Chapter 126 Lost the little darling
Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince looked at each other and followed them as fast as they could.

Emperor Mingxi stood at the door of the imperial study, waiting for the imperial physician to come. Normally, only four of the imperial physicians came. This time, the emperor urged him three times, and a large number came.

Then Emperor Mingxi took the imperial doctor to Kunning Palace in a turbulent way.

On the Queen's side, she was eating the small cherry skewers brought to her by Zhuzhu. She was very surprised when she heard the report, and quickly came up to greet her, "Your Majesty?"

Emperor Mingxi held her hand with one hand and helped her sit down. Without any time to explain, he raised his hand directly. The medical woman knelt forward and felt her pulse. She felt it for a long time. There was sweat on her forehead and she did not dare to speak.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Just say whatever you want."

The doctor kowtowed and whispered, "The Queen is in good health."

In fact, it is only the eighth year of Mingxi's reign, and there is still more than a year before the Queen's death. It is not surprising that she can't figure it out.

Emperor Mingxi didn't say much. He dismissed her and replaced her with a medical woman. It was still the same. Then Emperor Mingxi directly called the chief of the imperial hospital to come up. Several people took turns to deal with it, but still nothing came out.

Emperor Mingxi thought for a while and said: "Call Huo Chenzhao to me!"

The people below obeyed the order and went.

The Empress was not in a hurry to ask, and waited quietly. It was not until several imperial doctors had gone out that she held Emperor Mingxi's hand and said warmly: "Your Majesty, what's going on?"

The eldest Emperor Mingxi had a majestic appearance. At this moment, his expression was actually a little aggrieved, and he said in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law."

The emperor and the empress were childhood sweethearts, married to each other, and the empress had read poetry and books since she was a child. She was known as "the most beautiful girl". She was intelligent, elegant, gentle and dignified, managed the house in an orderly manner, and was well versed in military affairs. At that time, Emperor Mingxi was still a feudal lord. When the king was king, he also sat in the rear and supported the emperor in times of trouble. Their friendship was unparalleled by others.

In Emperor Mingxi's heart, only the queen was his wife and a family member. Others, even if they gave birth to children and became concubines, were just toys in his heart. Similarly, only those born by the empress were his biological sons. Others, Just raise him casually, just like a stepfather.

The only special one is the third prince. It is said that the third prince’s biological mother, Concubine De, once saved the emperor. That’s why the third prince seems to be treated similarly to the eldest prince. He often hangs around in front of the emperor. Otherwise, look at the fifth prince, seventh prince, and eighth prince. The prince knew that he really didn't care much about his studies and life, even compared to Zhuzhu and Sheng Minglin, he was far behind.

After all, in the heart of a grown man like Emperor Mingxi, his younger brother is his biological brother who fights side by side, and his children must be protected with great care.

Emperor Mingxi whispered something in the Queen's ear, and the Queen looked at Sheng Minglin in surprise.

At this moment, a group of imperial doctors were still outside, and it was not easy to ask questions. The empress smiled and said to Emperor Mingxi: "Look, Zhu Zhuer sent someone to bring them into the palace. Zhu Zhuer even had her favorite food. They look so cute."

Emperor Mingxi picked up one and took a bite absentmindedly, almost breaking the stick: "What's so delicious about this? It's watery."

The queen gave him an angry look: "This is Zhuzhuer thinking about me!"

Emperor Mingxi actually smiled. Thinking of Zhuzhu, his expression softened a little: "Little silly girl."

The queen pushed him and smiled at Sheng Minglin and said: "Lin'er probably doesn't know yet, but Zhu Zhuer is prone to toothache when she eats sweets. Every time she gets a toothache, it will last for several days, and she can't feed her with medicine. That's why your mother doesn't allow her to eat sweets easily, and Liuli's food is never allowed on the table, so once Zhuzhu'er eats it, she is extremely happy and sends it everywhere."

The fourth prince smiled and said: "This year, during the palace banquet, I saw Zhuzhu and pulled me outside. I didn't know what she was going to do, so I followed her out. She kept digging for a long time, and she was confused. The mysterious secretary handed me a handkerchief bag, with a piece of osmanthus candy wrapped in it, which was stained with the silk on the handkerchief and finger prints, making it dirty."

He laughed as he talked: "She was just a little bit old, and she looked at me with bright eyes. I couldn't bear to say that I wouldn't eat, and I really couldn't eat, so I had to pretend to eat, and then she was happy. I came back and quietly asked Uncle Duan Wang, and he said that he hid it when he went to the General's Mansion the day before yesterday. The little boy was just over two years old. He hid it here and there for two days and even slept with it in his hand. I heard he was so greedy that he secretly licked it twice. I didn’t even want to eat it, so I kept it for me. It’s so funny and..."

