Chapter 128 Zhuzhu’s own thoughts

Sheng Minglin didn't leave in the first place, he just stepped back a little so that he could watch them in class.

Now I got closer, and I saw that the paper was divided into many square grids, with plants and trees drawn on them, the names of medicines written next to them, and the pharmacology written in small characters.

Seeing the lifelike paintings of the vegetation, with the branches and leaves seeming to sway in the wind, Sheng Minglin suddenly remembered that Huo Chenzhao was good at painting in his previous life.

When Tuanzi looked at the painting, Maomao couldn't help but tilt his head, feeling that it was inexplicably familiar.

Huo Chenzhao's voice became clearer and clearer, and he read them one by one.

Naituanzi stumbled when learning the Three-Character Classic, but when it comes to medicine, he is simply a genius, the kind of genius who is born with it.

Huo Chenzhao read it once, and was about to recite it a second time, but as soon as he pointed his finger, before he could speak, Tuanzi was already chanting with a milky voice: "Ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, Ganoderma lucidum, Ambergris..."

Huo Chenzhao glanced back at Sheng Minglin in surprise.

Sheng Minglin frowned, thoughtfully.

Huo Chenzhao coughed and began to explain pharmacology to her again. As he continued to explain, Tuanzi followed suit.

Sheng Minglin listened quietly, and their voices were almost in sync. Although Zhuzhu's voice was not faster than Huo Chenzhao's, didn't seem like he had listened to what Huo Chenzhao said and then followed it. It seemed harmonious but not harmonious. This feeling is quite mysterious.

Huo Chenzhao drew a total of sixteen kinds of herbs. He finished talking about them in a short while and asked Tuanzi to talk about them again.

Although Tuanzi’s voice is milky, and some words are indeed pronounced incorrectly, they are obviously memorized, and there are no other times when many homonymous words are misunderstood... When I was in the pharmacy before I don’t have such a photographic memory! !
Huo Chenzhao, an inexperienced young master, originally planned to teach the content for two or three days, but he finished teaching it in a short while, and Tuanzi was not impatient at all, looking at him with big eyes, waiting for him to continue.

Huo Chenzhao had no choice but to carry her to the pharmacy and ask someone to take out the medicines by looking at their names, and then asked her to identify the prepared medicines one by one according to the pictures and become familiar with the scent... He went through it again and finished the study in less than a quarter of an hour.

Huo Chenzhao: "..."

Sheng Minglin did not interfere, so he had to ask Tuanzi: "I'll teach the princess how to write the names of medicines, okay?"

Tuanzi nodded cutely: "Okay!"

So Huo Chenzhao picked up a thin pen, cut the tip of the pen shorter, and taught her to write.

Tuanzi's little hands are weak and his little arms are soft. He can just draw and play on the paper, but it is more difficult to control the strokes to write.

So the speed finally slowed down. Huo Chenzhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief and taught her to write over and over again.

The reading time in the morning was only about an hour, and after only writing for less than half an hour, Tuanzi lost interest. He raised his little hands and said, "Guo Guo, Zhu Zhu's hands are not obedient!"

Sheng Minglin came over and squeezed her little hand: "Are your hands sore?"

Tuanzi felt that this word was quite right, and he immediately learned it: "Zhuzhu is sour! Zhuzhu is sour!"

Sheng Minglin laughed and said: "It's not that the beads are sore, it's that the hands are sore. It doesn't hurt but I have no energy. This feeling is called soreness."

Tuanzi nodded seriously.

Sheng Minglin added: "Zhu Zhu'er is still young. You don't have to write for so long in the future. You can practice for a while and then take a rest."

Then, he let Huo Chenzhao hold her hand, brought a cup over, fed her half a cup of water, and asked: "Zhu Zhu'er has been studying for so long, are you hungry? Do you want some snacks?" "

Tuanzi raised his little meaty face and asked him: "Will Si Guo Guo go home for lunch?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "I won't go back, but I may come back to eat in the evening, or I may not come back."

