Chapter 127 Taking medicine and dreaming
The subtext of this sentence is actually, don't worry, although I asked you to take your pulse, I will not let you become an imperial physician. In two years, you can still take the imperial examination route to become an official.

Huo Chenzhao saluted: "Yes, the common people obey the order."

While retreating under the guidance of the eunuch, Emperor Mingxi pondered for a long time, raised his hand, the palace attendants retreated one by one, and the imperial doctor was dismissed.

A courtyard of imperial doctors is no match for a half-year-old child. They must be cleaned up, but there is no rush.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Lin'er, if there is anything else, please continue talking. Let's talk about our family and your brothers first. Speak boldly!"

Sheng Minglin did not dare to delay any longer, so he said one by one: "My eldest cousin seems to be very low-key. Minglin has never heard of anything he has done..."

Emperor Mingxi asked: "He has no heirs?"

Sheng Minglin whispered: "Yes, there have been no heirs, and... my eldest cousin became fatter and fatter. The imperial doctors said that this was not good. The emperor's uncle once sent someone to watch him eat, and the eldest cousin fainted from hunger. Later Uncle Huang couldn't bear it, so he stopped taking care of it, my eldest cousin..."

He really didn't want to say it, but he had already written down the word "horse" on the paper, so he could only whisper: "I once crushed a horse."

Emperor Mingxi frowned.

In fact, being fat is a blessing. Now that the eldest prince is chubby, he feels quite happy when he looks at it. But if he is so fat that it affects his body, or even crushes the horse, then it will not work well, even if he is hungry. Tell him to take control.

Emperor Mingxi thought about it in his heart, and then said expressionlessly for a long time: "Where is the third child?"

The third prince is very illustrious and popular. I heard that he is talented and skillful. The key is that he is a good person and has a large number of fans around him.

Today's public security in the capital is divided into five cities: east, west, south, north and central. Each city has a military department, which are on the same level as each other and are managed jointly.

But later, it seems that it was during the next year or so that the Beijing Guards Military and Horse Division was established, the Military and Horse Division in charge of the five cities of the capital, and four new foreign military and horse divisions were established outside and around the capital. For this purpose, a Since this was established, the third prince has always held this position and is in charge of public security in the capital.

Although the third prince had a smooth official career, he was a bit lecherous. It was said that there was no taboo between men and women. He even took a well-known male concubine and was scolded by Emperor Mingxi in public. Other than that, he seemed to be trusted by Emperor Mingxi.

As for the fourth prince... he was far less famous in terms of scenery, but he was always in the court.

He is rigorous and down-to-earth in his work, but he is cold-blooded and taciturn. He never rubs dirt in his eyes. He is really ruthless in dealing with those who are corrupt and perverting the law. He does not give face to anyone who asks for mercy. He is no more sophisticated than the third prince, so... he seems a bit inconspicuous.

Further down, the fifth prince was mediocre, and he had no memory at all. He only knew that he was still alive, but for some reason he had never heard of him entering the court; the sixth prince was said to be extremely talented in literature, and was sent to compile books by Emperor Mingxi; the seventh prince was The fish eyes killed him; and when the eighth prince grew up, he married Yu Mu'er, the third prince's maternal wife, and joined the third prince's camp. I heard that he later joined the army.

What Sheng Minglin said was straightforward. Emperor Mingxi looked expressionless and said nothing, and the Empress could not help frowning.

Such a large palace is so quiet that you can hear a pin drop.

After a long while, Emperor Mingxi said in a rough voice: "You go back first, I want to think about it."

The two people retreated silently, looking at each other in silence for a moment.

At the end of the day, they were quite tired. They didn't read the files anymore in the evening. Zhuzhu fell asleep and they also took a rest.

They all thought that Zhuzhu would dream tonight, but Zhuzhu still did not dream.

The fourth prince went to court in the morning. After court, he went directly to the Yamen and came back in the evening.

As for Zhuzhu, when she woke up in the morning, she didn't even comb her hair, so she ran out happily, shouting: "Four pots of pot!"

