Chapter 134 You just want to hug my sister
Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Zhu Zhu'er, whether you can fly or not depends not on your name. Even if Zhu Zhu'er changes her name, it will be of no use!"

"Useful! Useful!"

He didn’t even want the beaded umbrella anymore, turned around and ran over, pointing at himself: “Tie a new one!!”

Sheng Minglin was stunned: "What?"

Tuanzi pointed up and down: "New brain! New legs! New beads! It's useful! Brother, just help me choose a new name!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Tuanzi was still wearing a small embroidered mask, with only a pair of dark grape eyes exposed. Bulingbuling looked at him, and Sheng Minglin couldn't bear it, so he had to say: "Zhuzhu, your name was given by daddy. Brother can’t change, why don’t we wait until dad comes back and ask Zhuzhu?”

Tuanzi thought for a moment, "Okay then!"

Qin Jiangbai picked up the umbrella with a smile: "Princess, can I take you to fly around?"

Tuanzi immediately turned around and opened his hand: "Thank you, Mr. Qin."

So Qin Jiangbai picked up the dumpling with one hand, and carefully held the umbrella for her, then tiptoed and flew out gently.

Don't think I don't know, you just want to hug my sister!

The weakling brother behind him sighed.

The fourth prince, who was not weak but could not fly, glanced at him.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Little crow slave, do you think I can learn like this?"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "You are not very old, of course you can, you just have to work hard."

Sheng Minglin sighed: "Fourth brother, do you think I should work hard to learn this?"

The fourth prince's voice was full of smiles: "You asked this, it means you don't like it. If you like it, it should be because others don't allow you to learn it, so you have to find ways to learn it."

Sheng Minglin nodded and whispered: "Indeed. Then, wait until the sixth day of May."

A few people chatted casually and walked forward slowly, stopping to watch from time to time.

Because the medicine gardens are large and neatly built, many of them are large areas, some are lush and some are full of flowers, and you feel a sense of satisfaction when you look at them.

After a while, we arrived next to several straw sheds.

Zhuzhu was held by Qin Jiangbai for a while, and their relationship improved by leaps and bounds. She was introducing to him: "...Zhuzhu woke up that day, and she was here. Zhuzhu didn't cry, Zhuzhu was brave!" She looked at him.

Qin Jiangbai immediately said: "The princess is so amazing! The general's tiger girl!"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and whispered: "There are several resting places in this garden. The hut where the princess was staying at that time has to be walked about two miles to the west. However, if your highness and the prince are tired, you can Rest here for a while."

"You're not tired," the fourth prince said, "Let's go to the place where you store the medicine."

Huo Chenzhao led them to continue walking.

Qin Jiangbai flew around with Zhuzhu. The seventh prince had already run around a lot. When he saw it, he called out from a distance: "I'm here! Hurry up!"

No one paid attention to him. Only Tuanzi was very supportive and responded loudly, "Zhuzhu owes you this!"

Unfortunately, the voice was too quiet and the Seventh Prince couldn't hear it at all. He waved his hand in this direction and rushed down like a gust of wind. He said to Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu, Seventh Brother will carry you over there! There is delicious food over there."

Tuanzi immediately opened his hand, and the seventh prince came to pick him up with his back on his back. This frizzy look made not only Sheng Minglin worried, but even Qin Jiangbai was worried.

But the fourth prince and Sheng Minglin were far away, and Qin Jiangbai couldn't say anything, so he had to put Zhuzhu on the seventh prince's back, put one hand on Tuanzi's back, and said, "Would you like..."

He wanted to ask if he wanted to hold an umbrella, but before he finished speaking, the Seventh Prince had already flown out, leaving only a whistle-like scream from Naituanzi. He was obviously startled, but then he giggled again.

Qin Jiangbai subconsciously followed her and opened an umbrella to block her from the sun.

But the flying method of the Seventh Prince really didn't match his path, so it was difficult to chase him. It was awkward all the way, and he finally reached the open space in the middle.Although they are all straw sheds, the thatched shed here is obviously larger and sturdier. Tables, chairs and refreshments have been set up underneath. Zhou Xingguo was already waiting there. When he saw them, he came up to them.

