Chapter 133 Where did the little fairy man come from?

Huajiao said: "I say that I am a servant in the princess's courtyard. I don't see the Fourth Highness and Master Jinyiwei very often. I only occasionally see the Fourth Highness coming to play with the princess... The servant pretended to be very greedy for money and told them, the princess There are many people in the main courtyard, and the control is broad. If they want to know anything, the younger ones can help to find out."

He knelt down again: "Young man is not doing it for the money. He is willing to give all the money to his master! He is just thinking that he will not betray his master. If they find someone else again and someone else agrees, it will harm him. What should I do if I kill the master? The master is so young, and he is unprepared... The young one gets worried just thinking about it!"

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows, thinking that he might be telling the truth, so he looked at the fourth prince.

The fourth prince pondered for a while and said to him: "There is nothing to do for now. Just tell them that I am here to stay with you, the Crown Prince. It is just the two of us. The Jin Yiwei is here to see me."

Huajiao lowered his head and agreed, and Sheng Minglin said deliberately: "You are very smart. Now that this matter is over, are you willing to come over and serve me?"

Huajiao was stunned for a moment, obviously hesitant, and then said after a while: "I am willing to listen to the master's instructions."

This is actually because I don’t want to.

If he had a guilty conscience, or if he really wanted to investigate something, he would definitely be happy to leave Yueyuan. If he was not happy, then, what he said was probably true, his thoughts were true, and his loyalty to Zhuzhu was also true.

Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "You go down first."

Huajiao presented the banknote with both hands: "This is that person..."

Sheng Minglin took it over and took a look at it. It was a 20-tael banknote, which was actually a lot when it came to bribing a boy, so he gave it to him again: "You can take it yourself."

Huajiao was overjoyed, bowed and left.

The fourth prince saw him leaving and then said: "Don't cause any extraneous matters recently. Let's wait until after the Longevity Festival and the fish-eye incident. I will send someone to check that person privately."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

The third day of May is the birthday of Emperor Mingxi, which is also the Longevity Festival, and the birthday of Yuyan is the sixth day of May. It doesn't matter, the results will come after that night, and it only takes a few days.

Early the next morning, after Zhuzhu woke up and had breakfast, the group set out for the medicine garden.

Naituanzi has already passed the point of missing her father the most. She is very happy to be able to go out and play. She is holding an older brother in one hand, raising her little feet high and taking long steps, happily.

As soon as he left the door, he saw Qin Jiangbai sitting on the horse, jumped down with a smile and saluted: "Princess Princess."

Tuanzi was very surprised, "Master Qin!"

Qin Jiangbai lifted up his hem and squatted down. He chuckled and said to her, "Princess, I didn't go to have breakfast, but I still waited here for the princess. Does this prove that I didn't lie to the princess?"

"That's right!" Tuanzi nodded fiercely, stretched out his little hand and patted his shoulder: "You are a good adult who doesn't lie to children. You are more honest than Si Guo Guo~~"

Someone coughed not far away. When Tuanzi looked up, she saw her Si Guo Guo standing on the carriage, looking at her with a half-smile.

Tuanzi opened his mouth wide in surprise, then quickly turned his head and looked around.

Sheng Minglin led her that way, but she kept her face turned away and walked crookedly, refusing to turn back.

When they reached the carriage, Sheng Minglin picked her up. The fourth prince caught her with both hands. He raised his hand and straightened her face, saying, "What is Zhuzhu doing?"

Tuanzi giggled for a long time and said in a weak voice: "Zhuzhu debt...debt makes excuses."

The fourth prince was amused by her. He bent down and got into the carriage, and the group walked out slowly.

The guards of Xie's Mansion had already passed by early in the morning, and now half of them were left to guard the carriage. Huo Chenzhao took them another way. Once they passed the high and dense fence, there was a large area of ​​medicinal herbs.

As soon as the seventh prince got out of the carriage, he couldn't help but let out a cry.

He grabbed the carriage with one hand, leaned half of his body out, and shouted toward the inside: "Zhuzhu! Minglin! Look, there are so many flowers!"

