Chapter 131 Adults are very good at lying to children
Qin Jiangbai sat outside, tilting his head slightly and listening with a smile.

Not long after, Sheng Minglin came out with the dumplings in hand. Qin Jiangbai stepped forward and saluted: "Good morning, Princess. I'm here to thank the Princess for the candy."

"You're welcome," Tuanzi waved his little hand and asked him, "Do you like sweets?"

Qin Jiangbai said with a smile: "I like it very much. The candy sent by the princess is really sweet."

"You are sweet too!" Tuanzi said, "You are so sweet, even if you don't eat candy, you are still sweet!"

Qin Jiangbai: "..."

You Qi Tuanzi was obviously a little unhappy at the moment. She didn't say this to make him happy, but she just thought so, so she said it like this.

The cold Mr. Qin was so coaxed that he didn't know how to answer, and he was too embarrassed to ask her what was so sweet about him.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Zhuzhu, Mr. Qin hasn't eaten yet, how about we invite Mr. Qin to have breakfast together?"

Tuanzi looked at him: "Whatever you want, Zhuzhu can help you get it."

Qin Jiangbai said quickly: "The princess can eat whatever she wants. I am not picky about food and like to eat everything."

"Alas!" Tuanzi sighed, his little head drooped, and he clasped his hands together: "But Zhuzhu doesn't want to worry about anything."

Qin Jiangbai's coaxing team was inexperienced and asked her directly: "What's wrong with the princess?"

Tuanzi burst into tears on the spot, "Zhuzhu wants to mess with daddy!"

She turned to look at Sheng Minglin: "Guo Guo, can Zhuzhu go see daddy? Zhuzhu will be good and not make trouble with daddy."

Sheng Minglin felt distressed and helpless, squatting down and hugging her: "Baby, the place where daddy goes is far away from us, and it takes a long time to walk there. And daddy's place is very busy, and many people there are sick, so daddy has to go To do things, to save these people, we really can’t go see him.”

Tuanzi's little mouth was flattened and tears welled up: "Yes, but Zhuzhu is worried. Zhuzhu has her mother, Guoguo, and many people to accompany her. It's hard to think about her father... Then her father has no one to accompany her. I want to Zhuzhu must be even more sad...Zhuzhu wants to go find her father and let her father hug her."

Zhuzhu has always been a very empathetic child, and seems to be born with the ability to think from others' perspective. Sheng Minglin was soft-hearted and helpless, and rubbed her little head.

Qin Jiangbai suddenly said: "Speaking of which, Prince Duan just handed over a memorial yesterday."

Tuanzi already knew what a memorial was and immediately turned to look at him.

Qin Jiangbai said: "Prince Duan said that there is a shortage of medicinal materials there, especially safflower. The emperor has sent people to purchase medicinal materials. I heard that he will summon doctors on the spot to make pills and send them over there."

Sheng Minglin understood and answered quickly: "Zhu Zhu'er, why don't we eat quickly and let Beautiful Guo Guo bring Zhu Zhu Pharmaceutical Pills? Pharmaceutical pills are just a favor for dad."

Tuanzi's thoughts were taken away and he nodded: "Okay."

Sheng Minglin secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked someone to set up the meal. Qin Jiangbai went out and gave instructions. After finishing eating, the attendant brought the recipe over. Qin Jiangbai handed it to Sheng Minglin: "Master, this is the recipe." The recipe sent back by the prince."

Sheng Minglin really almost forgot and thanked him quickly. Qin Jiangbai bowed his hands and left, and saw Tuanzi looking at him with big eyes.

Qin Jiangbai tugged at the hem of his clothes and squatted down, saying, "Do you have any other instructions, Princess?"

Tuanzi shook his head and Sheng Minglin said: "Zhuzhu asked Mr. Qin to come and play when he has time."

Tuanzi waved his little hands and said, "It's useless even if you say it."

"Ah?" Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Why? Mr. Qin is very obedient."

Tuanzi slapped his little head on him and muttered without looking at Qin Jiangbai: "It's useless even if you say it, adults are all good at lying to children. Si Guo Guo, if you cheat Mengmeng, you won't come, Qin Sir, you lied to me and stopped coming for breakfast... Zhuzhu understands everything. If Zhuzhu doesn’t say anything, you can just pretend that Mr. Qin didn’t lie to Zhuzhu.”

