead guilty: "Uncle Huang, please forgive Minglin for his deception."

Emperor Mingxi did not say whether he would forgive or not, he just ignored him and said, "Say it!"

The fourth prince said: "Please ask my father to withdraw from the palace."

Emperor Mingxi raised his hand, and Zheng Zhongshun quickly led everyone out.

Sheng Minglin said briefly. After he finished speaking, the emperor above him did not speak for a long time. Sheng Minglin waited for a long time and was about to look up when he heard him say: "How old were you when you died?"

Sheng Minglin said: "I have just passed the age of weak crown."

Emperor Mingxi clicked his tongue with unknown meaning.

Sheng Minglin waited for a while, then raised his head carefully, and saw Emperor Mingxi leaning forward slightly, looking at him carefully.

Sheng Minglin asked: "Uncle Huang?"

Emperor Mingxi slowly leaned back and said, "You are young and inconspicuous. Isn't this just right for us? It's not easy to find a child with brains!"

The fourth prince raised his forehead and said: "Father, Ming Lin is weak and can barely practice a set of fists and kicks until now."

Emperor Mingxi looked like "Why are you still here?" He looked at his son and then back at Sheng Minglin. After a long while, he said regretfully: "Then wait for a year and a half! Minglin, you have to work harder. First, Get up."

What could Sheng Minglin say, he could only say: "Yes." He thanked En and stood up.

Emperor Mingxi stopped talking, frowned and pondered, stretched his arms, and tapped his fingers on the table.

In fact, Sheng Minglin didn't expect to pass the test so easily.

Although the emperor appeared unhappy on the surface, it was because of this that it was reassuring, indicating that he didn't particularly care in his heart.

It may be because Emperor Mingxi has just passed his forties and is a martial arts student. He is in good health and eats delicious food. Besides, Emperor Taizu has lived a long time. He has only been on the throne for six or seven years. He still wants to work for decades more. , I'm afraid I haven't seriously considered the issue of successors.

So, even if God suddenly pointed out a "Ming Zhu" to him, maybe it would not be a threat to him?But is it equivalent to God giving him a clear question?

As for the secret of his rebirth, after hearing it, his first thought was to "use him", which was also the best result for him.

Emperor Mingxi suddenly said: "Then do you have Huo Chenzhao in your memory?"

"Yes," Sheng Minglin looked complicated and hesitated before saying, "And Qin Jiangbai, whom I met today, impressed me deeply in my previous life."

He told them carefully.

Emperor Mingxi became angrier as he listened, and began to curse again.

But this time because of the distance, Sheng Minglin couldn't hear clearly, but it didn't make any difference. Even if he heard clearly, he couldn't understand either.

Huo Chenzhao and Qin Jiangbai were both young talents, and they both died unjustly and miserably.

Emperor Mingxi cursed for almost as long as Sheng Minglin talked. While scolding, he couldn't help but his eyes turned red: "Where did this beast come from? It harmed our Zhuzhu, and it also wants to harm our country! "

Sheng Minglin persuaded him: "Uncle Huang, fortunately Zhuzhu is fine, and these things will not happen again."

Emperor Mingxi nodded and said: "That Huo Chenzhao is only twelve or thirteen?" Sheng Minglin nodded, and Emperor Mingxi became even more sad: "Tell me, even fifteen can be used!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Indeed, these two men were obviously courtiers that the emperor would like.

Huo Chenzhao had a family feud. The enemy was a relative of the emperor, but he had a bright heart and chose the most upright path to seek revenge. He never thought of shortcuts such as using kung fu or medical skills. He obviously trusted the emperor very much and was extremely upright.

And Qin Jiangbai, who was born in a difficult and thorny environment, is not cynical, but is very kind and affectionate. Looking at his relationship with Zhuzhu, he is not pretending to be gentle, but is obviously extra gentle and considerate towards children, with kind thoughts. This is really true. Very rare.

Emperor Mingxi sighed for a while and then asked: "How will we do then?"

Sheng Minglin hurriedly said: "Uncle Huang has always been wise and powerful. He is so powerful all over the world... Minglin is definitely not a compliment. Regardless of the future that Minglin looked forward to in his previous life or the future that Minglin imagined when he came back, he has always been in the hands of Uncle Huang." A capable minister will devote all his wisdom and loyalty to the imperial uncle."

He spoke sincerely, and Emperor Mingxi was so pleased that he sighed again: "We want it too! What a pity, you are only nine years old!! We are one of our own, even if you are eleven or twelve! I can use it now."

He sighed and asked: "What else? Keep talking!"

Sheng Minglin hesitated for a moment and then said: "Actually, Minglin really didn't know much. Minglin was not liked by his family at that time. He rarely went out to socialize and had few friends. His father was strict in running the family and did not allow his servants to talk about the palace at will. As for the affairs of the court, most of what Ming Lin knows is some strange or interesting things, or things that everyone knows."

Emperor Mingxi said: "Nothing, just say whatever you know, don't wait for us to ask!"

Sheng Minglin lowered his head and thought carefully. Emperor Mingxi's attitude was very casual, and he said, "Is there anything strange happening in our family?"

Sheng Minglin knelt down and touched his head to the ground.

He really doesn't dare to say it. Besides, even if he does say it in the end, he must have this "fearful" attitude.

Emperor Mingxi was not in a hurry, picked up the small copper bell by the desk and shook it. Zheng Zhongshun immediately came over and opened the door. Emperor Mingxi raised his hand, and the next moment, an unfamiliar Jin Yiwei came in and handed a The paper came into his hand and he withdrew.

Emperor Mingxi read to the piece of paper: "Kun passed away in the ninth year of Mingxi."

Sheng Minglin's legs were really weak now, and the fourth prince's expression became serious.

After Sheng Minglin told Prince Duan about his rebirth, he has been consciously sorting out the events of his previous life.

But there are too many things that happen in a person's life, and it is impossible to chronicle them one by one, so many things only come to mind after encountering them.

He was sorting out the major events in the palace and court that he could remember. Because most of these things could not be said, they were all recorded in cryptic words. At this time, the house was full of royal guards, so it was not surprising to be discovered, but , now that it has been discovered, it really needs to be explained in detail.

After all, the hidden language is not too hidden. For example, as soon as he writes "Kun", other people will immediately think of the queen.

In fact, he was indeed writing about the queen.

"You still don't want to say anything?" Emperor Mingxi said directly: "You get up and speak, just say it, I forgive you."

Sheng Minglin stood up with a wry smile and said in a low voice: "The Queen passed away in August of the ninth year of Mingxi."

The fourth prince suddenly stood up!
Emperor Mingxi was silent for a long time, and then he said solemnly: "What's going on?"

Sheng Minglin whispered: "I only heard that the Queen died of illness. I heard that the imperial doctor was helpless after being ill for more than half a year, and then..."

Emperor Mingxi stood up on the spot: "Come here! Come here, Dr. Xuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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