On the left hand side of the entrance, there is a large field of honeysuckle. When the flowers are in bloom, the yellow-white slender flowers bloom in clusters, and the fragrance is overflowing.Sheng Minglin also stretched his head to take a look and said with a smile: "It smells so good! It's so spectacular!"

While jumping out of the carriage, he reached back and took Zhuzhu. Lychee and others in the car behind trotted over to help Zhuzhu take care of it.

He put on a small hand mask and a small face mask to prevent insects and bees, and also took out an umbrella.

Zhuzhu couldn't wait any longer, so he just put it on her and she kept moving forward.

After finally putting it on, she held up the small umbrella and ran forward along the path. Behind her, the fourth prince and others looked at her, and could only see her little feet under the umbrella, one step at a time, cute and tight.

The path was so narrow that two people could not walk side by side, and several people did not want to trample on the herbs. The fourth prince turned around and called: "Qilang, go ahead and watch Zhuzhu, don't let her fall."

The Seventh Prince responded, took a running start, and flew directly over Zhuzhu's umbrella.

Tuanzi stopped slightly and said, "Yeah!" She raised her little face and said, "Qi Guo Guo, you fly so high!"

"That's right!" The Seventh Prince said proudly: "Zhu Zhu'er, do you know that yesterday Master Feng said that he can no longer teach me! He said that I have made rapid progress! Do you understand!"

He turned around and flew out, with his arms spread out, like a big eagle, rising and falling a few times in the medicine field, and soon no one was seen, only the loud shout of "Yo ho!"

The person behind: "..."

The Seventh Prince really doesn’t have the guts to take care of children!

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said: "Your Highness, Prince, please go over and look at the princess."

The fourth prince nodded, Qin Jiangbai lightly kicked his toes, picked up the hem and held it in his hand, tucking it to his waist while flying over.

Tuanzi watched the little fairy fly by: "Wow!!"

You know, Huo Chenzhao, for example, and Qin Jiangbai, for example, are very obviously different from Fei like the Seventh Prince.

The Seventh Prince actually doesn't know Qing Kung Fu. He is purely physically powerful, so his "flying" is actually a jump. Although he jumps very high and far, he is not light at all. He lands with a thud and goes straight up and down, which looks a bit silly.

However, Huo Chenzhao and Qin Jiangbai's Qinggong is a kind of Qinggong that lifts up the energy to fly, lightly and slowly, making them look full of fairy spirit, especially their beautiful faces and beautiful peaks, which look as beautiful as a painting.

Tuanzi was conquered by this scene at that time. He tilted his little umbrella and stretched out a short hand to hold him.

Although the road was very narrow, Qin Jiangbai still stretched out his hand to let her lead him while walking slowly backwards.

Tuanzi asked him: "Master Qin, what is your nickname?"

Qin Jiangbai was stunned for a moment and then said with a smile, "How did the princess know that I have a nickname? My nickname is Brother Thrush, which is the name of a kind of bird...I don't know why, but I have been liked by birds since I was a child. I once rescued an eight-colored thrush, which was extremely humane and stayed on my shoulder all day..."

He said casually, and when he saw Tuanzi's eyes widening, he couldn't help but be stunned: "Princess, what's wrong?"

Tuanzi moved the umbrella away, turned around, pointed at Qin Jiangbai, and said in a shocked voice: "Guo Guo! Guo Guo!! Did you hear it?"

She pointed at Huo Chenzhao excitedly and then at Qin Jiangbai: "Guo Guo, you, do you understand?"

Sheng Minglin understood her brain circuit instantly... It was indeed a coincidence that one was called Crow Slave and the other was called Brother Thrush.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "I heard it, but Zhuzhu, this..."

He was about to say that this was just a coincidence when he heard Tuanzi loudly announcing: "Zhuzhu wants to change her name!! Zhuzhu also wants to be called something like this! Guoguo, help Zhuzhu pick one that will fly high and fall high." The new name of the bird!"

(End of this chapter)

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