Chapter 130 Daddy misses Zhuzhu
Fortunately, they all remembered it. Sure enough, Zhuzhu would forget if it was too long.

Tuanzi said: "Then, Jinyiwei grabbed someone, placed him on the ground, and sat next to Bad Zhuzhu."

She compared the appearance of back-to-back, "Siguoguo said, 'At the second moment, a new son, a binzi...'

There are many words that a three-year-old baby doesn't understand and can only learn to pronounce the sound, but adults understand them as soon as they hear them.

The fourth prince murmured to himself: "One is newly dead and the other is dying??"

The fourth prince and Sheng Minglin looked at each other and nodded.

Tuanzi was talking nervously, his eyes were wide open, and he was comparing his hands, "Then, and then after a while, Jin Yiwei suddenly lifted the man away! The man screamed in pain... Bad Zhuzhu fell to the ground On the ground, Daddy was holding Bad Zhuzhu and crying, Siguoguo was also crying, Jin Yiwei grabbed the man and left, Master Dudu said, don’t hurt his life, the poor monk wants to have a good look at it."

The fourth prince and Sheng Minglin were both pondering.

Tuanzi stopped, thought hard for a while, and wrung his little hands in embarrassment, "Four Guo Guo, Zhuzhu only dreamed about this one reduction. Next time Zhuzhu will work hard to dream more about one reduction."

The fourth prince came back to his senses, dumbfounded, and took Tuanzi over and patted him: "What Zhuzhu dreamed about is very important and very useful. Moreover, it doesn't matter even if Zhuzhu doesn't dream about it. I am Zhuzhu's brother. You should have protected Zhuzhu."

Indeed, this time's dream is simply a solution to their urgent needs. As long as they can drive the fish eyes out of Sheng Yulu's body, how many people in this world can survive Jin Yiwei's torture?

By then, you can even ask how many times you peed on the bed as a child.

The fourth prince confirmed again: "Who is the person captured by Jin Yiwei?"

Tuanzi said: "He is an uncle who is aging and losing weight. His hair is dirty and his clothes are torn."

death row?

The fourth prince nodded and asked again: "When this uncle and Bad Zhuzhu were back to back, was it dark outside?"

Tuanzi was stunned for a moment: "It's just a few words. Zhuzhu looked at Daddy and Si Guo Guo, but didn't look at the window."

The fourth prince asked again: "Then, have you lit the candles?"

Tuanzi thought for a moment: "I ordered it! I ordered several!"

Sheng Minglin: "What is the picture of the gods crying?"

"A few words," Tuanzi said, "Zhuzhu didn't see it."

Sheng Minglin pondered while explaining to the fourth prince and Princess Duan: "During the day, Huo Chenzhao paints."

It is probably because of this that Zhuzhu dreams.

The two asked a few more questions. Princess Duan waited for them to finish asking, then came over and coaxed Zhuzhuer to sleep.

Sheng Minglin and Sheng Minglin hid at the door and whispered. After a while, Zhuzhu was about to fall asleep. Suddenly she opened her eyes and said, "Four pots of pot."

The fourth prince heard this and walked in quickly, bending down to look at her.

Nai Tuanzi lay there, stretched out her soft little chubby hands, touched the center of his eyebrows, and said in a soft voice, "Si Guo Guo Guo, you were getting older at that time, and you have a good idea. Are you not happy?"

It was a very common sentence, but the fourth prince felt sour when she said it.

He took a deep breath and gently touched her little head: "As long as Zhuzhu'er is well, fourth brother will be very happy."

Tuanzi hummed obediently, turned over, and stared blankly at the ceiling of the tent: "Daddy is also very old, very thin, and has white hair. Daddy must want to mess with Zhuzhu, and really wants to mess with Zhuzhu... ...Where is my mother, and where is Guoguo? Do you miss Zhuzhu?"

She burst into tears and murmured to herself. She was obviously dull and ignorant, but it also made people feel like she knew everything.

She knew that her mother and brother were gone by then and would never be seen again.Princess Duan couldn't bear it for a long time and hid beside her and shed tears secretly.

Sheng Minglin lay beside the bed and held Tuanzi's hand: "Don't be afraid of Zhuzhu, it's just a dream and will never happen. Dad, mother, and brother will always be with Zhuzhu and pamper her when she grows up. As we get older, even if Zhuzhu has gray hair in the future, we will still stay by Zhuzhu's side."

Tuanzi was comforted on the spot: "La Gou Gou."

Sheng Minglin reached out to touch her. After a while, he stood up and kissed her beautiful big eyes: "Good boy, go to sleep."

Tuanzi closed his eyes obediently.

Sheng Minglin didn't let go of his hand and waited quietly until Zhuzhu's breathing calmed down, then he gently pulled away his hand.

Princess Duan sat on the edge of the bed, and the two of them came out quietly.

Sheng Minglin said in a low voice: "It happens to be almost May. Let's try it then? But at that time, she had a 'system' on her, and now she doesn't have it. Can it work?"

The fourth prince snorted: "You are stupid too. Just from Du'e's last words, we know that when he did it, he didn't even know that she had a 'system' on her body, so he wanted to take another look. !This old monk!”

Sheng Minglin suddenly realized.

He didn't even know there was a system on her body when he did it, so Old Monk Du'e should have known how to transfer souls!

This old monk is still hiding it!

But it's not surprising. This method is a bit biased. It is definitely not a serious Buddhist or Taoist inheritance. If it weren't for Zhuzhu's dream, it would have been necessary to go through another round of in-depth investigation before I dare to use it with confidence.

Sheng Minglin said: "Fourth brother, we have said before that whether Zhuzhu dreams or not is not controlled by fish eyes, nor by God, but by Zhuzhu himself... So, I am thinking whether to let Zhuzhu dream or not." If you want to take a look at the fish eye? Maybe you will dream of something important?"

He paused: "Don't let her see you and only see fish eyes?"

The fourth prince pondered for a while: "You can try. Get rid of this person earlier."

The two discussed in low voices for half the night. Early the next morning, the fourth prince went to court first and reported to Emperor Mingxi. Sheng Minglin waited at home for Qin Jiangbai to come over and explained everything to him in detail.

After Qin Jiangbai finished listening, he added, "I would also like to invite the prince to thank the little princess for the candy."

"Don't ask me to do it for you," Sheng Minglin said half-jokingly: "You're here already, go and thank her in person."

He took him to Yueyuan and sat outside to wait.

Mainly because it was almost time for Tuanzi to wake up. If she hadn't forgotten that the fourth prince would be waiting for her to get up, she would be disappointed when she saw no one there. She would be happier to have a new and beautiful uncle.

Sure enough, not long after, she heard a sound inside. Zhuzhu got up and asked, "Is Si Guo Guo at home?"

Lychee said: "Master, the Fourth Highness has gone to court."

Tuanzi stopped talking. Sheng Minglin quietly stood up, walked to the door and took a look, and saw the little man with his head lowered and wringing his fingers in dismay.

This was not only because he hadn't seen the fourth prince, but also because he probably missed his father after last night's dream.

Sheng Minglin went in and said with a smile: "Zhu Zhu'er, Mr. Qin is here."

Tuanzi was a little interested: "Did Mr. Qin come to play with Zhuzhu?"

"Well," Sheng Minglin said, "Master Qin came to thank Zhuzhu for the candy. He also wanted to have breakfast with Zhuzhu, and then Zhuzhu went to study while he did other business, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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