Tuanzi was a little disappointed. He lowered his head and suddenly thought of something. He twitched his hand and his eyes brightened: "Zhuzhu wants to write a letter to Siguoguo! And he also needs to write a letter to daddy!"

Sheng Minglin looked at Luo Ke and didn't stop him.So the boy quickly sharpened the ink again. Zhuzhu took a large piece of paper and grabbed the pen with great momentum.

Sheng Minglin originally wanted to go over and help hold his hand, but Zhu Zhuer didn't wait for him at all, and pressed the pen to the paper very decisively.

Although Zhu Zhuer was well-behaved, she was not the kind of child who obeyed what was told. She actually had her own ideas, so Sheng Minglin ignored her and watched quietly.

Tuanzi pressed one hand on the table, with a serious and imposing face, and wrote three crooked characters on the paper: "人,香,人".

Huo Chenzhao: "...???"

Sheng Minglin: "...???"

Even my brother, who knew the group well, didn't understand: "Zhu Zhu'er, what does this mean?"

Tuanzi held up a rough brush and smiled sheepishly: "Zhuzhu can write too little. Tomorrow, Zhuzhu will be able to write a little longer!"

Sheng Minglin said: "Then what does Zhuzhu want to tell dad and fourth brother?"

Tuanzi glanced at him in surprise, obviously surprised that her smart brother couldn't understand such a simple letter.

She pointed with her little hand: "People, think, people, it means Zhuzhu misses her daddy."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He finally understands!
She has only learned four kinds of medicinal materials and can only write these words. Zhuzhu is a human being, and her father is also a human being. Zhuzhu can’t write, her father can’t write, and Xiang can’t write... So Renxiangren means: Zhuzhu I miss my dad/Zhuzhu misses my brother.

Nothing wrong, no problem at all!You can write to the whole world.

Then she took away the piece of paper and wrote another one. Then she put down the pen, took a piece of paper in one hand, looked at this side, looked at that side, and compared it very carefully: "The writing is really good." Minus, give it to Si Guo Guo, and the one whose writing is not very good, give it to daddy."

Sheng Minglin didn't know where she got the comparison, so he asked with a smile: "Why don't you give it to daddy?"

Tuanzi said: "Because my father is the father of the same house! Dad doesn't smile! Si Guo Guo is the son of the emperor's uncle! The emperor's uncle may secretly laugh!"

She glanced at him, her little face wrinkled, and she was very worried: "Guo Guo, you don't have to be in debt and don't have any worries. You're going to drink all the Dachong Ming!"

"Ah, no," Sheng Minglin explained without batting an eye: "My brother and Zhuzhu are so close, of course my brother understands everything Zhuzhu is thinking, but my pretty brother doesn't understand, so he deliberately asked, So that my pretty brother can listen, otherwise he would be too embarrassed to ask."

Tuanzi suddenly realized it and looked at Huo Chenzhao: "Oh!"

Huo Chenzhao, who really didn't understand: "..."

He hesitated to speak and looked at the prince.

At noon, several people had dinner together, and Zhuzhu took a nap as usual. Huo Chenzhao sincerely asked for advice on how to teach Zhuzhu in the future.

Sheng Minglin said: "It's up to you. Anyway, as long as Zhuzhu'er likes to learn, it means the teaching method can be used. If she doesn't like to learn, she will think of other methods. In fact, I teach while trying, there is no fixed teaching method. .”

Huo Chenzhao nodded, pondered for a while, and then said: "Master, I have an idea. I want to talk to you about the imperial doctor first."

Sheng Minglin nodded, and Huo Chenzhao said: "I think it is not difficult to figure out the Queen's pulse. I can figure it out, and any good doctor among the people should be able to figure it out. But for some reason, the imperial doctors Can't you tell? Or do you dare not say it if you know it? So I suddenly remembered some of the things my father had said about the hospital before. "

This was the first time Sheng Minglin heard Huo Chenzhao mention his father. He nodded and waited for him to say.

Huo Chenzhao said: "The current system of the imperial hospital can actually easily lead to the difficulty of medical science and the incompetence of imperial doctors..."

(End of this chapter)

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