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly became hot, remembering the life Sheng Minglin mentioned.

Zhuzhuer was so good and cute, everyone doted on her and loved her, so when "she" did those bad things, they still couldn't bear to punish her, but who would have thought that their beloved little baby was gone. Who would have thought that the person they loved so much was a disgusting and vicious thief?
He almost choked up, half-turned around to cover up, looked outside, and adjusted his breathing.Sheng Minglin couldn't help but remain silent. The emperor and empress above him held each other's hands, and the palace people in the palace didn't dare to breathe.

Not long after, Huo Chenzhao was reported outside.

Emperor Mingxi composed himself: "Xuan."

Huo Chenzhao came in and saluted. Emperor Mingxi waved his hand very cordially: "Come on, Shen Zhao, come here and take your pulse."

Huo Chenzhao responded respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty."

While stepping forward to check the Queen's pulse, she frowned slightly and withdrew her hand, saying: "My Queen seemed to have suffered from overwork in the past years, and she still has symptoms now, such as fatigue, stomach problems, difficulty sleeping, and occasional headaches, etc., but they are all It’s not too serious, and now I only need to take medication to treat the symptoms of difficulty falling asleep, and no other medication is needed.”

Emperor Mingxi stopped laughing and said seriously: "Did you know that what you said is completely different from what the imperial doctor said?"

Huo Chenzhao was slightly surprised, but he did not step forward to check his pulse again. Instead, he said respectfully: "The common people will say whatever they find out."

The words seemed respectful, but they were surprisingly confident.

Emperor Mingxi was silent.

Huo Chenzhao knelt straight, with a respectful expression and said nothing.

After a long while, the Empress said: "Can you tell me in detail?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "Now, do you think that before going to bed every night, your thoughts will rise and fall, and the more you think about it, the more you will find it difficult to fall asleep for a long time? You may think that this is just a habit, but it is actually related to your physical condition. Now you only need some medicine to help you sleep. , make sure to fall asleep before Hai hour every night, and within half a month, other minor symptoms of the empress, such as weak stomach qi, slight swelling and pain when thinking too much about the two suns, and inability to concentrate, will be cured without medicine. If the empress When you have time, sit quietly for a quarter of an hour after lunch and dinner every day, and then walk slowly for a quarter to two quarters of an hour, and you will naturally be healthy."

While listening, the empress glanced at Emperor Mingxi and nodded to him, indicating that he had made everything right.

At the same time, he asked: "Do you think my body will affect my life span?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "Don't worry, Madam, if there is no accident, it will not affect your life span."

Emperor Mingxi couldn't help but look sharply.

The reason why the Empress was so busy and thoughtful back then was because he was the vassal king at that time and had to deal with his enemies from time to time. There were so many things to worry about. How could he need to worry about so much now?He doesn’t have many concubines in his harem!
So, the collapse next year was due to an accident?What accident?
Emperor Mingxi signaled, and someone had already brought pen and ink. Huo Chenzhao wrote a prescription, and even took another piece of paper to write down the dietary taboos, etc.

Emperor Mingxi nodded with a gentle attitude: "Shen Zhao, please go back first so that you can teach Zhuzhu, but don't delay your studies."


Emperor Mingxi was a feudal emperor. In an era where concubines were traded, the different treatment of wives and concubines and legitimate children and concubines was not an exception.

For example, everyone's favorite Erfeng Majesty Li Shimin dotes on the sons born to Empress Changsun, but he doesn't care about other children.

Zhu Yuanzhang was more narrow-minded. He only favored Zhu Biao, sharing political resources, and favoring everyone. In fact, this is not wrong in the emperor's family. If Zhu Biao had not died, Zhu Di would never have given up. It is a pity that he died... The same is true for Zhu Di. , loved Empress Xu very much, and as the saying goes, "If you don't establish a concubine during your lifetime, you will never marry again after your death." In that era, he was really considered a good man, and it was even more rare among emperors.

The Great Sheng Dynasty in the article is an imitation of the Ming Dynasty, but it is a Ming Dynasty without the Battle of Jingnan (the huge internal friction of the Jingnan War is really unnecessary).The character of Emperor Mingxi is similar to the character of Judy Zhu Di in my imagination. Of course, there will be a lot of changes in the plot if necessary, so everyone can just take it as an aside.

There are over a thousand updates. If you are happy, I will add one update.Thank you little angels, no need to send gifts, just give me a five-star review, vote more and leave more comments, I will be very grateful!I love you with all my heart
(End of this chapter)

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