Qin Jiangbai was speechless.

The main reason is that it doesn't matter what he says, he can't come if he wants to, and he is the emperor's eyes and ears as a royal guard. If there is something to do, forget it. If there is nothing, he shouldn't get too close to anyone.Qin Jiangbai said quickly: "Princess, I dare not lie to the princess. I really want to come. I can skip breakfast and see the princess. But sometimes I have something to do and I really can't come."

Tuanzi hid his face directly behind his brother, with his body tucked away, and he only stretched out a chubby hand backwards and waved.

Qin Jiangbai resigned helplessly.

Sheng Minglin comforted Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu is so cute, who doesn't want to play with Zhuzhu for a while, but there is no way, someone has to do the work."

"Guo Guo," Tuanzi raised his little face and asked soulfully: "When people are young, they have to study, and when they grow up, they have to do things. So, when do people play?"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Yes, when will we play?
When you think about it, you suddenly feel like there is no point in living anymore? ?
Sheng Minglin sighed in amusement and ordered the boy to call Huo Chenzhao. He took Xiaotuanzi in hand and took the prescription to the pharmacy in the mansion.

Huo Chenzhao came over and looked at the recipe. He couldn't help but be surprised and said, "Is this the recipe for epidemic control in Zhongzhou?"

Sheng Minglin hesitated for a moment, then nodded without further explanation.

Tuanzi urged him: "Guo Guo, beautiful Guo Guo, let's make pills together!"

Sheng Minglin also said: "Come on, you tell me how to do it. No matter how much you can control, just do your best."

Huo Chenzhao agreed and prepared medicine together with the doctor.

Making pills is for convenience when distributing them. After all, everyone in the epidemic area is a patient. It is too troublesome to make soup and medicine, and sometimes it is too late.

This time, we are making water pills. The medicine is first powdered, and water, medicine juice, or sugar liquid is used as a shaping agent to make the pills. For example, at this time, the medicine juice is used.

Tuanzi sat in his brother's arms and worked very seriously. His small body was almost pressed against the medicine pestle. He worked so hard that his eyes closed. He really put in the effort to suck the milk.

She didn't know that her little energy couldn't make the medicine, and she didn't think that a little dumpling couldn't help much. She wanted to help her father so seriously and hard that Sheng Minglin was embarrassed to let her rest.

Because it was mainly to comfort Zhuzhu, and I didn’t really want to do much, I didn’t buy any medicine. I just used the existing medicine in the pharmacy and finished it in less than half a day.

If he went out to buy medicine at this moment, he would end up arguing with people from the court. Sheng Minglin had a headache, but Huo Chenzhao was very calm and said: "Master, my medicine garden has medicine and a lot of red flowers. I'll go back in the evening." , bring some medicine, and also, I want to present some red flowers to the imperial court, and I also ask the prince to help pull a string."

Sheng Minglin said: "Isn't that the Zhou Family Medicine Garden?"

"It belongs to my family. I borrowed the name of the Zhou family." Huo Chenzhao said: "I am actually not short of money. Even if there is no reason, I still want to donate it."

Sheng Minglin suddenly felt something in his heart, and he said, "If you were not in Prince Duan's Mansion right now, I mean, if you didn't save Zhuzhu and didn't know us, would you also donate medicine?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "Yes, and I will probably go to Zhongzhou..."

He looked at him and said calmly: "Medicine is my specialty. If I can make some contributions during the plague and become an official, I don't have to take the imperial examination."

Sheng Minglin suddenly realized.

Sure enough, he was the one who came up with this recipe in his previous life.

He was supposed to be the one who sacrificed his life, saved Prince Duan, and was adopted as his adopted son by Prince Duan. He must have accomplished something in his career, so Yuyan would focus on him and say, "He was supposed to be the elder brother."It was only when something went wrong somewhere that he would test Hwarang.

He sighed in his heart and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, I will tell Uncle Huang."

He will also tell the emperor that this recipe should come from him. The emperor never fails to reward those who have made contributions. Even if he does not reward him now, it will naturally be different after he becomes an official in the future.

Sheng Minglin suddenly had an idea: "How about we go to your medicine garden to play for a while?"

(End of this chapter)

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