Chapter 135 Why won’t you marry me?

They had originally agreed to let the fourth prince go over first to lure the fish's eyes out, and then the fourth prince would avoid it, and then let Zhuzhu go and have a look.

Because if the fourth prince was there, Zhuzhu might have a dream about confronting Yuyan, which would be scary.

But the fourth prince was standing in front of the brothers and sisters. As soon as he turned around, Zhuzhu thought he was going to hug her, so she spontaneously opened her arms and leaned forward.

Sheng Minglin was young and short, so the dumplings couldn't reach his neck, and his little hands couldn't hold them while rowing: "Four pots of pot! Hold Zhu Zhu Zhu Acridine!"

The fourth prince had no choice but to reach out and hug her over, and then said to her: "Zhu Zhu'er, fourth brother needs to go out for a while."

Tuanzi hugged his neck: "Zhuzhu is with you."

The fourth prince's voice became softer: "Fourth brother has to go do something. Zhuzhu will wait for me here for a while."

Tuanzi was a little unhappy.

In fact, if this was at home, the fourth prince would go there if he wanted to do something, but now everyone is out playing!

So Tuanzi applied in a low voice: "Zhuzhu wants to go with Si Guo Guo." As he spoke, he peeked at his face.

The fourth prince hesitated, but when Tuanzi saw that there was a way out, his eyes lit up, and he climbed over with both hands and feet, saying softly and coquettishly, "Zhuzhu is good, don't make any noise."

Fourth Prince, "..."

The fourth prince looked at Leng Bingbing's unique principles, but in fact he couldn't hold Zhuzhu back from acting coquettishly, so he didn't say anything and just came out holding Zhuzhu.

Sheng Minglin followed two steps behind, pulled Huo Shen Zhao, and everyone passed over together.

By now it was almost time to meet Tu Qiong Dagger, and there was no need to pretend to be a kidnapper. The Jinyiwei people directly took Sheng Yulu to the medicine garden, cleared the place, and woke her up when the fourth princes came over.

Although they were cousins, Zhuzhu had only met Sheng Yulu Zhuzhu two or three times and never played with her. Now she was wearing peasant clothes and her face was dirty. Zhuzhu didn't recognize her at all and looked at her a little strangely. With.

Sheng Yulu slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as she saw the Fourth Prince, her expression changed, her eyes suddenly opened wide, and she said: "Fourth Brother!"

The fourth prince didn't answer and just looked at her.

"Yuyan" glanced at Zhuzhu, bit his lip, and said: "I know I was wrong, fourth brother, please return the system to me. I will never harm others again. I won't even use its energy if you do." I'm arguing with you, now it's just an empty shell, it's useless for you to hold it, please give it back to me!"

Her tone seemed to confirm that he knew all these things.

So the fourth prince did not directly ask what the system was, but said: "I don't believe you."

"Yuyan" immediately said: "I swear, I swear to God that I will never harm anyone again! Fourth brother, I have never harmed anyone before. It was all a mistake! You can't blame me at all! Besides, they are not the ones now Everything is fine! Why am I the only one who is unlucky and ends up in this body? It’s not fair!”

The fourth prince said: "Who can tell you what's fair?"

"Yuyan" was angry and anxious: "But the system belongs to me! Why do you take it away!"

The fourth prince said coldly: "Just because you are not one of our great people, just because you want to fool around with others."

After a "fish eye" pause, she stared, as if she couldn't help but want to say something, but she reluctantly endured it: "But I am Sheng Mingzhu, obviously for you! Anyone can blame me, only you can't! I All for you!"

Tuanzi was hugged by the fourth prince and had no idea what she was talking about, but she still knew her name. She was very confused when she heard it, but in this atmosphere, she didn't dare to say anything, so she just stared at her big eyes. He looked at the fourth prince questioningly.

The fourth prince looked at her little expression and felt cute in his heart, so he gently rubbed her little head. "Yuyan" screamed: "Look! You obviously like me very much! Why don't you want to marry me? If you married me, there wouldn't be so many things happening and so many people wouldn't die. !”

The fourth prince's face darkened, he pressed Zhuzhu's little head into his arms, covered her ears with force, and said angrily: "The one I love is Zhuzhu! Not you! I watched Zhuzhu grow up, and I love Zhuzhu." How can Zhu have feelings for men and women?"

"Fish Eye" seemed to be poked in a painful spot and screamed: "Am I not a thousand times stronger than this idiot!?"

Several people were all shocked, and several voices mingled together: "You are the idiot!"

"Fish Eye" chuckled.

Her expression had always been a bit irritable, but now she was calmer, with contempt on her face: "You are the only one who treats her as a treasure! She is just a stupid woman in a feudal society! What kind of fool can you talk about the three obediences and four virtues and still have her feet bound! She is obviously born in such a good family, but she is You are willing to debase yourself to become a doctor! What a strange woman, ugh, she is obviously a virgin bitch! She has worked hard all her life but can’t compare to my few words! I have thousands of years of wisdom in my mind!!”

She smiled arrogantly, raised her chin and looked at the fourth prince: "That's why I said, you are an idiot! As long as you stay with me, I can help you ascend to the throne of God easily, and there will be no such thing as killing your brother to usurp the throne. In the name of my wife, you insist on telling me some rules and etiquette. You uncivilized ancient people have been doing this thing for thousands of years, and now you are acting pretentious again! Don’t think I don’t know, There are so many disgusting things in your family, but only stone lions have always been clean!"

The fourth prince became furious: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you!!"

"Kill!" She was not only confident, she was just deliberately irritating them: "A sick body that no one wants, do you think I care about it?"

The fourth prince said: "If you really don't care, why don't you end it yourself?"

Her expression froze for a moment: "Why should I commit suicide on my own?"

Sure enough, maybe because of the lack of that "system", she seems to be unable to commit suicide on her own now.

If Sheng Yulu was killed directly, she might change her body again. Fortunately, they already had a way to change her soul.

Huo Chenzhao kept watching, took a step forward, and whispered to Sheng Minglin: "She is indeed sick, that's why she can't control her emotions at all. I have never treated her, but I have seen records. If it can make her sick, , she may talk a lot uncontrollably.”

Sheng Minglin asked: "How to stimulate?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "For example, when you are angry..."

angry?Isn’t that simple?
Sheng Minglin walked over quickly, slapped me twice, and said, "Do you still remember me?"

Yuyan was caught off guard and glared at him angrily, his nostrils flaring, "Who are you! How dare you hit me!"

Sheng Minglin shook her off twice more, and his hands hurt from the shaking. He hurriedly put her back behind him and said "sadly and angrily": "You don't even know me!!"

Yuyan's eyes were wide open, as if he wanted to get angry, but something suddenly occurred to him. He looked him up and down and murmured: "Sheng Minglin?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Yes! You actually don't know me? You hurt me again and again, and you want to kill me again..."

Fish Eyes exhaled from his nostrils, disapprovingly: "If it weren't for me, where would you be? No matter what I do to you, you will have to suffer!"

Miscalculation, this bastard has no heart at all!

If this method didn't work, Sheng Minglin didn't bother and immediately shouted: "Master Qin!"

Qin Jiangbai came over quickly, and he pointed at her: "Hit him!"

Qin Jiangbai didn't even ask, he just raised his hand and hit him.

His slap was so hard that his eyes trembled with pain and he looked at him: "You are Qin, Qin..."

(End of this chapter)

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