Tuanzi greeted warmly: "Uncle Black!"

Zhou Xingguo said quickly: "I don't dare to take it. I don't dare to take it. The princess can call me Xiao Zhou or Xiao Guo. There is no need to call me uncle."

The dumpling is easy to talk to: "Zhou Guo Guo."

The seventh prince put her down. Qin Jiangbai was careful. Before the servants who were looking at Zhuzhu could catch up, he went over to look at the tea, and then looked at the Xie family guards scattered around.

Someone nodded at him, meaning that they had already checked. Qin Jiangbai poured half a cup of tea and slowly blew it to cool it down. He came over and pulled off Zhuzhu’s mask and fed Zhuzhu a drink. After drinking the glass of water, he said to Qin Jiangbai, "I want more."

Qin Jiangbai turned around and poured it for her again.

Zhou Xingguo is actually quite good at socializing, but when he met a bunch of noble people, he couldn't let go. He said in a polite voice, "What do you want to eat, Princess? There are some snacks here."

Tuanzi looked around, sat down on the stool, and pointed at a yellow lump: "What is it?"

"It's stone honey, it's just sugar cubes," Zhou Xingguo picked up the plate and said, "Would you like to try it, Princess?"

Tuanzi reached out to take it, but found that the mask had not been taken off yet. He looked back and forth and raised his little paw towards Qin Jiangbai.

The little baby who has grown up to be doted on by thousands of people, this kind of action is really very natural. It is obviously very delicate, but it makes people feel cute.

Qin Jiangbai couldn't help but smile. He knelt down and carefully untied the rope for her, and took off the little muff.

Zhuzhu took a piece and put it in her mouth.

Shi Mi was cut into long strips, which were a bit big. Her mouth was small, and half of it was exposed. She didn't care, she just bent her eyes and started smacking her lips happily.

The seventh prince held a pot in one hand, filled two cups of tea, and asked Zhou Xingguo: "What kind of medicine is this?"

Zhou Xingguo introduced him one by one: "This is astragalus, this is pinellia, and that is ginseng..."

Qin Jiangbai was slightly surprised: "Ginseng? Can you grow living ginseng?"

Zhou Xingguo paused for a moment, obviously feeling that he had said the wrong thing, but he did not dare to hide it and whispered: "Yes."

Qin Jiangbai nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After waiting for a while, Zhuzhu's servants came running over, all panting, and hurried over to serve their master.

The fourth prince and Sheng Minglin also came over, sat down to drink tea for a while, and rested for a while before Sheng Minglin asked: "Does Zhuzhu want to see a doctor?"

Tuanzi was frowning, trying hard to hold the candy in his mouth, and the sugar juice flowed to his chin. He couldn't speak, so he just nodded.

Sheng Minglin frowned as he looked at it, then he simply moved his lips towards her, bit off the candy bar for her, and cut each piece into half. Then he asked Lychee to wipe the sugar juice on her chin, and then he carried her over. .

When I walked over, I realized that there was a really special place behind the medicine garden. It was a huge warehouse of medicinal materials. The medicinal materials were divided into categories and stacked high.

Huo Chenzhao came over with the record and showed it to the fourth prince: "I asked someone to sort it out and make medicine according to the prescription. I can also make nearly a thousand medicines. In addition, I have given three hundred kilograms of safflower."

The fourth prince nodded: "That's a lot."

Huo Chenzhao said: "I have a medicine shop under my name. I asked them to close the shop temporarily. Everyone hurriedly made the medicine. Besides, I also took some medicine candies and went back to let the little princess make them for fun?"

The fourth prince still nodded and said: "Okay, you prepare the medicine here, and I will help you write the memorial."

Huo Chenzhao did not refuse, but took a step back and saluted, "Thank you very much."

The two of them were talking, and Sheng Minglin was doing two things: coaxing his sister and listening.

A guard in golden clothes came over quickly and whispered in Qin Jiangbai's ear. Qin Jiangbai nodded, walked over and said to the fourth prince: "Your Highness?"

(End of this chapter)

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