After the call was over, when he looked outside, the fourth prince was not there... Tuanzi hurriedly ran to the yard again, and when he looked, he was not there either.

Tuanzi was stunned at that time, his eyes widened, he looked around carefully, turned back, and his mouth began to flatten.

Lychee knew something was wrong at the first sight, and quickly sent someone to find Sheng Minglin, while squatting down and hugging her: "Master, the Fourth Highness has to go to court. He has to do business, so he can't come every day."

Tuanzi felt aggrieved and said, "But Si Guo Guo came yesterday and the day before yesterday..." "Yes," said Lizhi, "The Fourth Highness has been here for several days, and he has to give it to someone else for one day. "

Sheng Minglin walked in quickly and picked up Tuanzi with a smile: "Zhuzhu'er, can my brother come to accompany you? Does Zhuzhu only like the fourth brother and not the elder brother anymore?"

Tuanzi burst into tears: "You can have one more, but you can't have one less!"

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but laugh. Not to mention, these words were quite insightful.

He smiled and said: "No less, fourth brother came here after finishing his work. Fourth brother has to go to court during the day, and Zhuzhu also has to study, right? Let's eat first. After dinner, brother will take you to play with your beautiful brother. .”

Although Tuanzi was young, he knew it was useless to cry, so his tears slowly started to flow away, and he asked him, "Is it because Zhuzhu didn't have a dream, so Si Guo Guo didn't come?"

Sheng Minglin said: "No, fourth brother really has something going on."

Tuanzi was not fooled by him. She used her great wisdom to think for a long time: "Ke Xie Zhuzhu, I still want to dream. Guoguo, Zhuzhu can dream after taking medicine?"

Sheng Minglin paused.

Ah! !Why is his sister so annoying!She doesn't like taking medicine so much, but now she takes the initiative to take medicine.

He couldn't help but kiss Tuanzi's little face, and then took Tuanzi's chubby hand and kissed her a few more times: "Silly Zhuzhu, you don't need to take medicine. Fourth brother just wants to help Zhuzhu deal with the bad guys, not I’m looking forward to Zhuzhuer’s dream, dear baby, there’s no need to worry about it.”

He changed the subject: "Look, Zhuzhu, there is candied date cake today, it's very sweet."

The two of them went over and sat down. He coaxed Zhuzhuer to finish breakfast, and then held her chubby hand and went out.

Huo Chenzhao moved to the guest house this morning.

With Emperor Mingxi's words, it was justified for him to teach Zhuzhu, and he wanted to live there for a long time, so he had a separate courtyard and he felt more comfortable. Sheng Minglin also ordered someone to set up a separate study room and pharmacy for him.

Huo Chenzhao was watching the servants lift the hundred-eye cabinet. When he saw the two of them, he greeted them with a smile.

Sheng Minglin said: "Leave it to you."

Huo Chenzhao said: "I don't know where to teach the princess?"

"It's up to you," Sheng Minglin said: "If you teach in one place, Zhuzhuer may become weary soon, so you can come here instead, in your courtyard, or go to the previous flower hall. As long as you don't leave the house, you can go wherever you want. Anywhere is fine.

Huo Chenzhao nodded, smiled and said to Zhuzhu: "Princess, would you like to go to the study?"

Naituanzi was tilting his head and looking at the equipment next to him, pointing with his little finger: "What's that?"

"It's a medicine drum," Huo Chenzhao simply led her over and explained to her one by one: "The medicine drum can blow some medicinal powder into the throat, that's it..."

He compared it with her and continued: "This is a container, used to weigh medicine. This is a medicine box, used to hold medicine. Open it from here..."

As he spoke, Tuanzi nodded.

Huo Chenzhao stayed with her for a while and then led her into the study next to her.

The bookshelf was still empty at this moment, but there were pens and ink. Huo Chenzhao took her in and put her on the chair next to her.

A small stool has been tied to the chair. Zhuzhu sat on it, just in time to see the table.

A painting had been spread out on the table, and before the ink was dry, Huo Chenzhao said: "Your Majesty, Princess, this is the sketch I drew, this is ginseng, this is Polygonum multiflorum..."

(End of this chapter)

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